
AP US History Reviews

APUSH with Mrs. Richman!

Posted by Kaleb So on 06/08/2023

What an amazing class! Mrs. Richman is an outstanding teacher with extensive experience running an extraordinary program in this APUSH class. I felt extremely well-prepared for the AP exam and was also encouraged and excited by Mrs. Richman's love for history!

You will feel immediately welcomed by a warm community of classmates, and of course by Mrs. Richman's long, detailed weekly emails :) Work-wise, this class is probably medium to high intensity. There is a fair amount of work to do—probably around 1.5 or 2 hours per day, if not more. There are a lot of "moving parts" and little things here and there to do each week, but once you get in the hang of it, you'll have no trouble keeping up. 

Twice-a-month LEQ and DBQ essays were probably the most useful part of the assignments we did. Because we got practice writing essays on real exam prompts, these essays were most useful in preparing for the exam. Every Wednesday, the PSD-A (Primary Source Document Analysis) assignments were very interesting—they allowed us to see a whole range of documents, all of which were from the time period we were studying.

Highly recommend this course if you are willing to put in some effort—you'll have no trouble with the class or the exam!

    This APUSH Class was by far my favorite class this year!!! I would definitely recommend this class to anybody seeking to

    Posted by Samuel Peck on 05/16/2023

    Did you feel this class prepared you for the AP exam?

                   I most emphatically do think that this class prepared me for the AP exam due to the connection to the AP classroom established in September, assignments that built skills required on the AP, the overall focus on the AP syllabus, and essay writing practice early on in the course.

    College Board Connection

                   One thing that this class did that other AP classes I have taken in the past have failed to do is have such a strong connection to the AP Classroom website. We were required to connect our ‘My AP’ accounts to the APUSH course page in early September and had our first MCQ test for Unit 1 in late September. This set us up for learning MCQ skills right away and this continued for 8 months! We had these kinds of unit progress checks for every Unit in the College Board syllabus; they really helped to introduce us to AP-style questions made by the College Board—just like the questions on the actual APUSH test.

    Great Assignments

                   In addition, the course’s focus on assignments, especially the MCQ-TT (MCQ Think It Through) and PSDA (Primary Source Document Analysis), built skills required for the APUSH exam. The MCQ-TT assignments helped us build our multiple-choice skills, with each student being required to not only pick the right answer and explain why that answer was correct, but to also go into detail about our thought process and why the other ones were wrong. This process was extremely beneficial to building the MCQ skills needed for the exam. Later in the year, it was revealed that most of the MCQ-TT assignments were directly plucked from previous AP exams. In addition, the PSDA assignments built the valuable skill of reading, understanding, and interpreting historical documents relating to each unit. Each student was required to pick one document, do a close reading of it, and write a lengthy analysis of what they thought the document was saying, its purpose, historical context, etc. This built the valuable skill of reading and understanding historical documents needed for the MCQ portion of the test. For the 2023 AP exam, this skill of interpreting historical documents was required on 2/3 SAQs when I sat for the APUSH exam in May and is worth 1 out of the total 6 points (the sourcing point) on the DBQ. So overall, the MCQ-TT assignments and the PSDA assignments were amazing in getting me prepared for the AP exam from the start of the class in August.

    Outstanding Syllabus

                   I also really appreciated the overall focus on the AP syllabus that was extremely apparent in this class. In past history classes I have taken, the teacher assigned work that was not topical to the AP syllabus. Alternatively, Mrs. Richman’s carefully thought-out syllabus did require us to watch various videos, all of which were applicable to the 9 Units and added to our depth of learning each unit. For example, Heimler's History is a series of YouTube videos broken out by unit with mutable videos for each one. I also really appreciated the Great Courses and Bio of America Lecture series which both covered almost all of the topics on the APUSH exam in their own unique way. Overall, this definitely helped me be more prepared for the AP exam.

    Focus on essay writing skills throughout the year.  

                   Finally, the focus that this class had on essay writing from early on was marvelous. By October and onwards, we were writing full DBQS and LEQS. This kind of practice MONTHS before the exam was extremely helpful for building and reinforcing the long-term essay skills needed to do well on the Free Response Section of the test. These assignments, combined with Mrs. Richman’s detailed feedback and grading that used the College Board grading guidelines that are used on the real exam really helped build my confidence for the exam, allowed me to see an accurate survey of how I was overall doing on the essay portion throughout the year, and gave me specific ways to improve my writing. This part of Mrs. Richman’s course made me feel THOROUGHLY prepared for the 1-hour and 40-minute essay section. I think that any student who takes this class and puts in the work would be able to be similarly well prepared for this exam.

    How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into this class?

                   One of the things I enjoyed most about this class was the flexibility of the schedule. If I had a particularly difficult week with my other classes, I could simply do all the assignments for APUSH the week before so that I would have more time freed up for the other classes. There is no other AP class that I have taken that has this kind of unique and accommodating feature.  The time commitment in hours per week varied from about 4 at the lowest to around 20 at the highest. However, this could be different for other students, since everybody’s approach to online learning is slightly different.

    Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                   Like I said earlier in this review, the MCQ-TTs, PSDS, and College Board MCQ Unit tests were all really valuable assignments that helped me learn a lot. I also really liked the Civil War Era film review assignment where we wrote a report on a movie from the Civil War. In addition, I enjoyed the Summer Bonus assignments tremendously. I went on lots of History field trips with my family in New England before the class began ‘in earnest.’ I fondly remember going on these trips and sharing what I learned with my classmates and Mrs. Richman. It was a great experience! Finally, I really liked the NDH project that students were required to do. This project was very fun and I personally loved being able to dive deep into a certain area of history of my choosing and getting to write a research essay about it. As a side benefit, this paper that I wrote on a particular aspect of the Civil War ensured that I would know everything about the Civil War for the level of depth that the AP test was looking for. These certain assignments definitely made the course as a whole more fun and helped me a lot with learning the material that I needed to know for the APUSH exam.

    Did this class enhance your interest in history?

    This class definitely did enhance my interest in history, especially the history of the early Colonial Period in New England, and the history of the Gilded Age. History was already my favorite class before I started APUSH but Mrs. Richman helped me grow and nurture this love of history with exciting new content containing information on political leaders, presidents, self-made captains of industry, muckrakers, progressives, and so much more!

    Did you find your communication with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                   I definitely thought that my interactions with other students on the message board, in live Zoom meetings, and through the Skype group chat were interesting. I was able to get help with topics or assignments that confused me, discuss differing interpretations of history, and talk about test-taking strategies with other students in a number of different ways. Also, the TAs that helped everybody this year were GREAT. They often would reply to questions within a few minutes of my posting and would always offer insightful and helpful comments. All of the students and TAs were VERY positive and uplifting. Overall, the communication with both other students and the TAs that I had this year was very interesting and valuable.

    What sort of student would do well in this class? Would you recommend this class to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                   I think that any student who applies themself in this class would do very well. The class is set up in a way that any student, even if their ‘academic area of strength’ is not history but is another area like STEM or art or writing, can do very well in the class and on the test. So ultimately, I would DEFINITELY recommend this class for any student who wishes to expand their knowledge of history while earning AP credit. Mrs. Richman is such a good teacher and has taught for so many years that she is very, very effective at helping students get a four or a five. If you ‘hold up’ your end of the bargain, that is to say, be a good student and apply yourself, I think that you will be ultimately successful.


    One last question….  Is Mrs. Richman an effective teacher?

                   I think that Mrs. Richman is effective at being a highly successful APUSH teacher because: her knowledge base is immense; she is an experienced APUSH teacher; her website for the class is full of resources and past students’ responses and essays; she is a caring teacher who wants to see all of her students learn; she is a kind teacher who will always give you the benefit of the doubt; and, most importantly, she is the most positive teacher I have ever learned from.  


      Very fun class!

      Posted by Andrew Feng on 05/11/2023

      Did you feel this class prepared you for the AP exam?

      Yes! Mrs. Richman promotes a classroom where students work and learn together. I felt confident and prepared that Mrs. Richman led me to strengthen my knowledge to tackle the AP Exam.

      How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into this class?

      In general, I put in at least six hours every week. But also, it depends on which week it is, week A being the lighter week. But I would recommend at least 1-2 hours every day to study or just listen to history videos that way not only do you learn more history, but you also make it part of your daily schedule and routine to focus on something.

      Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

      I felt that the DBQs were the most interesting and exciting. Although the DBQ would be the most challenging every month, those nights of hard work increase your writing stamina and critical thinking. You get to analyze documents, express your thoughts, and share your work to review feedback for next time. It almost feels like a fun game rather than homework.

      Did this class enhance your interest in the subject?

      Yes, Definitely! I started this class feeling unqualified. However, as the months went by, TAs and classmates supported my progress. Mrs. Richman would also send weekly emails that would cover the assignments for the upcoming week as well as many fun videos and articles on the subject.

      Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

      Communicating with others is one of the best ways to learn. Everyone thinks differently and can share thoughts and ideas that others hadn't thought of before. This is a reason why I like how we can see each other's work after it is submitted. You help each other every unit of the school year.

      What sort of student would do well in this class? Would you recommend this class to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

      Every student would do well in this class as long as they want to participate. This class is heavier than most other classes I've taken. However, as long as you keep a positive mindset and work hard to communicate and finish your assignments, you will excel in this class with Mrs. Richman's weekly advice.

        From a student that never enjoyed history: one of my all-time favorite classes!

        Posted by Elizabeth Kwee on 05/10/2023

        Did you feel this class prepared you for the AP exam?

        Completely! I'm the kind of student that will frantically review the course material in the weeks prior to the exam, even if I consistently learned the material until that point. While I still frantically reviewed for APUSH toward the last weeks (because I finally had time to), Mrs. Richman's curriculum and encouragement eliminated most 'unsureness' I might have felt leading up to the exam!

        This was my first year having to write full essays for the AP exams, but I surprisingly felt the most prepared for them, mostly because of the consistent exam essay practice, which I'll touch on later.


        How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into this class?

        It depended on the week! Every month, we would cycle through different sets of assignments every week; the weeks with the exam essays would generally take longer. However, on 'average,' I'd probably spend around 10 hours a week? (I wasn't really counting, though, because it was always enjoyable!) However, when we were preparing our National History Day projects and especially when we were reviewing in the week leading up to the exam, I definitely spent more time! 

        I've heard from public-schoolers many times about APUSH classes having a terrifically heavy workload; I know a girl that dropped out of APUSH because she couldn't keep up with the amount of reading. I definitely didn't experience that in this class! While there were a few chapters a (free!) online textbook every month, the rest of the learning came from Heimler's History (my favorite videos of all!) and either the Biography of America (video) or the Great Courses (audio) lectures. These didn't take very long to complete, but they provided a great overview of everything we needed to know.

        At the same time, this definitely isn't an 'easy' or 'light' class, but Mrs. Richman made everything as enjoyable as it could be! She also rewards extra learning by giving bonus points for reading extra articles, gives 'review' points for reviewing anything related to an earlier time period, and more.


        Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

        I gained a lot from pretty much every assignment, but I especially found the exam essays and MCQs valuable.

        Since the first full month of class (September), we were already writing the exam essays. In the first several months, I would spend -- at minimum -- the entire afternoon typing a 40-minute or 1-hour essay, but by the end of the class, I could handwrite every essay comfortably to time and still earn the same grade!

        We also practiced MCQs weekly, showing our thought process for each question. It really prepared me for the MCQ section, and I appreciated that given how difficult it normally is to find MCQs for any AP subject.

        We did more different assignments than that, but I found those the most helpful toward preparing me for the exam.


        Did this class enhance your interest in the subject?

        Most definitely! I never enjoyed history before, and I can't say that I knew almost anything about it, either world or U.S. history. However, my family and friends now have to experience me making US-history-related references at least every week.

        While I can't say that I'm planning to major in history after this class (sorry, Mrs. Richman!), I'm currently planning to be a teaching assistant in the 2023-2024 school year. I just couldn't leave this experience!


        Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

        This class is one of the most interactive ones I've ever taken! I've taken PAH courses every year since 8th grade, and I'm now finishing my junior year of high school. So I've taken 4 years of PAH classes, and although nearly all of them were run by the best teachers I could imagine, Mrs. Richman emphasized classmate interaction more heavily, which I really appreciated! The only class I can think of that comes close to APUSH in terms of interaction is Dr. Richman's AP Macro class (go check it out if you haven't taken it already!).

        However, the communication was definitely not meaningless! For example, we would respond to six of our classmates' essays every week after writing our essays. That way we would learn to understand what made other students' essays so good and suggest any possible improvements!

        We would also have two (optional) Zoom meetings every month, where we would talk about our observations and thoughts on either primary source documents or historical cartoons. Since this is an online class, most interactions are typed. While this is obviously unavoidable (we all live in different states, and even different countries!), I did appreciate being able to practice more verbal communication!


        What sort of student would do well in this class? Would you recommend this class to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

        I know that this is a common description, but I really think that it applies here: the students that did well in this class had time-management skills, and they wanted to succeed.

        I think that if a student gets behind on the assignments, especially in APUSH, they could feel overwhelmed and essentially shut down. While you don't have to submit assignments a week in advance, as long as you stay on track, there should never be a point at which the workload is overwhelming!

        Mrs. Richman also encourages time management by spreading out the due dates. That way, we didn't have six assignments all due on Friday. At the same time, she was very flexible, allowing extensions when necessary for students' schedules.

        However, none of this matters if you don't want to do well! I know firsthand (not from this class, though!) that when I didn't want to do something, I either wouldn't do it -- when it wasn't something I had to do -- or I'd push it off until it had to be done. Neither of those would help with succeeding in this class, or anything else, for that matter!

        All in all, I'm guessing that it's pretty obvious (if you got this far into my long review) that I highly recommend Mrs. Richman's class!

          Amazing Class!!!!!

          Posted by Sofia Roth on 05/08/2023

          Did you feel this class prepared you for the AP exam?

          Definitely! Right from the beginning, in addition to 'learning' assignments we also started doing exam style practice MCQs and essays so by the time the exam came I was more than familiar with both the content and how to use that content on the exam. I definitely studied a lot the week before the exam but I wasn't overwhelmed because I'd essentially spent the whole year prepping for the exam.

          How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into this class?

          It depends on the week and what's due (there's rotating weekly assignments, some of which take longer than others) but I'd say probably 10-12 hours per week.

          Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

          I personally enjoyed the primary source document analysis (PSD-A) in which we were given a document (or sometimes photograph or video) from history and then had to analyze it and ask questions like "what is the context of this document?" "who is the intended audience?" "what is the author's point of view?" etc. It definitely gave me a different way of thinking about history and I learned some interesting things about topics that I otherwise might have skipped over. In fact, one of the paintings that I had analyzed early in the year actually came up on the exam and I was able to use my background knowledge and insights from my PSD-A to answer the question on the exam! Also, while this isn't an assignment, I loved the optional monthly cartoon conversations where we would analyze historical political cartoons. I had so much fun during them and definitely learned a lot.

          Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

          At the beginning of the year one of the TAs (who were AMAZING) started a Skype group chat where we could ask informal questions about assignments and just get to know one another better which I really enjoyed. We also used it to wish each other luck before the exam and then discuss our exam experiences afterwards which was fun. When I first signed up for this class I had read a lot of previous reviews about how interactive this class was but I was definitely curious about how this would be possible in an asynchronous online class. This class has definitely been way more interactive than I ever thought possible. Between commenting on other student's work, the Skype chat, posting and responding to student bios at the beginning of the year and optional live meetings, I feel like I've really been able to get to know the other students. 

          What sort of student would do well in this class? Would you recommend this class to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

          I would definitely say that any student who likes history and is willing to work hard would love this class. While the workload is heavy and something to keep in mind, it's definitely not something to be scared of.

          I'm so glad that I found this class and Mrs. Richman is an amazing teacher!!! 

            20/10 class!!

            Posted by Aniket Tadepalli on 05/08/2023

            Did you feel this class prepared you for the AP exam?

            Yes!! The way the whole class is structured prepares you for a solid AP exam grade (Without your own preparation) because of the constant DBQ, LEQ, and other assignments that force you to seek out niche and in-depth information that ultimately builds your MCQ and essay scores on the exam.

            However, the AP exam is not the reason why Mrs. R makes us learn this way. I truly believe it helps build the passion, knowledge, and curiosity of history, and my love for history has exponentially grown after taking this class.

            How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into this class?

            I would say around 8 hours a week - This would include essay writing, research, and other video-based assignments that bring it to around 8 hours a week!

            Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

            I found the National History Day competition preparation extremely valuable for my learning, and the research I did for that paper was one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling experiences this year.

            Did this class enhance your interest in the subject?

            Yes!! This class planted the seed and nurtured my love of history throughout this class - Mrs. R is a huge part of that and is a key guiding force towards excellence and creating that curiosity.

              Excellent Engaging Class & prepares you well for the exam

              Posted by Caroline Baker Dimock on 05/05/2023
              • Did you feel this class prepared you for the AP exam?

              I felt very prepared for the exam following this class. We went over a lot of content as well as exam strategies. Throughout the year we worked on our history writing in addition to learning tons of entertaining content. The course prepares you well for the exam without feeling like it is just test prep. 

              • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into this class?

              I put in about 10 hours per week to the class between required assignments, readings and videos, and bonus assignments. I am a relatively fast reader and writer, but I do make sure to be thoughtful on the assignments. You could very easily spend much more or a bit less time on the course. 

              • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

              I greatly enjoyed the connection to the present day that the history in the news monthly (once per unit) assignment gave. I also liked the practice LEQs and DBQs that we did each unit. The history project for National History Day was also a super fun experience for me! 

              • Did this class enhance your interest in the subject?

              Yes! Mrs. R provided tons of opportunities to learn and her bonus points system creates an environment that encourages continued exploration of the topics at hand. 

                APUSH Review!

                Posted by Grace Wang on 06/23/2022 3

                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                Definitely! Every single segment of the exam--namely, the multiple choice questions, the short answer questions, the long essay question, and the document based question--were all practiced quite frequently in this course. However, the assignments didn't ever feel tedious, since we had two assignments that we had to do each week (the multiple choice question and the primary source document analysis), and the other assignments rotated. For instance, one rotating assignment was cartoon analysis. Even though that's not on the actual exam, it was, firstly, a lot of fun, and secondly, it required me to do research on the historical context and therefore helped me gain a deeper understanding of that period. In addition, cartoon analysis gave me practice in discovering bias, and the views of different classes. This was definitely my favorite assignment. We also had the occasional special assignment, such as the Film Review, when we watched a film set in the Civil War era and wrote a review for it, explaining what it taught us about history. I even found that something I remembered from the movie proved to be important in the actual exam. In addition, Mrs. Richman's feedback on my work was insightful and thorough, but also encouraging. Plus, the resources that Mrs. Richman recommends are wonderful. Aside from the textbook, she has a whole list of documentaries and Youtube channels for auditory/visual learners. Since I remember something I hear better than what I read, I found these very helpful. Overall, all of the assignments were incredibly helpful, and I felt quite adequately prepared at the exam. 

                Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                Absolutely. I hadn't liked history that much before this, because I was just reading textbooks. Mrs. Richman's assignments--and her monthly meetings, in which we looked over historical cartoons--really made history come alive as we explored the writings of the people living in that period, analyzed the causes and effects of historical events, and even roleplayed as a historical figure in the two "dinner parties" that happened. We each expressed the political and social views of our characters and "argued" with each other. I learned so much from my classmates in these. Additionally, being able to read and comment on each other's essays also taught me a lot--the feedback they gave me was very helpful, and I was also able to learn from their exemplary essays. Finally, Mrs. Richman's own enthusiasm and obvious love for history is quite contagious. She clearly wants each student to enjoy learning history, and always encouraged us to do more research on historical events if we found them interesting. 

                What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard?

                I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who's willing to work hard. Mrs. Richman is a sympathetic and patient teacher who always understands if you need an extension, as long as you let her know. However, while it might be tempting to slack off for a while, it's definitely not a good idea--if you stop working altogether in one or two weeks, all that work will pile up and it can be quite overwhelming. Every single week, it is imperative to submit your assignment log in order to stay on track, even if you don't think you have much to submit. Overall, this course is a wonderful investment of time and money, and Mrs. Richman is, in my opinion, the best preparation you could receive for the exam. 


                  APUSH Review!

                  Posted by Grace W. on 06/07/2022

                  While it's true that I tend to view la vie en rose (life through rose colored glass), as an eternal optimist and a history lover, I had high hopes for this class. And APUSH not only met my expectations, but soared above them, and I learned so much along the way. Throughout my high school years, I've always enjoyed all of my classes from philosophy, literature, history, social sciences, and the natural sciences but APUSH this year really enhanced my understanding not only of history but of other subjects as well.

                  Throughout the course, I loved exploring the variation in the founders' visions for the United States and how the government and society changed over time. Each, week I loved delving deeper into United States history by completing the weekly analysis of primary sources ranging from cartoons, excerpts of writings from John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and other thinkers as well as photographs that brought history to life. I also enjoyed the researching a historical cartoon from each time period, and completing the weekly Multiple Choice Questions and picking a fun article to summarize and analyze an important aspect of each time period for the History in the News assignment. As a class, we studied the foundations of our nation with the arrival of the Vikings, the diverse Native American populations, and the founding of Jamestown in 1607, up through the modern day. Through the weekly assignments and Ashbrook Webinars (which were held once a month over zoom) I gained further understanding and clarity not only about out nation's history, but I also gained insight into the politics and culture of America today. One of my absolutely favorite quotes that I believe best sums up the excellency of this APUSH class can be found in C.S. Lewis' book, An Experiment in Criticism in which Lewis proclaims: 

                  "But in reading great literature I become a thousand men and yet remain myself. Like the night sky in the Greek poem, I see with a myriad eyes but it is still I who see." 

                  If you replace "great literature" with "history" that quote can be viewed as a beautiful testimony not only to the importance of reading literature, but to the value of studying history. When I wrote my essays for this class every couple of weeks (including the Document Based Question (where we incorporated primary source documents into our argument based on a prompt) and Long Essay Question (where we answered a prompt using our knowledge of the time period) I felt like I was viewing history in an entirely new light. In most history classes, students study only portions of ancient writings, but in APUSH we were encouraged to pursue and read all sorts of primary source documents that we might never have heard of otherwise or thought about reading or looking at. 

                  Additionally, it is one thing to read about history, but it is entirely different (and absolutely delightful) matter to sit down and write with no more information then is given in the prompt and from the depths of information stored in your mind. While I have always been a strong writer, the APUSH essays challenged me to write in a new format that I was unfamiliar with in that instead of writing with unlimited time, throughout the year I learned to write within the specified time frame for each type of essay. Mrs. Richman's enthusiastic and detailed comments on my essays and other assignments were so encouraging, and I grew in my abilities to answer multiple choice questions (that I struggled with at the beginning of the year), and I learned to write my essays quicker. 

                  In addition to the insightful assignments and course readings involved in this APUSH course, Mrs. Richman is a fabulous teacher. She puts in a ton of work to make sure that everyone is well-prepared for the exam, and I can't even imagine how long it must take her to write her informative and helpful beginning-of-the-week-emails to update all of us on the assignments coming up as well as all the time it must take her to write detailed submission comments for all of our assignments. She is truly a delightful teacher who is passionate not only about the subject, but also about helping her students grow and learn. She cares so much about each and every student, and if a student has questions about an assignment or needs some extra guidance she is always very responsive and supportive. 

                  I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is diligent and self-motivated enough to stay on top of the assignments and put in the amount of effort needed to succeed. I usually spent around 10-12 hours on APUSH assignments, although some weeks I studied less depending on the type of assignments that were due that week. Unlike other online classes which might have weekly meetings and assignments due each day, APUSH was set up so that we followed the calendar and submitted our assignments on the days that they were due, and each week we submitted our weekly log which basically summarized the readings we had completed that work, and any "extra" assignments like listening to fun history podcasts or reading more articles on a certain topic or watching history documentaries. Thus, I would recommend the course only for students who are able to demonstrate the initiative to keep track of the assignments.

                    Mrs. Richman's APUSH Class Review

                    Posted by Arin Parsa on 05/25/2022
                      • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?
                        • The course definitely prepared me for the AP exam. By tying together the different themes present within the APUSH course through the various assignments and resources provided, the course helped me prepare not only for the AP exam content, but its format. The weekly assignments such as the PSDAs and MCQs were invaluable practice for the exam, as were the monthly exercises such as writing the LEQ and DBQ.
                      • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?
                        • I would spend roughly 8-12 hours per week on APUSH. I spent about two hours working on the PSDA and MCQ, with 1-2 hours for the rotating weekly assignments (HITN, LEQ, Cartoon Analysis, and DBQ), and remaining hours for general course reading and watching videos. 
                      • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?
                        • My favorite assignments were the DBQ and LEQ since they built up not only expectations for the portions of the exam, but also endurance so that I could get through the time without getting tired. I also found the research paper very rewarding as it helped me build my critical thinking and writing! I also loved the biographical interview with my mother as it helped me understand her more.
                      • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?
                        • APUSH definitely enhanced my interest in history. Mrs. Richman’s treasure trove of PSDs and historical knowledge helped me get into American history like I had never before. Being so up close with history, it reinvigorated my love for the subject, especially the colonial period. The monthly Ashbrook webinars on Sundays were really enriching as we analyzed different primary sources live in a discussion.
                      • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?
                        • My communications with other students were very valuable to me. Reading other students’ responses to DBQs and LEQs helped shape my own writing style as I took pointers from them on how to improve my essays. Responding to my peers’ PSDAs was also very valuable to me since I broke down their own analyses, which I used to shore up my own skills going into the exam.
                      • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?
                        • Any student can thrive in this course as long as they are willing to put in the work. The class is highly structured and Mrs. Richman's daily pacing guide makes it very easy to understand the coursework. For history lovers, this class is a MUST given how stimulating it is! The course is not easy, but going through it is an immensely rewarding experience. There is a fair bit of work on a weekly basis, but there is no tedious work. If you are willing to put time and effort into this course, I would highly recommend this course to you! Finally, Mrs. Richman has a tremendous love and passion for history and the success of her students, so she goes above and beyond for her students. I’m incredibly grateful to Mrs. Richman, the TAs, and my cohort for this wonderful class and experience! I would absolutely recommend this lively and stimulating class to anyone who’s aiming for a 5 in APUSH or anyone who is simply looking to further their love of history.

                      An amazing AP US History Course!

                      Posted by Samuel Seeman on 05/16/2022

                      Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                      Yes! In fact, the sheer amount of preparatory material offered in this course is incredible. From countless video playlists to audio tracks to practice exams, this course quite literally has it all if you want to know every minute of US History.

                      Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                      While the smaller review assignments were helpful, I believe the most helpful assignments were the monthly Long Essay and Document-Based Question assignments. Essentially, we did half of the AP test each month the whole year, meaning that when I found myself doing them on the test, I was far better prepared.

                      Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                      Very much so! From the website's discussion board to informal Skype chats, being able to share thoughts and discuss things with the other students was a very valuable resource. 

                      What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                      I would only recommend this course to students who are not only able to work hard, but are extremely diligent and able to stay on top of things themselves. Following the calendar and not getting behind are extremely important.



                        Mrs. Richman's APUSH Review

                        Posted by Tera Winter on 05/14/2022

                        This class definitely prepared me for the exam! There was plenty of practice of every part of the test- DBQs, LEQs, SAQs, and MCQs, that started a little bit easier than the actual test but became realistic test conditions (writing it on paper to time.) All of the assignments were super helpful and they gave me lots of practice for what I needed to do for the exam, as well as teaching me the material!

                        Mrs. Richman is super understanding about when someone falls behind- I've fallen significantly behind in this class a couple times and she was incredibly helpful for getting caught up again. The amount of time I spent per week or per day varied a lot. When I was on top of my work and getting stuff done on time, I think I did around 3 or 4 hours every week, although I'm not entirely sure because I am... not great at knowing how much time has passed! However, when I was catching up, it was significantly more, since I had to do 4 or 5 assignments every day (That was my own decision to catch up as fast as possible, Mrs. Richman wasn't being a drill sergeant!) I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who can work hard. I think my favorite assignments were PSDAs or Cartoon Analyses, because they involved looking for details, working out an author's message, and also considering the context of the document. This class was a ton of fun, I learned a lot, and Mrs. Richman is a great teacher. I definitely recommend it! 

                          TAKE THIS CLASS!!!

                          Posted by Meri Jernigan on 05/13/2022
                          • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                     Yes!!! I feel extremely confident in my exam and feel very sure I passed! I will even go so far as to say that if you             do the work and are fully invested in the class, you are basically guaranteed to pass.  Mrs. Richman sets her                     students up to be familiar with the exam and the content from the beginning. Each week we had to analyze a                   multiple choice question(s) that was in the format we would encounter on the exam. We would also analyze a                   primary source document every week so that we would be able to efficiently and clearly understand any type of               document on the exam. Every month we would write the document based question and the long essay question.               These essays are invaluable practice for the exam. We would also have other monthly assignments that further                 prepped us for the exam. To be honest, I may have been over-prepared for this particular exam, which is a                       *great* thing!!        

                          • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                     This varies greatly from student to student and even from week to week, but its safe to say that I would spend                 two hours a day in order to complete the assignments and do some fun bonus activities! I would work more,                     however, during the time when we worked on our National History Day project or when we would have to write               our DBQs or LEQs. So, I'd say that an invested and diligent student can expect to devote about 10-12 hours per               week. That being said, some weeks, I would only have to do around 6-8!

                          • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                   One thing I especially love about this class is that there is no busy work at all. Everything Mrs. Richman assigns               you is only help further you historical understanding and exam readiness. The most valuable assignments are                   probably the DBQ and LEQ that we would write each month. These are not easy essays, but Mrs. R. really walk you           through them and helps you understand how to get that 7/7 or 6/6! Without this portion of the class, I don't think I           would have been able to feel so confident in my exam essays! My favorite assignment, though, was the cartoon               analysis. Each month we would choose a political cartoon that coordinates with the unit we were in and analyze it             and connect it to history. These were really entertaining for me as you never know what you will find on a cartoon!

                          • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                  1000%. I have to admit that, before this class, i just tolerated learning history. But Mrs. Richman has made me love          it! It is one of my favorite things to talk about and I find it fascinating. I even was disappointed after the exam that          I  did not get to write about certain things that were especially exciting to me! This class has made want to take                other AP histories and maybe even pursue it in college in some capacity. 

                          • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                  For sure. All of my peers have been so delightful to work with this year and I have learned a lot from them! We                have a student Skype chat that we use for comments, questions, concerns, and, of course, for just fun! Mrs.                    Richman is very good about fostering a close community within her students despite being an online class!                        Occasionally throughout the year, I would pair up with another student to work through certain things. For example,          I  teamed up with someone to go over MCQs multiple times in order to prepare for the exam. The study buddy time         we had was so fruitful. I also enjoyed hearing my classmates' input during our live, monthly zoom call where Mrs. R.         and my peers would dissect political cartoons together!

                          • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                     The course would be best for a student that is eager to learn, anticipating the exam, diligent, and invested in their             work. This class is not easy. But if you stay committed, you will love it. You will learn so much and become not                 only a better writer, but a better historian! The work load of this class does not allow for procrastination or                       slacking, so you have to be on top of things in order to do well. This class is so fruitful and Mrs. Richman is                       literally the best teacher ever. Do yourself a favor, and apply!!!

                            Amazing course!

                            Posted by Jessica Liu on 05/13/2022

                            APUSH with Mrs. Richman was by far the best history course I've ever taken! Prior to APUSH, I'd taken regular on-level history courses and AP Euro, but I was never quite a history enthusiast. In the past, I generally enjoyed history, but I also sometimes saw it as a tedious, repetitive subject filled with rote memorization. This course is the complete opposite of that! It's so much more than just reading a textbook or sitting through lectures. Each assignment is purposefully designed to enhance understanding of not just dates and events but the full context, implications, and broader significance.

                            Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                            Yes, absolutely! There's no busy work in this course. From the very beginning of the school year, we did AP-style multiple choice questions every week, plus practice MCQs from the College Board every month. The weekly primary source document analysis exercises also cultivate the fundamental skills that are central to multiple choice and free response questions on the AP exam. We write a full AP-style long essay question, document based essay question, and short answer question for every unit, so by the time the exam rolled around, we'd already written 8 or 9 of each type of exam question. Mrs. Richman responds to every essay with the most detailed and encouraging personalized feedback, and she always includes lots of bonus resources. Really, every single assignment is designed to establish the content and skills required for the exam, whether through making connections across time periods, analyzing complex documents, or doing practice questions. 

                            During the last couple of months, we received even more practice and review materials, include three full-length official practice exams. The sheer volume of learning and practice done throughout the entire year builds a solid conceptual and practical foundation for the exam, so instead of frantically cramming in the last two weeks, the review period is just that: review. Thanks to all the practice over the past 9 months, I felt confident going into the exam!

                            How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                            It varies from week to week depending on the assignments due, but I would say that for the majority of the year, I spent about an hour each day I worked on APUSH, for a total of 5-7 hours a week. When we had major projects due, it was closer to 8-10 hours, and during the last few weeks of targeted AP exam practice, I'd say I spent as much as 16-18 hours a week. 

                            The course is organized in a 4-week rotation for each unit. Some assignments are completed once per week, while other assignments are completed once per unit. At the beginning of the year, the schedule seemed complex and overwhelming, but after a month or two, it quickly starts to settle into a regular routine. After I got more familiar with the parameters of each assignment, it became easier to predict how long each assignment would take. All of the assignments for the entire year are laid out clearly in the course calendar, which made it convenient to manage my time and work ahead as needed. 

                            Mrs. Richman also offers so many bonus resources of various formats related to every assignment, from historical essays to contemporary news articles to documentaries and YouTube videos. These bonus links help establish a more complex understanding, but none of them are strictly required to do well in the course. On weeks where I had more work for other courses, I could easily forgo a few bonus links if necessary.

                            Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                            I enjoyed the document based question "warm-up" assignments, which are completed each month the week before we write the full-length DBQ essay. Analyzing primary source documents is one of the main focuses of the AP exam, so in conjunction with the weekly primary source document analysis assignments, the DBQ warm-ups were invaluable for practicing how to extract information from historical documents. The cartoon analysis monthly assignments were also really fun! Both of these assignments are examples of how this course can be tailored to the interests of each student. Instead of every student analyzing the same document or cartoon, we can choose a DBQ document from dozens of options from past exam questions, and we also get to search for and select cartoons to analyze for each unit.  




                            Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                            Absolutely! Before this course, I hadn't taken a US history course since middle school, and my knowledge of our nation's history was dodgy at best. The structure of this course allowed me to choose to focus on specific topics that I was interested in while also learning all of the required content for the AP exam within an organized framework. Even though each assignment targets concepts and skills outlined by the College Board, this course emphasizes learning and understanding US history, not just scoring a 5 on the exam. By making a conscious, deliberate effort to be truly interested in the content, each assignment became so much more enjoyable!

                            Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                            There are plenty of opportunities to interact with other students in this course, and I found all of my communications with classmates both valuable and diverting! As a few examples, we had two history "dinner parties," which were really unique and entertaining assignments. You can count on receiving several insightful peer comments on each essay, and we also had the option to work with a "study buddy" to review for exams and discuss course content. Although this course is completed asynchronously, there are also numerous live session opportunities available each month. 

                            This course is highly flexible in that the students choose which topics to research in-depth for each unit and which bonus links to explore, and the extent of participation in class forums is easily adaptable based on availability. Due to scheduling conflicts, I was unable to attend the live sessions, but all of my interactions with classmates, whether on the class website or otherwise, were fun and valuable. It truly feels like a community rather than each student working in isolation!


                            What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)

                            I believe that any student can do well in this course, provided that the student invests time and effort into the course. This is not an "easy" course, and there is a fair amount of work every week, but it's completely manageable and very rewarding. As long as you enjoy learning and you're willing to put in work, you can succeed in this course! Mrs. Richman's passion for history is unmistakable, and she goes above and beyond to make this course truly interesting and personalized for every student. Her enthusiasm is contagious!

                            Thank you again to Mrs. Richman, the TAs, and my classmates for an incredible year! If you're a prospective student considering this course, don't hesitate—you won't regret it!

                              Outstanding History Course!

                              Posted by Aidan Barry on 05/12/2022

                              History has long been one of my favorite school subjects, and I can say that this APUSH class definitely helped me to expand my knowledge and analysis of American History from a historian’s perspective rather than that of a passive student. Through this course I learned not only the value of collaboration with my fellow classmates in reasoning through historical evidence, but I also had a great deal of practice with expressing my own evaluations of certain historical documents and situations, which aided greatly in my development as a student. One of the factors that has also set this course apart from other AP classes I have taken is the fact that there never came a point in the class where diving as deep into the class material as I wanted to go was discouraged. Nothing was “beyond the scope” of the course, and Mrs. Richman only encouraged the class to explore more connections and events throughout American history, no matter how obscure. Mrs. Richman’s enthusiasm and expansive knowledge of history only contributed to the positive and motivating class environment, and the many course materials she presented to us were of excellent quality. Despite the fact that this class had no live ‘meeting day’ every week, I felt like I gained an incredibly wide range of knowledge from a variety of the sources that Mrs. Richman gave the class. Overall, I definitely enjoyed my time in this class thoroughly, and I found it to be an incredibly well-run and comprehensive program that only strengthened my interest in and understanding of US History!


                                Highly Recommend!

                                Posted by Lila S. on 05/11/2022

                                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                I feel like the amount of preparation was one of the best things about the course! The bimonthly essay assignments were great for being able to understand and work with the rubric, as well as experience official LEQ/DBQ prompts. The weekly MCQ-TTs were also great to just figure out how to use reasoning on APUSH MCQs similar to those seen in the exam.

                                Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                The most fun project, in my opinion, was either the NHD project or the Civil War Film Review—both were more creative and enjoyable and didn’t exactly conform to the typical essay rubric, which was good. Both were helpful in gaining greater knowledge about specific periods due to more in-depth research rather than overall assessment.

                                Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                I wouldn’t exactly say it enhanced my interest, since I was already very interested in history before, but it definitely helped to retain it. The way the course is presented is fun and engaging, and it doesn’t read like a one-sided lecture—something I can really appreciate. There are different options for most special projects, so even if you’re not a fan of the typical listed assignments, you’ll probably find something that you’ll enjoy, in addition to getting used to the regular ones.

                                Would you recommend this course to other students?

                                In case you couldn’t tell from my above feedback, yes, I absolutely would! It’s a pretty large commitment and can take up a lot of time, but if you have a relatively balanced schedule and can get work done at an average or higher pace, then that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The course environment is great and everyone is really friendly. Overall, it’s a course I’d highly recommend for anyone considering taking AP US History.

                                  APUSH Review!!

                                  Posted by Sarah Beall on 05/10/2022

                                   This class very much prepared me for the exam. Because of the amount of research, analysis, and essay writing I did throughout the year, I was able to go in on exam day and feel confident in my history knowledge and skills. I generally spent 8-12 hours on the assigned work and bonuses on a regular week, but definitely longer nearing the end of the year and when finishing my National History Day project. Before taking APUSH, I'll admit that I was not a big fan of history but this course has really grew my interest in the subject, and I have learned so much! Besides improving my writing skills I found it especially fun to analyze events, documents, etc. and connect them to other other events throughout history, which helped strengthen my knowledge at the same time. I would definitely recommend this course!!!!!!! While the workload can be heavy at times, if you work hard and keep going it's all so worth it at the end of the year!!

                                    Great teacher, really made me enjoy US History!

                                    Posted by Vera Syers on 05/10/2022

                                    Dear prospective student,

                                    I'll preface this with the fact that I was never a real history enthusiast, US or otherwise, so I expected a bit of a grind to make sure I got that A. I was very wrong. Yes, this class had quite a few assignments and a lot of reading, and I spent a fair amount of time on my National History Day project, so it is not a class for someone just trying to squeeze another AP credit into their course load. But Mrs. Richman made every step so purposeful and worthwhile. Her comments on our essays especially were thorough and personalized, really helping us figure out where we specifically needed to improve. She was always enthusiastic about each assignment, and her responses to my assignments really made the work I put into them worth it. Her excitement for learning about US history was contagious, and made me enjoy assignments that would have been not nearly as interesting under another teacher. But she also put her love for history in the creation of her assignments, making sure they would be interesting and flexible, understanding each student's particular needs. She always gave a wide range of options, with bonus links to explore for people that wanted to know more, and the basic necessities for those with a heavy load. I'll be honest and say that I didn't complete many of the bonus links, but that didn't stop me from getting an A+ for the first semester. She was very flexible with paths to getting an A, and all we needed to do was give our best in the areas that would most improve our skills, which was a relief in light of the usual vague class participation score. I put more in the essays, both my own and comments on others, and that made up for my not exactly exemplary class participation score. (: She always gave us plenty of resources in different formats, which I really appreciated come test time, and we worked with College Board materials all year (it was clear that almost every assignment was focused towards the test), preventing any stressful last minute acclimation to the College Board question format. I felt very prepared for the AP exam, and didn't feel the need to cram or stress about it the week of. When taking it, I had a great experience, and felt confident in my knowledge of the material and skills necessary. Overall a great class and fantastic teacher.

                                    Also, a note on the big project, National History Day. Having never competed in a history contest, I had no idea what to expect, and hoped the contest wouldn't be "anti-climactic" after a fairly long haul of preparation and research. The regional contest was online so not much happened there, but I passed on to the State contest and it was a great experience! I got to have historians review my project and interview me about my research, and it felt like a great resolution to a major project. It was fulfilling to have my work analyzed and appreciated by experts in the field, even at a contest I didn't know existed several months ago. So keep your chin up on those longer nights or occasional weekends of work, because it's worth it! And wish me luck at the National contest. (:

                                      APUSH Class Review 2022

                                      Posted by Antonio Wolf on 05/09/2022

                                      I had an excellent time this year in APUSH! It was a very good class, that prepared me well for the AP exam. I put about 10 hours on average into this course each week, and I felt the MCQ TIT were the most helpful assignments that I did. This whole class did increase my interest a lot in US history, and I enjoyed it a lot. The most helpful thing was how encouraging and excited and energetic Mrs. Richman is. It's very clear she's a history nerd and it made me become one too. Her weekly emails are very helpful and fun, and I have no complaints this year. Having a teacher as passionate about history as she is, is incredibly helpful because it shows me that it's more than school, it's a vocation it's a fun thing to do. 

                                        APUSH review!

                                        Posted by Allison Srp on 05/09/2022

                                        - This class is amazing prep for the AP exam. We practiced all the parts of the exam regularly all year, and I felt really confident going into the exam. 

                                        - The mandatory workload for this class isn't really too heavy. I don't have a good estimate of how many hours per week I spent on it, but it felt comparable to other AP classes I've taken. (However, I'm a fairly fast reader and there's quite a bit of reading in this class, so it could really vary a lot for everyone.) There are also a lot of bonus assignments/readings if you want to do them and have the time. I didn't have much extra time for them, but the ones I did were really fun and I definitely recommend them. 

                                        - This course entails a lot of writing, but Mrs. Richman gives a lot of really great feedback. 

                                        - Overall, I really enjoyed this class and would definitely recommend it. 5/5 stars.

                                          Great preparation!

                                          Posted by Peter Andrews on 05/09/2022

                                          This is an amazing course! I felt really well prepared for the exam, and the wealth of resources available to students is incredible. I put around 9 hours of work per week into this course, which includes writing exam style essays, multiple choice quizes, and more! Being able to write those essays and have them graded by Mrs. Richman was probably the most valuable part of this course for me. I've always loved history, but the community in this class is something you won't find at any other online academy. If you are considering this course, you should know that it will require you to take responsibility for yourself. Mrs. Richman won't poke and prod you to complete your assignments, and much of your exam success is predictable by your effort level. However, this course is extremely rewarding and will help you get that 5 in May!

                                            One of the best History classes I've taken!!

                                            Posted by Ben Caldwell on 06/12/2021

                                            This class did a fantastic job of preparing me for the APUSH exam. I had a good amount of history knowledge going in to this class and that definitely helped, but this class made me see many of the underlying connections between time periods that I hadn't really paid attention to before.

                                            I generally spent 10-12 hours a week on required class work, but I also completed many extra bonus assignments or watched documentaries. Most of the actual class assignments are practice questions and exam-style essays, so there is almost no "busy work." Everything helps to prepare you for the exam in some way. Since you'll be practicing exam-style questions such as MCQs, DBQs, LEQs, and SAQs weekly and monthly, you'll become very familiar with essay rubrics and how to write a good essay and to answer multiple choice and short answer questions! It's very easy to get caught up in spending a LOT of time on this class, but if you have a busy schedule, just completing the required assignments should prepare you for the exam!

                                            I think my favorite assignments were the PSD-As. Basically, each week we would be assigned a Primary Source to analyze (sometimes there were options) and we would think about and answer questions about each. Examples are things like:

                                            • What was the author's point of view? 
                                            • What might have been the author's purpose? 
                                            • Who was the intended audience for this document? Why might this audience be interested?
                                            • What is significant about the historical context of this document? Think of ‘what came before’ and ‘what came after’, what was happening at this time. 

                                            Since many exam questions are based off Primary Sources, doing these assignments every week was extremely helpful. Mrs. Richman also usually provides a whole bunch of bonus links to learn more and deepen your understanding of the document. 

                                            This course definitely enhanced my interest. I've always been a bit of a history geek, so I had an opportunity to show off, and I definitely learned much more too! As I said above, APUSH really helped me think more about connections. 

                                            I think one of the best parts of this class is the interaction. The WWWBoard is open for questions all the time, and we also had a Skype chat for students. Someone will typically be online 24/7 so any questions that got asked were answered within minutes if not seconds. Movie nights, Cartoon conversations, and Team meetings were also extremely fun. TAs and classmates were always willing to answer questions and proofread projects and papers. I've met some of the most amazing people I know through APUSH, and I hope to know them for a very long time! :)

                                            I would definitely recommend this course for both history buffs and those who are not. As long as you're willing to work hard and complete assignments, you won't get behind and the class will be much more enjoyable. It's almost impossible to rush through and cram these assignments, so keeping on top of your work is definitely a must! However, if you do your work carefully and make sure you understand the material, the exam should be a breeze. APUSH was one of the best classes I've taken, and I know you'll have so much fun!

                                              Review of Mrs. Richman's AP US History Class

                                              Posted by Brady Noble on 06/07/2021

                                              I feel like I learned a lot from this class. I did not take the AP exam, but I noticed that my ability to do the required tasks, such as the DBQs improved over the course of the year. Generally, this class took between 8 and 10 hours a week. Throughout this class, I met some great friends, and Mrs. Richman is super helpful. I highly recommend this class!

                                                Amazing class!

                                                Posted by Trevor Stepp on 05/31/2021
                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                Definitely! We had MCQ practice problems every week to help us prepare for the MCQ section of the exam. We also had PSD analysis every week to help us become more adept at understanding and analyzing documents. Mrs. Richman provided extensive feedback on our essays which helped me raise my essay scores a lot.

                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                I would say I put around 10 hours of work a week. Sometimes I took more time depending on the assignments and if I had any trouble with them.

                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                My favorite assignment was the MCQ Think it Through. We were given one, two, or three MCQ questions, and then we had to think through the problems. We would explain how we reached the answer we chose, whether by process of elimination, just knowing the answer, etc. This assignment helped me because it taught me a great way to tackle the MCQs on the exam

                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                Absolutely! I have always had an interest in history, but I never focused on American history. On many assignments, such as the DBQ-WU, I found myself engrossed in the articles and having fun writing my response. The assignments really caught my interest and made me want to continue to learn more about the subject. 

                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                Yes! Students could comment on each other's essays and give suggestions and feedback. It was very helpful having more opinions and point of views on my essays. The feedback from classmates often provides insight or ideas you may not have had.

                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                Any student who is a hard worker and willing to dig deep into U.S. history should take this course. As long as you have dedication, you will have fun and learn so much about American history. I got behind on my work in the first semester because I was very swamped with work from my classes, but Mrs. Richman helped me through the work, and I ended up gaining a deep interest in American history. You should definitely take this class - you won't be disappointed!

                                                  Absolutely loved this class!!!

                                                  Posted by Kaela Liu on 05/28/2021
                                                  • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                  Mrs. Richman started familiarizing us with all the exam contents from the beginning of the course, which was extremely helpful. She especially emphasized learning the grading rubrics for the DBQs and LEQs from the start and also wrote SAQs throughout the year. In addition, Mrs. Richman encouraged us to read our classmate's essays throughout the year and gave us strong SAQ responses to read, which definitely helped me understand how to improve my work and made me very comfortable with the many aspects of the exam. 


                                                  • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                  I put in about 7-10 hours of work a week. This class was extremely flexible, so the amount of time I spent on history would vary from week to week, depending on how difficult the content was and how many bonus activities I did. This was one of my favorite classes this year, and I thoroughly loved doing the bonus activities in addition to the core homework. My one regret is that I often didn't have enough time to do a lot of the bonus activities, especially as the year progressed and my workload increased. 


                                                  • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                  Quite honestly, I enjoyed all the assignments! However, I especially enjoyed doing the weekly PSD-A (Primary Source Document Analysis) assignments. Mrs. Richman would assign us key primary-source documents to read, such as the Declaration of Independence, Marbury v. Madison, or Brown v. The Board of Education, and provided us with a lot of interesting background material for us to read before analyzing the documents. Also, I especially loved the weeks when we had Webinars with Ashbrook Scholar to analyze the documents more in depth. 


                                                  • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                  100% YES!! Before this class, I wasn't a huge history buff, but now I absolutely love all things history. Through all the document and cartoon analyses that we have done in the class, I have gained a much deeper understanding and appreciation of history. In addition, Mrs. Richman recommended many interesting articles, documentaries, and YouTube about interesting historical events to enhance our knowledge of the time periods we were studying . 


                                                  • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                  Definitely!! The APUSH Skype chat is extremely friendly and always active. If you ever have a question, there will almost always be a TA or a classmate ready to answer your question. 

                                                  • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                  I would honestly recommend this course to anyone, especially enthusiastic and self-motivated students. This course really inspired in me a greater interest in history. Mrs. Richman is a wonderful teacher—she’s kind, encouraging, enthusiastic, and always ready to help!

                                                    Excellent AP class that's more than just AP prep.

                                                    Posted by Ethan J on 05/28/2021
                                                    • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                    Absolutely. I entered the AP exam with what I felt was more than adequate preparation for all the different question types, as well as the history content I needed to know. There is a difference between these two. You can know the question types, and the points awarded for certain essay questions or short answer questions, and not know the content required to get the points. Or you can know the content, but form your essay poorly and miss the points. Mrs. Richman's course will get you both, through weekly practice essays, and readings in an AP study guide, as well as essays written by history professors and economists, and independent research projects. You will not only get excellent AP prep, but you will also get a well-rounded and nuanced view of US History.

                                                    In my particular case, I had an advantage, as I entered the course having taken AP European History in the past, which made it much easier for me to get accustomed to the structure of the AP exam questions. 


                                                    • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                    This varied quite a bit. Some days I did no work at all, for example Mondays or Thursdays when there isn't any weekly assignment. Other days, like Fridays or Wednesdays, I could easily spend 2+ hours doing research for the PSDA or the History In The News assignments. Every week I averaged about 4 hours, and during the NHD project season I averaged about 5.

                                                    A few warnings about time management, actually:

                                                    1: Do not underestimate how much time the NHD project will take. Don't tell Mrs. R, but I actually didn't end up finishing mine. (Just kidding: she already knows)

                                                    2: Be especially diligent on your timed LEQ and DBQ essays, because this is direct exam practice. By the end of the year you will have to be able to write 400-500 words in the space of 45 minutes.


                                                    • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                    I really liked the HITN, or History In The News assignment. In this assignment, you will research a scholarly history article of your choice, summarize it, and explain its relevance to other history eras, or even to the present day. This is harder for earlier time periods, as there simply isn't as much information about them, but as you progress into the 1800 and 1900s, you will find this assignment more and more fun. I could probably have done about twice as many of these as I did.


                                                    • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                    Yes it did. I think one of the most valuable lessons I learned is that history never dies. Things that happened 400 years ago will simply keep happening, even in slightly different context.


                                                    • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                    I could probably have gotten more out of this than I did. I think it's telling that there's a special sub-section on the weekly assignment log to enter points for "study buddy" time, and I didn't use it more than 2 or 3 times. However, the peer reviews on student essays definitely came in useful for receiving feedback on my AP practice tests.


                                                    • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                    If you are willing to work hard, do your own research, and pay attention to the demanding schedule and steep learning curve of the website's quirks, this class is definitely for you. I especially recommend this course for any students who love to explore and examine this class's focus on the different nuances and cause-effect relationships within US history. 

                                                    If you have taken AP European History, I highly recommend this course, because it is structured very similarly, but without the entangled foreign policies and complicated geography that made AP Euro. For me, that made it much easier than AP Euro. 

                                                      The Best History Class!

                                                      Posted by Rachel Hocker on 05/27/2021
                                                      • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                      I felt beyond prepared for the AP exam! While the test itself is daunting, I was very confident in my knowledge of US history going into it. Not only did I feel prepared in terms of content, I also was very well prepared for each specific parts of the test. Every week on assignment is the practice MCQ-TT, and every week, a study group would get together and not only talk this problem through but complete one or two online exams as well. In addition every month, students write a DBQ and LEQ based on the unit being studied. This helped me become used to these formats so that there was no panicking before the test of how to get the points for the essays. The way the course was paced as well allowed for review throughout the year, which was very helpful. Overall I felt more prepared for the APUSH test than any other AP test I have taken!

                                                      • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                      I think I generally put in around 2 or more hours a day on this course (often including the weekends as well), though you do not need to put this much time into the class. I found many of the assignments fascinating and would end up spending extra time learning about a certain cartoon or document. For a few weeks in February I probably put in around 20 extra hours, to finish my National History Day documentary in time, which took much more effort than I was anticipating. However, If you spaced the timing of your project differently, you wouldn't need to spend this amount of time during these weeks. 

                                                      • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                      My favorite assignment was probably the DBQ-WU, where you choose a document used in a DBQ and research the author, the purpose and other interesting facts that you find about it! I would spend extra time researching different movements, and I felt like a historian digging through online archives and old newspapers!!

                                                      • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                      Yes!!! I loved history, especially American history before I took this class, but Mrs. Richman has only made my interest in this subject grow! I especially loved how Mrs. Richman focuses on learning, allowing each student to study in ways that they find most helpful. For me this was watching documentaries as well as listening and taking notes on the essays, which made learning so much more enjoyable and impactful than studying dates and facts out of a textbook!

                                                      • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                      Definitely!!! The APUSH community was one of the highlights of the class! Not only were the live Cartoon Analysis meetings/discussions with Mrs. Richman over zoom fascinating, but being able to connect with classmates during movie nights and on the message board was great. The webinars throughout the year were really insightful and enjoyable. I also found the study groups formed over the year, helpful for the MCQ practice. I have made some really great friends in this class! 

                                                      • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                      I think a student who really loves learning and is willing to work hard will do well in this class. Throughout the week there are daily assignments, and I found that keeping on top of those makes the course go smoothly. This is an amazing class and Mrs. Richman is an amazing teacher! If you are willing to put in the time to understand the complexities of U.S. history, I would 100% recommend this class! (Last summer after reading previous reviews I was unsure if I was ready to take this class, but this has been my favorite history class and I cannot recommend it enough!)


                                                        My favorite class EVER!!!

                                                        Posted by Caroline Cousar on 05/26/2021
                                                        • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                        One of the most beneficial parts of APUSH were the weekly PSD Analysis assignments as well as the MCQ Think It Through assignments. I found that the PSDA gave you a detailed look into the key events relating to U.S. History, and the MCQs on the AP exam were so much easier after having so much practice from the MCQ-TT each week. Mrs. Richman paced everything out fabulously throughout the year, and I had plenty of time to learn everything needed to be prepared for the AP exam. Every single assignment from the Cartoon Analysis, to the DBQs and LEQs, thoroughly helped me to analyze and understand U.S. History in unique ways, and they were all incredibly fascinating and enjoyable. This course prepared me for the exam so well, and going into the exam I felt confident in my understanding of U.S. History!

                                                        • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                        Mrs. Richman laid out the course assignments on the calendar, and it was perfect because I knew exactly what I should be reading/completing each day. As you figure out the flow of the course, you'll learn how long each assignment generally takes you. To complete only the assigned work, this course would take about 1-2 hours per day. If you dive deep into this class and attend webinars, cartoon conversations, movie nights, and complete extra bonuses, this class would take a bit more time! I highly recommend doing the extra work because it's incredibly beneficial and exciting, but if you're extra busy a certain week for any reason, just completing the assigned work is completely acceptable! 

                                                        • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                        This course absolutely enhanced my interest in U.S. History! Before taking APUSH, I studied history only to complete my courses, but as I've taken part in this class I've grown to love history. I find myself still reading articles and wanting to deepen my understanding of U.S. History even after finishing the AP exam! I never knew learning history could be so fun, but Mrs. Richman and the atmosphere of this class makes me want to learn more and grow every day in my knowledge. 

                                                        • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                        I have made so many wonderful friends in this class that I hope to know for the rest of my life! All of my classmates were so dedicated to learning which made me even more motivated. We learned and grew together in our extra study sessions, webinars, cartoon conversations, and movie nights! Listening to my classmates thoughts and opinions was so beneficial and helped me think in different ways.

                                                        • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                        If you are dedicated to learning and want to deepen your understanding of U.S. History, you must take this course! Mrs. Richman is a phenomenal teacher, and you will learn so much throughout this class that will be with you no matter what you decide to pursue. You have to be motivated and put in the work to do well on the AP exam, but Mrs. Richman provides all of the resources and expertise to ensure you will be ready and confident going into the exam! This has been my favorite AP course in high school, and I *highly* recommend taking it! You will absolutely LOVE it!!!

                                                          The BEST history class EVER.

                                                          Posted by Evelyn Beall on 05/25/2021
                                                          • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                          Absolutely!!!!!! Mrs. Richman’s course prepared me so well for the exam. Each of the assignments helped me to gain the knowledge I needed to know for the exam. Even the bonus assignments were helpful in finding interesting facts about certain subjects. In September, I was really grateful that we began to write the essays that are on the exam. Her critiques and my classmates’ comments helped me understand how to write a better essay every time. The MCQ assignments each week were awesome to think through and analyze.

                                                          • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                          I probably worked on APUSH for 2/2.5 hours a day. Each week I spent about 12 hours on the work. Each week was slightly different as there were different assignments due. On the weeks that essays were due, I probably spent a bit more time on the work as opposed to the weeks when an essay wasn’t due. However, everyone is different, so you may not spend as much time as I did! I know some of my classmates spent more time on the work, and some spent less, so it really depends on the student.

                                                          • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                          I found the History in the News and Primary Source Document Analysis to be the most valuable! The History in the News was an assignment where we researched a topic relevant to the time period we were studying, and then summarized the article and gave our opinion of it. I found it really helpful to research certain topics that I wasn’t too confident on because I learned a lot from them! The primary source document analysis was also really helpful because Mrs. Richman provided a bunch of links to build our knowledge of the document or context of the document.

                                                          • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                          YES YES YES. Before taking this course, I loved U.S. history, but now I love it so much more!! This course is so much more than just reading a textbook and taking notes. There are several different and unique assignments, which were so much fun to complete. There are so many different aspects in U.S. History, and this course most definitely covered them in great detail. The textbooks that Mrs. Richman recommends were amazing in that they included different perspectives, so I learned so much more history from multiple views!!

                                                          • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                          Oh YES. The WWWBoard was always open for questions and discussions. In addition to that, we had a class Skype chat where questions could be answered pretty much 24/7. There would always be some TAs available to answer questions, look over essays, or help in any other way! The class is also divided into teams and each team could set up study sessions or movie nights together. I found these really valuable because I loved to discuss Multiple Choice Questions or essay prompts with my classmates to gain different opinions and insights. Each week one of the TAs hosted a movie night that a bunch of people went to. It was so much fun to learn and watch the movie with your friends!! I think communication with the classmates is a huge part of this course. There are multiple ways that all of the students interact, and it always leads to a fun debate or discussion about different topics. I also loved our monthly live ‘Cartoon Conversations’. We all got onto a zoom call, and Mrs. Richman led us through a lively discussion of different historical cartoons. It really helped to expand my views and analyzing of the cartoons, and they were tons of fun.

                                                          • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                          Any student willing and ready to work hard and have TONS of fun would thrive in this course. Although the workload is heavy, if you form a good schedule for getting it done, then it shouldn’t be too bad. Mrs. Richman also includes tons of bonuses, but don’t feel pressured to do them. I always liked to do them, but it won’t hurt your grade if you choose not to do them. I 100% recommend this course. It truly is a phenomenal history course, and Mrs. Richman is a fun and engaging teacher. I will say that you should be willing to spend as much time as you need on the work. This isn’t the type of class where you can rush through the assignments. It’s really important to take your time and understand the material because the big exam in the spring comes up quickly, so be ready!! APUSH was my favorite class, and I know you will have a blast!!

                                                            Challenging, but entirely worth it, even for the non-history buffs.

                                                            Posted by Kaitlyn H. on 05/23/2021

                                                            Out of any previous AP classes I've taken, I feel that this course has by far best prepared me for the end of the year AP exam. I remember thinking even half way through the course that I was beginning to feel prepared for the test in May. Because of the tremendous, yet absolutely necessary workload this class requires weekly, I found that the work doesn't increase exponentially towards springtime, nor does it require a month of panic to close each semester.

                                                            The workload of this class may be deceiving when looking at the syllabus and equating it with a 20+ week of work, but that is because for much of the homework assignments you, as the student have a choice of how much time and effort you will put in. Still, to comply with the basic level of weekly assignments, excluding all the extra work options available, I think it would demand around 17 hours a week.

                                                            For much of this year I was able to afford the time to dig deeper beyond the bare requirements for most of the homework and I think that is what sparked a new fascination with history in me. I'm confident that I would be just as prepared for the exam had I skipped many of the bonus links, extra credit assignments, or avoided a movie night or two, however I'm not sure if I would think of history as nothing more than another AP subject. Because much of the extra opportunities provided in this course are determined by the student's specific interests and learning styes I began to connect with this subject in a much personal way. For example, once the school day was over and there was no homework to be done, I had this desire to now fall down historical habit holes at 1 am on Christmas Break. Although I still know history won't be my main pursuit in life and I continue to be stressed by war documentaries, I've connected this subject to my life in an almost more personal way. Obviously, this subject is extremely relevant because it is the history of my country, because its themes persist into every current event happening today, and because it connects me to past lessons learned, yet this subject furthered its relevance to my life as I formed connections to inspiring historical figures, examined the living history of my local area, and developed my generic analytical skills from thinking historically. 

                                                            In regards to homework, I found that having many of our weekly assignments mimicking the actual work of the exam to be immensely helpful in firstly, just cooling off my nerves because by the time I got to the exam I was like okay I've written many DBQ's, answered countless MCQ's, analyzed document after document, and tackled several SAQ's. In effect, after the first two months or so of this course I was already familiar with the essay rubrics, the formats for MCQ sources, and how to analyze any given source by asking the right questions. Secondly, I think these assignments, those modeled after real exam practice, both made me confidently prepared for the exam, but also able to learn the subject material through challenging, yet effective ways. I also somehow found the Assignment Log to be an extremely motivating weekly assignment to get me to dive deeper into the materials. I'm usually the least competitive person ever, but something about filling out my weekly chart and wanting to add as much as possible to my spreadsheet was irresistible. I think this is why I transitioned from a student completing the class as a requirement with a good grade to a student genuinely interested in the history that wouldn't even be on the exam. Normally, because I previously wasn't driven towards history I wouldn't have set out for all the extra opportunities, but the Assignment Log gave me that initial boost and I just couldn't stop after that. The bonus links almost became addiction, the hardest was the weeks where I had to pull back on my extra endeavors because of a busy schedule. 

                                                              My APUSH Experience

                                                              Posted by Daniel Warholic on 05/12/2021

                                                              My year in this APUSH class was an unexpected surprise to me for a multitude of reasons, but I am extremely grateful for the course of events that led me to have this experience. I joined this class a month into the school year due to the constantly evolving situation concerning the pandemic and its impact on this year’s education. It was a very drastic shift for me to go from spending my entire life at a public school to becoming homeschooled, but I believe that this course aided me greatly in the transition. This class as a whole led to countless thought-provoking experiences that I don't know if I ever would have encountered without it. It tasked me with developing a deeper understanding of numerous aspects of history that I had overlooked up until this point. By delving into these topics that had been overlooked or passed by in so much of the American history education prior, it allowed me to view history as a whole in a new light. This course revitalized my interest in history and reminded me to always analyze the perspective of who is telling the story. I regained this interest through the weekly assignments that analyzed all the components that go into creating an understanding of a time period. I think that my takeaways from this course will be things that I always will be thankful for because it revitalized my interest in an avenue of study that is immensely important and will make me a more introspective person throughout my life. I think that if anyone wants to rediscover their interests in history that they should consider this course.

                                                                Favorite class!

                                                                Posted by Cecelia G. on 05/09/2021
                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                Yes!  Starting in September, Mrs. Richman has you do the types of essays you will see on the exam, and if you follow her suggestions and critiques, the practice prepares you extremely well.  In addition, the multiple choice questions she assigns or recommends are helpful.

                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                I usually put 2 or more hours a day into this course.  You definitely do not need spend as much time as I did to do well, though.  

                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                The PSD-As (primary source document analysis) were helpful in helping you to see events or ideas over time and were made in a memorable format.  For example, one PSD-A involved watching a 1906 film of San Francisco, and the the questions you had to answer and the film itself helped the content to stick in your mind.

                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                Totally!  Mrs. Richman is so enthusiastic about history, and the class really makes you appreciate our past!  I am thinking about possibly majoring in history.

                                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                Oh my goodness yes!  Whenever you had a question or needed help, there was always a student or TA (teachers assistant) there to give you guidance, essay critiques, encouragement, you name it!  One of our TAs hosted regular movie nights where we would watch a history documentary, and those were always informative and fun.

                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                I would recommend this class to any student who is willing to work hard and dedicate time to the subject. Even if you don't consider yourself a history buff, Mrs. Richman connects what we learn to other parts of our lives or our world, and the class is so engaging you'll find yourself wanting to keep going!  I guess the biggest decision factor to make in my opinion is the amount of time you have to spend on the class.  If you think you could only get by doing the bare minimum that is expected, I would not recommend the class, as being able to fully immerse yourself in the subject and the bonuses takes time.  But if you think you have the time, then you should take this class! You will not regret it ;)


                                                                  Loved this class!! Highly recommend ;)

                                                                  Posted by Elisa A on 05/06/2021
                                                                  • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                  Yes!! I think the course prepared me well for the exam. It was nice that we started writing essays early in the year - even though the essays may not have been very good, it was good practice to start early and reading old essays made great review! We also had a lot of practice multiple choice questions to work on as the exam drew nearer.

                                                                  • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                  I probably spent a total of 8-10 hours a week on this class. That being said, I did do some bonus activities each week, which of course contributed to the time.

                                                                  • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                  In my opinion, the most helpful assignments were the PSD-As (Primary Source Document - Analyses). We were given a primary source, such as Washington's Farewell Address, or a poster from the time period, or sometimes a few different primary sources from different people in the time period, and we would analyze the document (or image, or whatever it was). This helped immensely on the AP Exam, not only because we learned about the time period, but also because many of the multiple choice questions on the exam require an understanding of a given primary source, as well as on one of the free response essays where we need to look at 7 documents and use them to answer a prompt. Doing the PSD-A helped me learn how to analyze documents, not just looking at what they said but thinking about who the intended audience was, what else was going on during that time period, and whether or not the author was even credible.

                                                                  • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                  100%. I had taken a high school US History course the year prior, so I already knew a lot of the information. However, I loved going more in-depth into the history. While I would say I'm not super into learning historical facts, I absolutely loved learning how to recognize continuity and change over time, or comparing two aspects of history, or seeing how one situation influenced another. I think that history is often not taught in this way, but I think it should be! It makes it way more interesting.

                                                                  • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                  Definitely!! The TAs were very helpful and had a lot of great resources for the other students and myself. We had a Skype chat set up, and it was amazing to be able to ask a question on there 24/7 and usually get a response right away! I also think that it was helpful to read my classmates' posts and essays, and get insights into how they thought. It also was great if I saw an essay prompt that I was confused on - I could simply go back and read a student's essay on that prompt, and use that as review.

                                                                  • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                  I would absolutely recommend this class!! I would say that to do well in this class you need to be willing to learn to think critically and recognize patterns. I think  you can do just fine on the AP US History by knowing the facts, but it is really valuable to think about history as a whole and see how different aspects of history influence each other. It's also important to start reviewing early in the year, because the exam requires you to be knowledgeable on all time periods. Overall though, as long as you're willing to learn and put in the effort, you'll do amazing!!

                                                                    My Favorite class!

                                                                    Posted by Catherine London on 05/30/2020

                                                                    When I started APUSH, I was afraid that I would not do well in it because it was my very first AP class and I thought that the course load may be too much.  In addition, I didn’t enjoy history at all.  However, once I started I found that as long as I did the assignments on time and studied on the days I did not have assignments, I would do really well.  The APUSH community was very helpful in encouraging me to delve deeper.  Mrs. Richman divides the class into teams and the goal is to win the most points by doing History-related things.  I found myself about half way through the semester with the most points out of my whole class.  Although my mother continually reminded me that the class was not about points I knew that the points helped me through the course because I always wanted to beat one of the top Scoring kids, and in order to do that I had to get better at writing my DBQs and LEQs.  As the course progressed, Mrs. Richman helped my scores on my DBQs and LEQs go from a 2/6 to 6/6, and helped me find ways to make them even better.  While I found myself putting 7 hours of work in a week, it did not seem like it took that long because it was so fun.  This is definitely a fun class that teaches US history really well!

                                                                    Although Mrs. Richman’s enthusiastic comments encouraged me to do better, I feel that some other students may need more instructive criticism than she offers.  In addition, the students are also supposed to comment on and critique their classmates’ essays, but most speedily read it and posted a short encouraging note in order to get the job done.  This was not very helpful, so I decided to post very thoughtful comments on others’ essays and in that way maybe start the ball rolling so that others would do the same.  This sort of worked, and I was very grateful for that.  As the AP exam neared, my classmates would post essays on the WWW Board and others would read over them and comment very thoroughly on them because they wanted theirs to be commented well on also.  I really loved how the team work played out in this course, and that not only did team members help each other, but also teams combined to help each other.  In this way, a few days before the AP exam, I was writing one essay each day and I would receive gradings from about 3 or 4 classmates and teams.

                                                                    I can easily say this was the most encouraging class I had this year, and one I even got the best grade in!  If you are looking to take this course, you definitely should even if you feel like you are a dunce at history.  This class will not only encourage you to learn the course material and actually help you learn it, but will cause you to delve even deeper because you enjoy it so much.  I would definitely recommend this course!!

                                                                      Hello future APUSH student!

                                                                      Posted by Raya Kenney on 05/29/2020

                                                                      I took this class last year and had the privilege of being able to TA for it this year. Being able to take the class and then observe it over the course of two years has been an incredible experience. When in the course, there was never a day where I gazed at the work in front of me and said "I'll do this later." That is not to say I'm not a procrastinator (because I am) but it goes to prove how amazing Mrs. Richman is at making history engaging. Too often does history get brushed off a boring subject, heavily associated with thick textbooks filled top to bottom with words that make even the most attentive scholars lay their head down on their desk in exhaustion. This class is the opposite of that. The schedule rotates in a 4-week cycle, which means the tasks never become too menial and keeps you engaged and on your toes.

                                                                      I spent around 10-15 hours a week on the course, though the long hours could have been easily shortened if I hadn't chosen to take on nearly every extra credit assignment out there. It’s truly incredible class and the interaction with classmates only serves to further the wonderful environment. 

                                                                      APUSH was my first online class last year and I was nervous and unsure as to how it was going to work. Mrs. Richman quickly made me realize how I didn’t need to be worried about that. She’s fantastic at replying to questions and she (along with the TA’s) is always around to help if you are confused or unsure about some aspect of the class. As a student, you get to read your classmate’s work and comment on it, and they’ll do the same for you. It may feel like a lot to take in at first, but you'll be a pro in no time.

                                                                      In a nutshell, this class is a wonderful little learning community and I’ll never forget all I got out of the class, my peers, and Mrs. Richman, whose sheer passion of history enlivened and invigorated me to pursue art history (yes, cartoon analyses were always was my favorite assignments!)

                                                                      Now, if I may, dear reader: "Join, or die!" 10 bonus points if you know where that originates! ;)


                                                                        Take this class!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Posted by Sarah Coppola on 05/28/2020
                                                                        • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                        Yes!!! Mrs. Richman provides plethora of assignments and bonus options (but not an overwhelming amount) geared toward, not only preparing for the exam, but simply making history a gratifying subject to delve into. If you actively participate in all assignments and complete many of her bonus opportunities, you can't help but be prepared. :) Mrs. Richman doesn't passively teach us history; she immerses us in it.

                                                                        • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                        I generally tried to put in around 8-10 hours a week. On busier weeks, Mrs. Richman is very flexible; the bare minimum probably takes about 4 hours a week, but in order to do well, you do have to take advantage of the bonus assignments and review each week.

                                                                        • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                        My favorite assignments in APUSH were the documentaries!! I watched quite a few with fellow students as well as many with my family. They were the most helpful for me to consolidate the information in my mind because they truly immerse you in the time period as they provide context, pictures, and bring everything together to form a big picture.

                                                                        • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                        One-hundred percent!!!!! I went into this class not liking history at all. To me, it was boring, had no educational value, and consisted of just passively memorizing dates and names. I was thankfully very wrong!! Mrs. Richman made every historical topic fascinating, and her own enthusiasm for history was contagious so that, by the end, nearly the whole class was actively soaking in as much history as possible! I also learned that, especially with COVID-19, it is crucial to have a strong foundation in history, government, and economics.

                                                                        • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                        YES!!! The TAs and students made this one of the most interactive online classes I've been in. There were weekly study sessions and movie nights (to watch documentaries), which were a BLAST and extremely valuable! I made many amazing friends in that class. :)

                                                                        • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                        ANY student who is self-motivated and willing to work hard will do well in this class, and I recommend this course to everyone!


                                                                          My favorite course....

                                                                          Posted by Lilianna Hug on 05/26/2020

                                                                          What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students?

                                                                           Well, almost all of the reviews say this, but this is an AMAZING course. Mrs. Richman is an excellent teacher, and this class taught me so much about US history. I can say without any hesitation that this was my favorite course this year!!! Please please please take this course if you are considering it. You won't regret it, I promise. Any student would do well in this course, but particularly students who are willing to put in the time to do the bonus assignments. Sometimes it can be tempting to do the bare minimum in a course, but in this case, the bonus assignments are worth it. Even reading the textbook is not a requirement, but those extra readings are really what cements your knowledge, so as long as you are willing to go a little bit above and beyond what is specifically required, you will do very well in this course. 

                                                                          Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                          Absolutely. For the first three quarters of the year, we spent time preparing for the regular format APUSH exam. With weekly multiple choice questions to practice, textbook readings, and analyzing primary sources, I felt very prepared for the exam. When the College Board switched to an online format for the exam due to Covid-19, I still felt that my preparation during the year thoroughly prepared me for the new format exam. 

                                                                          How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                          Sometimes as much as 12 or 14 hours a week, and sometimes as little as 4 hours a week. I would say that if you do the bare minimum of required classwork, you would only need to spend 4 or 5 hours a week, if you can stay focused and write/type quickly. However, much of the learning (at least for me) came from the textbook readings, which are encouraged, but not required. Similarly, Mrs. Richman always provides many many "bonus" links to history websites or articles, which were very educational and fun to read. I also watched Crash Course videos and other similar history podcasts or videos. All of that is why I would spend more time on APUSH each week, but I found that those "extra" activities were very worthwhile and enhanced my knowledge of time periods very much. 

                                                                          Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                          I actually loved the essay assignments - the long essay questions and the document based questions, which we practiced every two weeks. I generally like writing essays, and I found that the prompts (which related to the time period I was currently studying) were a great way to test whether I knew enough about that particular time period. Especially since the exam ended up being one document based question, those practice essays were definitely really helpful in preparing me for the exam. I also really liked the monthly cartoon analysis assignments, which were very enjoyable and provided a way for me to delve deeper into a specific historical cartoon. 


                                                                            The Best APUSH Class!

                                                                            Posted by Gabriel F on 05/20/2020

                                                                            Prior to this class, I was not a fan of history classes, but this AP US History class gave me a passion for studying history and made it an enjoyable experience. The course load is manageable, but the class encourages you to explore deeper into subjects and gain more information about interesting topics; there are tons of links to resources such as videos, lectures, articles, and helpful websites. Also, the assignments, instead of testing your knowledge about something you are supposed to learn, force you to learn new things and give you new insights. With practice essays every two weeks, even in the first unit of the class, this class is great at preparing you for the AP exam.

                                                                              A wonderful class!!!! (and that's an understatement)

                                                                              Posted by Erik Brodsky on 05/20/2020

                                                                              Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                              Absolutely! Between all the different assignments, which covered a variety of different questions / essays, I felt very well prepared for the exam. Even though a lot of the course (such as writing practice DBQs and LEQs) is geared towards the exam, a good portion of it also expands your historical knowledge, and I feel like regardless of the exam, I feel a lot more knowledgeable about history after taking this class.

                                                                              How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                              I think I put in an average of around 2-3 hours a day into the course, but that's including all the extras that aren't required but which make this class really special, like movie nights and study sessions with fellow APUSHers. At some points in the year (such as when I was writing my Bio Essay), I definitely put in more. Compared to other APs, I think APUSH is definitely more work-intensive than most. One piece of advice for future students: don't feel like you should do all the bonuses! There are lots and lots of opportunities for bonus work and history learning in this class, and while I definitely recommend that you expand your knowledge by doing some of the bonuses, please don't do every last one :)

                                                                              Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                              I personally really enjoyed the Cartoon Analysis and the DBQ-WU assignments, since those involved learning more independently and digging deeper into the context and meaning of a cartoon or a primary document.

                                                                              Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                              YES!!!! I think history's fascinating, and I'm also planning to take AP World History next year.

                                                                              Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                              Definitely! APUSH is a very interactive class, and I made several new friends in APUSH.

                                                                              What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                              I think a student who's interested in history and learning, and who's willing to work and put time into the course, would do well. You'll definitely enjoy this course if you're looking for an interactive and very cooperative experience. I highly recommend this class to other students; it's definitely among my favorites. This is especially because of Mrs. Richman, who's very literally the most enthusiastic teacher I've ever had, and who will provide a very personalized response to *every* single assignment you submit!

                                                                                An Excellent Class

                                                                                Posted by Zach Schmidt on 05/20/2020

                                                                                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                I felt very prepared for the AP exam, even with the ongoing issues with Coronavirus. How prepared you are is largely up to you. Mrs. Richman provides tons of resources, but it is up to you on how to use them.

                                                                                 How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? 

                                                                                I usually put in between 5 and 8 hours per week. Once again, how much time you spend depends on you. You could probably do most of the required assignments in about 3ish hours a week, but you will not gain much from that. If you want to learn something, you need to put in the time. 

                                                                                What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                If you are interested in a quality course on US History, then yes, I would recommend this class. However, what you gain from this course is dependent how much work you are willing to do. If you're not willing to put in the time, don't bother. 

                                                                                Final Thoughts

                                                                                One last thing I wanted to mention is that even if you think you know everything about American history, trust me, there is still plenty to learn. I knew (or at least, I thought I knew) all of the major events, wars, etc. in American history prior to the class, but I was amazed at the smaller but still important details and perspectives I had missed in previous courses. Regardless of how much history you already know, there is always something more to learn. 

                                                                                  Amazing class! Definitely take it!

                                                                                  Posted by Aspen Singh on 05/19/2020

                                                                                  Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                  This class definitely prepared me for the AP exam. Completing multiple choice quizzes, reading primary source documents (PSDs), doing an MCQ-TT (multiple choice question think it through, where you explain your reasoning behind why you did or didn't choose each option), and primary source document analysis were all required weekly. Doing MCQs was really a good way to assess your knowledge, and reading primary sources gave different perspectives on the period that we were studying. Writing long essay questions, short answer questions, and document based questions were part of a monthly rotation, and I really like that we wrote these essays from the start of the class. Doing lots of essays helped me learn what was required and what would get points on the rubric. I do wish that Mrs. Richman had been a little more critical in her grading of essays. Mrs. Richman was very encouraging whenever giving feedback, and reading her feedback always would lift my mood. Along with these assignments, the History Now essays we read were very informative, and the Bio of America videos helped solidify my learning even more. I also decided to read the optional chapters in the Making America supplemental textbook, mainly because I felt like the History Now essays did not give me a very good sense of how different events and developments were connected. Reading Making American helped me to draw more connections between different periods and events. 

                                                                                  How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                  I would say I put in about two or three hours a day. I also did quite a bit of reading on weekends sometimes. 

                                                                                  Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                  I really enjoyed the monthly cartoon analysis we did. Analyzing the cartoons really helped me to understand different views people had on issues of the period. It was always fun when the cartoons a classmate or I had analyzed showed up in a DBQ or SAQ. 

                                                                                  Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                  Definitely! Before this course I had little to no interest in any type or history. After taking this course, I feel like my knowledge has expanded greatly, and I would definitely be interested in taking other AP history classes. 

                                                                                  Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                  Yes! The TA's had a skype chat going for the whole class, and it was very easy to ask questions both in the chat and on the WWWBoard. During the first unit or two, when everyone was still trying to figure out how the schedule worked, Mrs. Richman and the TAs were very helpful in explaining when assignments were due and what the requirements for different assignments were. Mrs. Richman encourages everyone to get a study buddy early in the year, and I found studying with a study buddy and with a study group were both very helpful. 

                                                                                  What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                  The course can definitely be time-consuming, and it can also be easy to get distracted by the tons of bonus opportunities and bonus assignments available. It's good to make a sort of schedule or have an idea of how much you want to get done, or else it's easy to get side-tracked. The course is designed with a lot of optional and bonus assignments (like optional readings), so you have to know what will be helpful for you. Other than that, I think this course is a good fit for all kinds of student, but especially if they are willing to work hard. 










                                                                                    Amazing class!!!

                                                                                    Posted by Annika Jonson on 05/19/2020

                                                                                    Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                    Absolutely! Due to COVID-19, the exam was a bit different this year--we wrote an online timed essay on a given topic, analyzing primary source documents and incorporating historical thinking skills. However, even if this had been a normal year, I still think I'd have felt prepared for multiple choice questions and other sections that the exam normally includes. The weekly assignments definitely reinforced my learning, and there are many provided resources that you can choose from (depending on your learning style) to help you prepare for the exam. 

                                                                                    How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                    On a normal week, I would do anywhere in between 10-15 hours. Closer to the exam, I spent more time on review, and would often do 15+ hours. You can probably do 8-10 hours per week on this class and do just fine, or you can spend more time doing bonus activities and the like, which is what I would often do. If you have the time, the bonus activities are a great way to dive deeper into history and enhance your learning! 

                                                                                    Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                    Most definitely! I can confidently say that I've found a new love of history from this class, and I'm very grateful to Mrs. Richman for the amazing year!

                                                                                    Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                    Yes!! I made quite a few new friends this year, not only from APUSH but from the Pennsylvania Homeschoolers community at large. The TA's and other students often hosted review sessions, historical movie nights, or game sessions like Jeopardy. Also, I really enjoyed the student feedback that we gave on each other's biweekly essays. Mrs. Richman grades the essays and gives feedback, but she also recommends that we learn from the writing of other students and offer constructive comments. 

                                                                                    All in all, I would definitely recommend this course! It was a blast, and I'm so thankful for Mrs. Richman's excellent teaching! 






                                                                                      If you are looking for the best APUSH class EVER, take this class!!!

                                                                                      Posted by Sofia F on 05/18/2020

                                                                                      This class was amazing in so many aspects...First of all, I came into the class with a cringe every time I heard "history." I can never be more grateful than I was for this class for giving me a new passion for history and a realization of how important it is to better understanding our selves and our current lives. Even now, after taking the AP exam, I keep thinking about history and connecting various present issues with the past to better understand them. Thus, this course was not only a very fulfilling academic experience, but it really was learning about an amazing life skill as well.

                                                                                      The class not only advanced me academically in history, but it really helped with writing. There is a great amount of writing in the course, and yet, Mrs. R makes it enjoyable; she makes everything enjoyable! I feel like writing about history has improved my overall writing in other subject matters, and I saw myself and my classmates improve throughout the course. By the end of the course, I was looking forward to writing essays.

                                                                                      At no point in the year I felt overwhelmed. The class is set up so that you can put in as much or as little as you want, and still get a useful APUSH experience. The bare minimum that is required is really not that intensive, but if you want to get more from this course, expand your history learning by hundreds, and guarantee a high score in the exam, I would for sure suggest going for the "above and beyond" method, which is really accessible since even that does not feel tedious, and the course and subject is so fun that you may be self-motivated to do so. Overall, this class is really flexible and adapts to the student. 

                                                                                      This course is really set up for you to be prepared for the APUSH test. I personally felt prepared. Mrs. R puts in so much work and attention to her class set-up and students, and it really pays-off. I feel like this APUSH experience is unlike others...it really goes beyond simple text-book material. This class has multiple assignments that strengthen your document and cartoon analysis skills and argument-forming skills, and overall it gives new insights into history that would otherwise not have been available. 

                                                                                      I also loved the community-spirit of the class. It was always so uplifting to read over student's postings and responding to them, and having students respond to mine. Mrs. Richman encourages "study-buddying," which was always fun and useful. Also, I got to meet many new people well via the skype community. The friendly competitive system of gaining points the more you explore history through bonus activities really made for a fun, enjoyable, and motivational environment. I really enjoyed all the great advice the many TAs had to offer, and the fun events they organized; their presence made for a more lively and useful experience. I loved the monthly cartoon conversations, in which I learned and reviewed important historical concepts, analyzed interesting cartoons, heard fun stories, and met my classmates virtually. 

                                                                                      While I appreciate Mrs. R's many useful comments to students' essays and the additional bonus links she offered along with her comments, sometimes I wish I had a bit more constructive criticism as I feel like that would have helped me improve more. Other than that, some student comments were really useful, and I definitely felt that I grew as a student and a person throughout this APUSH experience regardless.

                                                                                      Mrs. R's weekly updates were always motivating for me...It was fun to read them because of Mrs. R's natural enthusiasm, and I always felt ready for the upcoming week after getting a useful "preview." They were often also filled with motivational words, anti-procrastination tips, bonus links, etc. Overall, Mrs. Richman is one of the best teachers I have had who not only cares about her students' academic advancement, but she also really cares about their growth and happiness as individuals. 

                                                                                      With the many practice tests, weekly MCQ-TTs, full practice exams at the end of the school year, textbook and essay reading, lecture listening, video and movie watching, essay writing, and fun major projects, this class is made to help you do great on the AP exam!!





                                                                                        Excellent APUSH class

                                                                                        Posted by Peter Reasoner on 05/18/2020

                                                                                        I loved this class! There was sooo much to do, but I learned sooo much! It absolutely prepared me for the AP exam; however, it never felt like a test prep class. There was great variety of assignments; among my favorite were the Dinner Party and the Biography project. I easily spent 10+ hours a week on this class, and I gained a great appreciation for the subject in the process. Mrs. Richman feedback was very thorough and prompt, and her cartoon live meetings were very informative. It is a very interactive class with lots of communication with other students. Anybody who is interested in a broad and deep look into US history (and willing to put a lot of time into it) would do well in this class.

                                                                                          2020 APUSH Class

                                                                                          Posted by Marie Glenn on 05/18/2020

                                                                                          I feel that the course prepared me very well for the exam!  All of the parts of the regular test were covered every month, reducing my anxiety about certain sections like the DBQs (Document-Based Questions).  This turned out to be extremely helpful for the 2020 exam, which was only a DBQ!  Doing a DBQ a month was a good pace and eased me into doing them.  Typing my essays for most of the year helped me even more for the 2020 exam.  Mrs. Richman helped me a lot by responding to my essays with the rubric and pointing out where I had earned points or not.  This school year definitely had an unexpected end, but Mrs. Richman adapted our class and made sure we were using resources to prepare for the modified test.

                                                                                          The amount of hours varied for me.  I joined the class last-minute, and so I did not have much time to orient myself before it started.  All the acronyms boggled me, and I didn't find the syllabus at first.  (If you take this class, print out the syllabus to make sure you are on track!  I did this later in the year and it was very helpful.)  At first, I did too many hours a day, from 3 to 5!  Once I figured out the rhythm of the class and what was expected, I usually did about 2 hours a day.  Some days I spent more time, like for my biography project, but some days I spent less time on it.  The second semester, I took a college statistics class and had to manage my time even more effectively to get my work done!

                                                                                          My favorite assignment was the Andrew Carnegie biography website project I did.  My hometown has a Carnegie library, and the portrait of the old, white-bearded man intrigued me.  The project led me to Personal Recollections of Andrew Carnegie by Frederick Henry Lynch, a book that I ended up loving.  Carnegie's perspective on education, that we all should use our learning and resources to benefit others who did not have the same opportunities, inspired me.  Another favorite assignment was the history field trips, where I could write about places I had gone to and read where others had been!

                                                                                          I was interested in U. S. history before, but taking this class opened up my eyes to other periods I was unfamiliar with, especially the Era of Jackson and the Progressive Era.  I definitely want to learn more about 1800-1900!

                                                                                          I did some of the movie nights/Jeopardy games/study sessions with the TAs and my classmates!  There were some I had to miss because of other classes, but the ones I did were very fun and informational!  Throughout the year, my classmates and I commented on each other's essays, and it was good to see how we all grew in our writing and critiques.  Everyone was kind with their criticism and compliments alike.

                                                                                          If you want to do this course, you should be familiar with the gist of the decades in U.S. History.  This course does allow for learning about periods you are unfamiliar with, but it really helps to at least have a baseline of information.  You should have good time-management skills and accept that your first postings will be a little rough around the edges.  Take criticism gracefully!  You should have internet skills, like  knowing how to type, how to use Google Docs, and of course, how to use the PA Homeschoolers APUSH website.  You should be familiar with what ways of studying work best for you, and check out the various resources on the APUSH website to see which one helps you the most.  (For me, it was Khan Academy, with videos, quizzes, and articles about each time period.)  You should be familiar with the College Board website and use the MyAP Classroom resources.

                                                                                          I would recommend this course to other students!  While it is vigorous, you get a clear understanding of historical concepts and 'think like an historian' skills, and Mrs. Richman takes care to not swamp you with assignments.  Succeeding in this class will give you the confidence to tackle other challenging subjects in the future.

                                                                                            The class which taught me to treasure life...

                                                                                            Posted by Rebekah Che on 06/09/2019

                                                                                            At the beginning of the year, I was apprehensive about going into APUSH. Three of my older siblings had taken it and I gauged (correctly) from their experiences that the workload would be quite a bit heavier than what I was used to. The first two weeks of the class were disorienting (and not just because I was still recovering from a fever) - I was excited to begin, but the excitement was accompanied firstly by prevalent confusion and secondly by a disillusioning apprehension. But if only I had known what an absolutely incredible experience the course would turn out to be!

                                                                                            My favorite assignment from the year has to be the Civil War Essay Contest. Like the course as a whole, the CWE process started out a bit rough. As the only one who chose to enter the documentary division of the contest, I had to learn to mostly navigate the waters on my own. But the hard work paid off in a way I wasn't expecting, too: a month later, I was staring at an email announcing that I had won first place in the documentary division. From this, I got the opportunity to fly to NYC for the Lincoln Prize Dinner and there to meet the incredible Mrs. Richman :) as well as many others who inspired me with their love and passion for history.

                                                                                            The interactive Skype chats which sprang up throughout the course of the year were a little spammy and a lot insane, but lifelong friendships have been made there, and I know I'm part of some myself. My classmates and TAs made me feel a part of an intelligent and truly inclusive community, and that brings me to my favorite thing about this class: the interactivity. Unlike other classes, where I could barely even recall the names of my fellow students, this one featured TA-led study sessions, student-led review groups, a constant stream of friendly and helpful communication, and even a 'study buddy' system which proved to be invaluable.

                                                                                            I found the peer interaction to be especially special in the days leading up to the exam. I attended a lot of "cram sessions" where we ran through MCQs from previous exams together, and the night before the exam, I helped co-host a live dinner party (a nod to our virtual dinner parties, class-wide occasions where we would pick historical characters and essentially roleplay with them). By the time said dinner party rolled around, I was fatigued and stressed out entirely. I felt so unprepared and was especially frustrated that I had so many excellent review resources right at my fingertips with so little time left to use them. But just by subtly letting me know they were in the same boat, my classmates calmed my fears and helped me walk into the exam room the next morning with a smile on my face. That night before the exam, as we shared pieces of encouragement through the dinner party call, I felt a peculiar sense of community which I'll never entirely forget.

                                                                                            I could go on about this year of APUSH forever, but if you're a prospective student thinking of taking it: do so! You won't regret it. I feel so much more informed now not just about American history, but about the world I live in as a whole. Thirty years from now, if I remember a single class from my high school years, it's going to be APUSH. I'll also always remember what Mrs. Richman always told us at the end of her weekly updates. Treasure life: past, present, and future.

                                                                                              APUSH Class Review

                                                                                              Posted by Dana Cooper on 06/06/2019

                                                                                              Coming into this class, I liked history but was a bit concerned about the workload that this class might have. However, I found all of the assignments not only manageable but enjoyable. While I was interested in US history before taking this course, I’ve finished the year with a love of the subject and a life-long passion to continue learning more about US history as well as history in general.

                                                                                              I definitely feel that this class prepared me for the AP exam. We did periodic exam prep throughout the year, and Mrs. Richman gave us many practice tests in the month leading up to the exam. All year we had access to learning tools in many formats, including audio lectures, essays, movies, videos, textbooks, articles, and timelines. Having the ability to learn through mediums that worked for me was super helpful in not only studying for the AP exam, but learning the material as well.

                                                                                              On average, I put about 8-10 hours into this class per week. However, when I was working on larger projects such as my Bio Essay or Civil War Essay, I spent up to 25 hours per week on the class.

                                                                                              While I enjoyed so many of the assignments in this class, one of my favorites was the Bio Essay. I really enjoyed being able to thoroughly research an influential American of my choice and then present my research in a creative format.

                                                                                              I would recommend this course to someone who is willing to work hard and wants to learn more about the history of the United States. While I am someone who really enjoys history, this class is not exclusively for history buffs, and you can get a lot out of it no matter what you feel your strengths are. However, I additionally recommend that you come into the class with strong writing skills, as this course does require multiple essays in each unit as well as weekly written assignments.

                                                                                              Overall, this class was amazing and I’m really glad that I took it.


                                                                                                Posted by Sarah Richman on 06/05/2019

                                                                                                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                I definitely felt prepared for the AP exam am fairly confident I did well.

                                                                                                How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                I generally put in about 8 hours per week. I took it somewhat easy, as I took the course my senior year, but still felt prepared. I really think that this course takes as much time as you want it to. If you’re very busy you can scrape by with roughly an hour a day. However, I think you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t take advantage of all the amazing options available in this course! I guarantee you’ll find something (or many somethings) here which suit your tastes and learning style. There are almost limitless options to expand your work each day.

                                                                                                Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                I really enjoyed the Great Courses lectures throughout the year. They were engagingly done and I could listen to them while doing laundry, for instance. I used the questions at the end of each lecture in the lecture guide as I was listening and I think it really helped me make connections and remember the material.

                                                                                                Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                Yes!!! I really wasn’t interested in American history (or any history post-1700) before taking this course. Now I’m excited to read a few history books over the summer.

                                                                                                Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                Yes! There seemed to always be a study session going on, led by either one of our wonderful TAs or a fellow student. I wasn’t personally active in the more social Skype groups but I still felt connected to the community.

                                                                                                What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                I would definitely recommend this course to other students!!! It’s great fun, and you’ll learn a lot! Mrs. Richman is incredibly kind and positive, so it’s hard not to enjoy yourself. This course is ideal for students who enjoy taking initiative (or who want to get better at it).


                                                                                                  APUSH Review

                                                                                                  Posted by Coletta Kalumbula on 05/31/2019

                                                                                                  By the end of the class I did feel that I was prepared for the APUSH exam once I was seated in the testing room. I worried throughout the entire year that I was not fully prepared because there was so much information to learn. It ended up working out with the format that Mrs. Richman uses to give various outlets for learning information. If you prefer to read more to gain a better understanding for a topic, there are essays, books, and excerpts to analyze. If you are more of a visual or aural learner, there are a ton of audio files and videos available to help with this. Some weeks I did 8-10 hours of work or less. Other times I was doing 12-15+ hours of work a week. (I am not entirely sure of how accurate the hour count is, but some assignements do take a looong time). It just depended on the calendar schedule and how you organized your classwork for the week.

                                                                                                  I enjoyed the assignments that were textbook APUSH exam. This gave me a clear perspective of what to expect on the exam. I was slightly baffled at how to organize my schedule because there were so many assignments. It was very hard to differentiate which assignements truly were mandatory or not. Sometimes the syllabus would state that this was an optional assignment, but it would be a good one to do. Others were pretty vague. As someone who plays travel volleyball year round, it was hard for me to manage my APUSH schedule alongside my regular schoolwork, sports, and family life. Having a "play-by-play" of what were required daily assignments would have been extremely helpful especially because I am an organization freak! Definitely consider this factor before you decide to take the course, especially if this is your first AP class (as it was mine). That being said, Mrs. Richman is a wonderful, patient woman. Any other teacher would have run out of patience for my constant emails about travel extensions and so on and so forth. She was very gracious and encouraging to me, and I truly, truly appreciate that. 

                                                                                                  I definitely grew to appreciate U.S. history more than I had before. This course casued me to think and analyze like a historian. My classmates and TA's were so awesome. They were always there to answer any questions that I had. I even had one of my class teammates check up on me when I was getting bogged down by my schedule. That was so kind! All of the students in this class showed a drive to learn and work hard while challenging each other.

                                                                                                  I would definitely recommend this course to future students who are willing to put in the work. This is one of the most difficult AP classes, so I would recommend that you have taken at least one other AP before diving into this one. Know what to expect with the rigor of the syllabus when you are registering, and be prepared to gain a lot of information. Good luck! 

                                                                                                    My AP US History class experience with Pennsylvania Homeschoolers online course under Ms. Richman

                                                                                                    Posted by James Tedder on 05/30/2019

                                                                                                    As a freshman taking this course early on in high school, it was, to be honest, a little rough. I probably spent 3 to 5 hours working on history every day, and even longer on the month leading up to the exam. I realized much later in the year however that I could reduce this amount greatly by creating a schedule early in the week, spanning out the assignments given. I personally experienced lots of procrastination, and this increased the time I spent during the week on this subject.

                                                                                                    The AP Exam is this giant shadowy figure that hovers over you barring its teeth and seeking out to bend you to your knees. This is what others will tell you to scare you, and worry you. With this class, all of those rumors and lies become false. The exam becomes just one long set of assignments on American history. Each assignment throughout the year is structured to be like certain parts on the exam. Taking the time early on in the year to break down how a question might apply to a certain people group, or what answers in the question can be broken down by the process of elimination is really key. By the end of the year, I was able to do one multiple choice question on the AP US History exam in the span of a minute or less. There were 55 questions on the exam, with only 55 minutes. I finished with 15 minutes to spare. There are PLENTY of resources to learn from, whether it be history instructors on YouTube, audio lectures, other online sources, and plenty of historical books. The only hard part in this entire course were the essays, which there are two every month. You just have to know that you can get an essay done. You will gain confidence in your writing. Early on, I sometimes spent 7 hours working on one essay, but persisting and training my brain to move faster and faster throughout the year allowed me to finish strong, finishing my essays in the time limit on the exam.

                                                                                                    In this course, almost everyone strived to learn. If you can manage to become a slight overachiever, (by normal standards) and just stroll along, this course can be accomplished and enjoyed. This course is fast-paced, but deep in learning. Knowing a little European History and some aspects of American History defiantly helped in this course; I definitely wouldn’t recommend this course to anyone who has no familiarity with American history. Even if you don’t remember much about previous learning, it will all eventually pop back into your memory as you go through the course.

                                                                                                    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it, because there are those in the class who can help you in areas you don’t understand, and over time, become your friends. However, I think the one reason why anyone should take this course is because it offers an understanding of what American history is about. History might seem bland to some, seen as not important, not worth pursuing as a career, but it is much more than that. Science may be the study of how things work in the world, Mathematics might be the way that human minds can logically comprehend and calculate situations about problems in the world, but history is the study of what people did in our past, how it connects to our lives, and why we should use this knowledge to correct and prevent present wrongs. 

                                                                                                    The people groups and how they affected the culture around them, how the United States Government handled themselves dealing with other nations, and themselves over different time periods, why racial tensions are important and how they tie into the importance of early American history, the wars where brothers and ancestors fell in battle: This is our past, our future, and the present day that you and I experience every day at every moment. That is what American history is, and this class will help prove that to you.

                                                                                                      A good course to get introduced into the PA Homeschoolers community

                                                                                                      Posted by Kamil Arif on 05/30/2019

                                                                                                      This was defenitely a fun course to take, and good one to get a start in the PA Homeschoolers Community. I felt decently prepared for the AP Exam, and overall I think I did alright within the course considering my schedule, which was rather busy this year. This course defenitely requires a lot of time, I know it took a majority of my time during the week along with my other AP course. I especially quite liked the MCQ-TT assignments as they really help prepare you for the exam and getitng in that mindset of solving the actual questions, as opposed to just knowing the given information. 

                                                                                                      Communication with other students was extremely valuable in this course, having many, many, skype groups for various purposes. There were study sessions (worth actual points in the course) quite frequently, helping a lot of the students like myself who struggled to keep up with the course.

                                                                                                        Amazing APUSH Class!

                                                                                                        Posted by Kanika Chopra on 05/29/2019

                                                                                                        Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                        I felt extremely prepared for the AP Exam. Mrs. Richman provided many real practice tests, and the exercises we do during the year are all extremely helpful!

                                                                                                        How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                        During the first semester of this course, I spent about 10 hours per week working on class work. In the second semester of the exam, I began to start reviewing/studying, so I worked on most weekends, totaling about 12+ hours per week.

                                                                                                        Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                        All of the assignments that we did were extremely enjoyable, but also extremely valuable in the preparing for the exam. One of my favorite assignments was the Civil War Essay Contest, in which each student made an essay report about a topic relating to the Civil War. This project was extremely rewarding, and unlike anything I had done before!

                                                                                                        What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                        Any student willing to work hard will excel in this class. While Mrs. Richman does provide a weekly schedule of assignments that one must do, she also offers many other opportunities (often in the form of bonus points) that serve as amazing learning opportunities. These assignments enhance your understanding about the current topics, and give you a greater understanding of topics that just may be on the AP Test in May :) Overall, I would highly recommend this AP Class to anyone and everyone! Mrs. Richman'samazing feedback and dedication have allowed me to gain a passion for US History!

                                                                                                          5/5 class

                                                                                                          Posted by Joseph Gray on 05/25/2019

                                                                                                          I definitely felt well prepared for the AP exam. Mrs. Richman covered the material at a steady pace, we kept to the schedule she gave us at the beginning of the year, and she provided lots of practice exams. The class was thorough, and Mrs. Richman is an excellent and encouraging teacher. I was definitely very motivated to put a lot of time into this class, as much as I needed to make sure an assignment wasn’t just good enough, but as good as possible. I especially enjoyed the History in the News assignments, since I could search out interesting articles. I now have a deeper interest in history than I did at the beginning of the course, and I was already an avid reader of history books. I would (and have!) recommended this course to many of my friends, since I have not only learned a lot about history, but also about writing and time management, both of which are key skills in this class and in life more generally.

                                                                                                            Terrific Course--absolute recommended!!!! (and also a few minor things)

                                                                                                            Posted by Katie Fang on 05/18/2019

                                                                                                            I agree with all the students here, this class was an amazing experience! One thing I absolutely loved about this class is Mrs. Richman’s positivity. She’s incredibly encouraging--just read her comments on any of the assignments. It’ll make your day! Mrs. Richman is understanding, too, and freely gives extensions for any assignment that you might need (the interview assignment, for example). This class also had a very nice organization in terms of the syllabus. There are 4 different types of “weeks.” Each month will have:

                                                                                                            Week A: HITN (History in the News)

                                                                                                            Week B: LEQ (Long Essay Question)

                                                                                                            Week C: SAQ (Short Answer Question), DBQ-WU (Document-Based Question--Warm-Up), and Cartoon Analysis

                                                                                                            Week D: DBQ (Document-Based Question)

                                                                                                            You know exactly what to expect for each month, and it’s easy to work ahead, too. This format also allows you to cover each period (one each month) for the AP Exam equally. Besides these “focus” areas for each week, we have regular assignments such as watching/listening to lectures, reading primary source documents, doing multiple choice questions, and reading from Insider’s Guide. Every Sunday, Mrs. Richman sends out an “APUSH Update” that reminds us what is due the following week.

                                                                                                            Insider’s Guide organizes APUSH material by topics. However, I really didn’t feel as though I had a good grasp on the chronology of events, which is especially important for the MCQs and SAQs on the exam. To supplement Insider’s Guide, I used Coursebook by Ethel Wood and AMSCO. Although I felt that Insider’s Guide didn’t really resonate with me, I loved the fact that Mrs. Richman takes into account that students learn through different means by providing links, videos, and more.

                                                                                                            I do wish I could have received more constructive feedback on my essays. Mrs. Richman may be a little too enthusiastic on essays. She mainly suggests possible topics that would be a great addition to my essays. However, I did learn to write more quickly and clearly. This class will certainly cure you of any perfectionism! There are a ton of assignments, but they’re all very manageable. It’s super easy to get overwhelmed, especially when her APUSH Update messages easily average 4,000 words, and you feel flooded with “busy work.” However, you should be fine if you carefully manage the workload. For example, you can spend just 5 minutes on the MCQ-Think it Through assignment, including skimming the answer key. Or, if you have more time, you can go through her answer key more thoroughly, check out her extra links, and read your classmates’ responses. However, all of her assignments are incredibly helpful in the weeks before the AP Exam. One of Mrs. Richman’s biggest suggestions is to read our own past essays from all the periods. Reading past essays not only reminded me of the material but allowed me to make those connections and dig deeper into analysis.

                                                                                                            Mrs. Richman does prepare you for the APUSH Exam, but of course you’ll need to do some more reviewing on your own. The Civil War Essay assignment is an amazing experience (you learn so much from writing a college-type paper, and Mrs. Richman does a fantastic job in pacing and spreading out the tasks so you won’t feel overwhelmed!), but it can eat up a lot of time. Some of my classmates also felt that they had almost forgotten how to write LEQs and DBQs after working so much on the Civil War Essay assignment. Additionally, we typically write up a “quickie” or an outline instead of fully developing our ideas and points during February, and in the weeks leading up to the exam itself when reviewing the material is prioritized. I’ve written extra essays and quickies in late April and May, and I felt both essays were my greatest strength on the exam itself.

                                                                                                            Overall, APUSH was a terrific experience, and I’m so grateful to Mrs. Richman for all of her support and encouragement! She truly guides you to appreciate our nation's unique heritage and emphasizes a life-long commitment to learning. I highly recommend you to take her course. :D

                                                                                                              Excellent Class

                                                                                                              Posted by Jacob Zampino on 05/16/2019

                                                                                                              I was very prepared for the AP exam, mainly because of the great variety and quantity of assignments and suggested materials. I put an average of 15 hours a week into the course. The Civil War Essay assignment was especially interesting. I had never done such in depth historical research and enjoyed learning all about Robert E. Lee. This course helped me to develop not only greater historical knowledge, but also greater historical understanding. The peer review of essays were helpful and interesting, and I enjoyed getting to know many of the other students in the class despite it being an online forum.I would highly reccomend this class to motivated students willing to put in a lot of work and ready to learn more American history than sometimes feels healthy. I’m so glad I took this class.

                                                                                                                APUSH Class Review

                                                                                                                Posted by Aaron Shey on 05/16/2019
                                                                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                I felt like this course greatly prepared me for the AP exam!  Although the amount of assignmens felt almost overwhelming at times, they helped me improve my historical thinking and analysis skills, along with exposing me to various historical events and concepts that I was able to remember and apply later on in the school year. 

                                                                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                I put in around 20 hours a week into APUSH.

                                                                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? 

                                                                                                                I felt like the monthly Cartoon Analysis was a very fun and rewarding assignment -- not only did I get to read cartoons from all time periods and see how lampooning politicians was a cartooning continuum, but also practice historical analysis and taking a closer look into the details of a cartoon. 

                                                                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                This class definitely enhanced my interest in history!  APUSH goes very in-depth into the nuances of history and Mrs Richman definitely energizes the students and makes them enthusiastic about learning.

                                                                                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? 

                                                                                                                Sharing discussions with my classmates was a good way to reduce the 'echo chamber' effect as is wont to occur in today's greatly divided culture.  My classmates almost always had differing views than I did and helped me see the other side of a historical argument.

                                                                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                As an AP class, the students are expected to work pretty hard in this class.  To score well on the essays (which make up half of the AP exam score), one has to realize, connect and analyze patterns and themes througout history 

                                                                                                                  Best. Class. EVER !!!

                                                                                                                  Posted by Kate Jernigan on 05/14/2019

                                                                                                                  Wow! Just wow! This APUSH class has opened so many doors for me academically. It has strengthend my work ethic, enhanced my writing skills, and caused me to become a more universal thinker when it comes to analyzing pieces from the past. Most of all, it provided me with the confidence and readiness for exam day. Mrs. Richman's creativity and affability were truly what made this course so great. She was always ready offer advice to any student and provided a slate of clever (and fun) course material that I can guarantee you won't experience anywhere else! 

                                                                                                                  On a daily basis, I spent about a solid 2 hours (Mon-Fri) completeing assignments during a typical work week. On weeks when we had special projects due, like the Bio Essay, History Interview, December Film Review, or Civil War Essay Contest paper, I would spend about 12-15 hours a week. My all-time favorite assignment had to be the Bio Essay where Mrs. Richman allowed us to create a presentation in any format on one historical figure. (I wrote and filmed a play on Benjamin Franklin.) I was really able to let my imagination take the lead, which I found to be great fun! Alongside the coursework, I epecially enjoyed the social aspects that this class provided. Mrs. Richman's WWWBoard was a feature to our class website where we could ask questions to other TAs/classmates and share other fun information. Also, Skype was another form of communication that was heavily used and VERY valuble. APUSH not only taught me history, but also lot of 'tech-savvy' techniques!

                                                                                                                  I would recommend this particular course to a student who is ready to put his/her best effort forward and has a strong desire to learn. I will admit, this was a tough first AP course in the beginning, but it only took a little while for me to get a steady handle on things. Since that moment, I have not looked back! I cannot be more thankful for how much this course prepared me for the AP exam and gave me a new perspective on my country's history!

                                                                                                                    It was a GREAT YEAR, GUYS!!!!! (I'm allowed to do exclamation points here now)

                                                                                                                    Posted by Micah Legge on 05/13/2019
                                                                                                                    • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                    I think the course did an excellent job preparing students for the AP exam! There were lots of supplementary exercises outside the required assignments that were very useful in terms of information that I may not have gotten otherwise, so I think Mrs. Richman knows her stuff when it comes to preparing kids for tests.

                                                                                                                    • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                    Umm, maybe 30-35 hours a week, depending on the era. Honestly, most of it was reading and audible lectures, though bonus point used to take up a bit of time.

                                                                                                                    • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                    I personally enjoyed the midyear review where you got together with study buddies and all answered a quiz together J

                                                                                                                    • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                    Yeah, I’d say it did. Before APUSH, I generally just kind of lurked in the era 2 (Hamilton times, for those people reading this review wondering what the heck that is) but I’d say I have a newfound appreciation for US History as a whole.

                                                                                                                    • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                    Yeah, a lot of my classmates were super encouraging, and a lot of them had really good insights on my essays. There’s a lot of different extremely talented people in this class!

                                                                                                                    • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? 

                                                                                                                    I’d definitely recommend this class to those people who have good work ethics and a steady commitment to academics. This year was pretty crazy for me, so I’d definitely suggest that you have a set schedule, instead of doing what I did and kind of let things get off balance. Additionally, one beautiful piece of advice I received multiple times was that this class was NOT more important than my mental health. Mrs. Richman is one of the most understanding and caring teachers I’ve ever had, so if you do decide to take this class, please don’t be afraid to reach out to her just because she’s a teacher. So, all in all, APUSH was a crazy class, but I definitely gained a lot from it. I would definitely recommend it for people who want to push their limits, but maybe not with any more AP classes on the side. I don’t know how people even manage that…


                                                                                                                      My Very Creatively Named Review

                                                                                                                      Posted by Patience Parrott on 05/13/2019

                                                                                                                      This class was a great class! I haven't received my score yet, but I'm confident that it will be at least a 4! Mrs. Richman did more than teach a class- she fostered friendly competition, helped forge powerful, lifetime friendships, and gave us a love of and confidence in the subject matter. If you're looking for an APUSH class, I can guarantee that you won't find a better one than Mrs. Richman's. 

                                                                                                                        A New Love for History

                                                                                                                        Posted by Bethany D. on 05/13/2019

                                                                                                                        This class has been an incredible blessing and an unforgettable experience. I started the class with a general apathy towards history, but emerged with a new interest and appreciation for the subject. The encouraging environment made up of lively students, helpful TAs, and an excellent teacher made this my favorite class.

                                                                                                                        Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                        Definitely! Each unit, which was one month long, was the perfect length and allowed me to learn all the essentials to the periods, plus a little extra! There were great recommendations and tips on how to study in the weeks leading up to the exam, and I benefitted immensely from study sessions and practice tests. The course also allows you to find a method of studying that works best for you--for me, that was notetaking.

                                                                                                                        Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                        The most impactful assignment is the Civil War Essay Project, hands-down. Conducting extensive research on my topic (and even going through the process of choosing my topic!) was fascinating and eye-opening. This project is quite the journey, and I really appreciate Mrs. Richman's encouragement and support throughout the process. The Civil War Essay Project, along with the Dinner Parties, Bio Essay, and Film Review assignments really enhanced the class experience and set it apart as truly special. ;)

                                                                                                                        Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                        I'll say it again and again... This course enhanced my interest in history is so many ways. Talking to my parents about history and what they lived through has been really cool, as I now have a clearer understanding and appreciation for modern US history. Even things I thought I knew from elementary were completely flipped, which makes in-depth learning, especially for history, so amazing.

                                                                                                                        Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                        Valuable? For sure! Interesting? Hands-down. ;) I have gotten to know so many new people--a definite highlight for this class. It was awesome interacting with students across the US; as a result, I've become skilled in calculating time-zone differences. XD This class is unique and amazing in its set of students, who are encouraged to engage and learn together by a wonderful teacher.

                                                                                                                        What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                        Take it from me, you don't have to love history to love this class... but you might just end up loving history as well. Any student with a willingness/desire to learn who thrives from a stimulating class enviroment would do well--but commitment and consistency are also key factors in excelling. If you are willing to put in hard work, commit to learning, and plow through until the very end, it will be worth it. Because this class offers so much more than just a basic education on US History, I would not hesitate in recommending it to any hard-working student.
                                                                                                                        Once again, thank you sooo *very* much Mrs. Richman! From your email updates to your positive feedback, it is always a joy to have such a devoted, enthusiastic, and brilliant teacher!

                                                                                                                          I just can't emphasize enough how amazing Mrs. Richman and this class were!!!

                                                                                                                          Posted by Isabelle Kirschbaum on 05/12/2019

                                                                                                                          I love history, but before taking this class, I was nervous about the workload and amount of information I would have to learn. APUSH was my first AP exam, making it extra nerve-racking because I didn't know what to expect from an AP exam. However, as soon as I got comfortable with the class and the other students, I felt completely secure and confident that I would be well-prepared—thanks to Mrs. Richman and our awesome TAs!

                                                                                                                          Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                          Absolutely. There were so many amazing resources provided through this class, and all of the assignments were so engrained into my brain that the actul exam went more smoothly than I anticipated. Although this course definately prepared me for the exam, this is not the kind of class that just "teaches to the test." I learned so much more valuable information abotu American history, which just fueled my interests!

                                                                                                                          How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                          Generally, I worked about 25-30 hours a week on this course. The majority of that time was spent reading, which is a significant (and very important!) part of the class.

                                                                                                                          Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                          As far as regular assignments go, I liked History in the News, because it was a unique way to learn about historical tidbits that I otherwise wouldn't discover. My favorite "project" was definately the historical interview that we did in the first semester—I interviewed my grandfather, and it was both super fun and informative. I loved sharing what I learned from him with the class.

                                                                                                                          Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                          Definately! I got to know the other students and TAs so well that I feel like they're just my normal friends, except I've never actually met them (at least until the AP party!). Everyone is so supportive, fun, smart, and helpful, and I'm so glad I got to spend a year with them.

                                                                                                                          What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                          I would 100% reccomend this course. Students who should consider it should obviously have an interest in history, but even if they don't, I gaurentee that Mrs. Richman will help you find your hidden passion for history! Students should also be able to handle a lot of reading a writing, as those are two of the most important skills that come into play both during the exam and in other acedemic courses.

                                                                                                                          If you like history, even if you have qualms about the workload of this class, do yourself a favor and sign up. I promise, you won't regret it!

                                                                                                                            Don't hesitate - you should definitely take this class!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                            Posted by Molly Hardwick on 05/12/2019

                                                                                                                            First off, this was my first AP class (I took it as a freshman), and it was so much fun and truly a great introduction to APs! Mrs. Richman is the best teacher *ever* and I highly highly highly recommend this class to anyone, regardless of age or subject preference. 

                                                                                                                            Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                            Absolutely!! Every single assigment is geared to prepare you for the exam, and the skills I developed in doing the assignments were put to good use in the exam for sure! There are plenty of textbooks/videos, making it easy to find a resource that works well for you - and they are all great for review at the end of the year! Mrs. Richman is an incredible teacher, and her truly memorable teaching makes this class an invaluable learning experience - and a lot of fun! :)

                                                                                                                            How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                            I'd say I averaged between 1 and 2 hours a day, but it all depends on how much you want to put into it. For most assignments, you can either go the "3 hour rabbit hole of super fun research" route or you can keep it short and sweet and complete it in an hour or less. There's also a lot of bonus activities, so if you decide to do those (which I often did), it can take more time, but they are really helpful/fun/engaging learning opportunities.

                                                                                                                            I'd say an hour a day is the minimum to really get out of this class all that you need in order to be prepared for the exam :)

                                                                                                                            Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                            I honestly really enjoyed all of the assigments we did! Like I said above, they are all geared to help you develop historical thinking skills, which really comes in handy on the exam. In particular, the Bio Essay was a lot of fun both researching and writing (it has to be in a creative format, so I enjoyed getting to channel my "creative side" into the project ;) ), and I was able to bring in my person in an essay on the exam! 

                                                                                                                            Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                            Oh for sure! I was already a lover of history, but this class made it even more enjoyable - I think it's because of all of the nuances and exceptions to the typical "generalized history lessons" I was accustomed to. 

                                                                                                                            What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                            I'm definitely a "history/English" person, so this class was up my alley. However, I think that a STEM person could for sure excel in this class - there are many ways knowing STEM type information could come in handy. Plus, Mrs. Richman makes everything so engaging and fun that even the biggest "history disliker" couldn't help but learn so much information and maybe even enjoy it! ;)

                                                                                                                            But really, (as with most things) you get out of this class what you put into it. If you are active in discussions, on time with assigments, and in general making an effort to learn, you will be prepared for the exam.


                                                                                                                            Last summer, I was unsure if I was going to take this class or not. I was worried about the work load and time management, the content itself, and most of all, a big, scary exam at the end of the year. I took a chance and signed up for the class, and wow am I glad I did! I cannot emphasize enough what an incredible teacher Mrs. Richman is, and I would highly highly highly recommend this class to anyonen who is willing and able to engage with the material and really work hard to learn and enjoy US history! :)

                                                                                                                              A historically amazing class and an amazing teacher

                                                                                                                              Posted by Steven Trettel on 05/11/2019

                                                                                                                              So, walking into this class I had no idea what to expect. I was kinda overwhelmed by all the activities I was supposed to do, and I felt that I couldn't do it all, let alone complete the exam. Fast forward to the end of the year and I felt a cautious sense of optimism. I felt like I could do it and felt confident in my knowledge of history. This was all due to this class and its amazing teacher.

                                                                                                                              Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                              As far as historical knowledge goes, I felt that I could not have been more prepared. Mrs. Richman provided numerous sources for us to look at and numerous Primary Sourced Documents for us to analyze. Combine this with the monthly assignments to prepare us for the essay writing portion of the exam, and you get an extremely balanced curriculum that not only fosters learning of history but teaches the student how to properly analyze history and enjoy doing it. With the exam being based around historical analysis, I felt that this class prepared me better than any other history class could have.

                                                                                                                              How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                              Generally, I put an average of 9-10 hours of work in per week, usually varying between one to two hours per day. With all the bonus links Mrs. Richman provides though and the engaging bonus point system, I found myself working much longer than this and on much more than the main assignments.

                                                                                                                              Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                              Oh gosh. I think all of them were amazing in their own way. The History in the News essay was nice because it taught students how history affects us now, the Long essay Question assignment was an amazing preparation for the LEQ on exam day, the Cartoon analysis showed us how to properly analyze a cartoon which came in real handy on the exam, the Short Answer Question prepared me well for the exam version, the Document based question warm up really helped me think like a historian, and the Document Based Question assignment really helped me prepare for the exam version. Add that to the amazing weekly Multiple-choice question think it through, and the Primary Source analysis, which really helped teach me how to think like a historian and it was amazing. I think my favorite assignment, however, was the Civil War essay contest. It really helped me learn to think like a historian by having us deep dive into a specific topic and use Primary sources to learn. It was one of my favorite things I’ve ever done in all of homeschooling!

                                                                                                                              Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                              Oh definitely. I learned so much about history that I never knew before. By having us deep dive into the topic with fun assignments, it made learning an absolute joy!!!

                                                                                                                              Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                              Absolutely! We helped each other with essays, made each other think about different angles of topics, and generally had an amazing time. Add that with the insane and hilarious Skype chats, and I definitely made some lasting friendships here.

                                                                                                                              What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                              The student that would do well in this course would be the student that has a desire to learn. The entire year is jam packed with information all equally interesting. Even if you don’t particularly care about history, by the end of this class you will. Mrs. Richman is an engaging teacher that tailors her personal comments to each student’s interests. The course requires a lot of work. All of it is very rewarding, however.

                                                                                                                                Invaluable experience of a lifetime!!!

                                                                                                                                Posted by Serene on 06/08/2018

                                                                                                                                Thank you, Mrs. Richman, for teaching us US History with such passion and dedication!! I am so blessed to have been a part of this incredible class!

                                                                                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                Oh yes! We did MCQs weekly and DBQs and LEQs on a regular basis, so I was more than familiar with what to expect. I felt very confident walking into the exam room. I was just a bit worried about the DBQ because I've never written one DBQ under the time limit, but I actually ended up finishing both my essays before the time was up on the actual exam. Mrs. Richman was always looking out for ways to help us, and her constructive critique on my essays were honestly so encouraging that it made me WANT to go the extra mile. I remember writing in my journal one night that I felt reenergized after a long week after reading her feedback on a DBQ I wrote. 

                                                                                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                I think I put around 14 hours into this class per week. Usually, it takes 1.5 hours each day. (not including the lectures and podcasts I listen to)

                                                                                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                I got to interview a veteran for a project, and that was so precious! I loved the weekly PSD-A assignments because they were windows to learning more! Oh, and the Civil War essay project was huge!! It taught me about researching and essay-writing. 

                                                                                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                Yes most definitely! I had minimal knowledge in US History prior to this course. I love discussing US history with other people now!

                                                                                                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                Absolutely! We interacted with each other a lot, and I personally found the peer comments to be extremely helpful!! I also worked with a study buddy in the second semester, and that helped me stay on track with reviewing and going through practice tests. 

                                                                                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? 

                                                                                                                                I would 100% recommend this course!! You just need to figure out a schedule that works for you. I realized that I had to limit my time on APUSH because I spent soo much time on it. (especially on the bonus assignments) One tip I got from a TA was to get assignments done days ahead of time. I used to start assignments the day of, and although I'd most often get it done, it just wasn't sustainable. In the second semester I committed to getting regular assignments turned in two days before the due date, and that had worked EXTREMELY well for me! (Also, waking up earlier helps a ton--Mrs. Richman recommends it!!)

                                                                                                                                I often joke that my public school friends who have just finished APUSH should re-take it here because THIS is where meaningful US History is taught. :D

                                                                                                                                  APUSH was awesome!!

                                                                                                                                  Posted by Phoebe on 06/06/2018

                                                                                                                                  APUSH with Mrs. Richman is by far the best course I have ever taken so far! Mrs. Richman is an enthusiastic and extremely helpful teacher who more than adequately prepared me for the AP exam. Study groups with fellow students were invaluable as well as my classmates were able to give me certain insights and help. This was my first AP course and I would very highly recommend this class to anyone else considering APUSH who is willing to work hard!!

                                                                                                                                    An absolutely historic class that is certainly rich with content!

                                                                                                                                    Posted by Thomas P. Pohler on 05/31/2018

                                                                                                                                    First of all, a great many kudos to Mrs. Richman, who lead us throughout this journey! She's by far the most engaged and enthusiastic teacher that I've yet had, and she has thought of every possible detail to help her students be prepared for the APUSH exam during her many years teaching this class. The class was significantly easier thanks to Mrs. Richman's help and guidance as she cheered us on, such as in her weekly (sometimes more!) email updates. Once again, a great thanks to Mrs. Richman for having this class! Thank you, Mrs. Richman!

                                                                                                                                    • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                    Yes! I felt like this course definitely prepared me for the AP exam, much more than the other AP course that I took this year. In my opinion, this is a perfect example of what a good AP course should be! In fact, after taking my two AP exams and comparing them afterwards, I was very appreciative of how well prepared I was for this one.

                                                                                                                                    • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                    I generally put in 20-30 hours, although some weeks when I was really busy I put in about 8 and I believe I actually went over 40 hours one time. To be fair, almost all of this time was spent doing extra assignments (generally reading historic fiction books) in order to get my class "points" up, or on assignments that I found particularly interesting.

                                                                                                                                    • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                    My favorite assignment was easily the Bio-Essay, because I was given free reign to make it as funny as I wanted to. My second favorite assignment was the veteran's interview with Tom Porter, because of how meaningful it was. My third favorite assignment would be the monthly DBQ-Fs, which also slowly morphed into me trying to cram as many jokes as possible without diluting the assignment. The most helpful assignments were the LEQs and DBQs and SAQs, since those are things that are actually on the exam.

                                                                                                                                    • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                    Yes! I started the class not being overly interested in American history, and now by the end of the class I have significant respect and curiosity for history of all types. It really puts current events into perspective.

                                                                                                                                    • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                    I found communications with the other students to be interesting and valuable. I gained significant insights into my writings by reading other students' and listening to their critiques of mine. It was also fun to do some extra things, such as a movie night where a bunch of students got together to watch a film, or in the private Google Hangout we set up for our group. I really enjoyed the time spent with my "Study Buddy" and I'm kind of sad that I won't be doing that again.

                                                                                                                                    • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                    The sort of student that would do well in this course is the sort that is willing to do more than just the normal assignments, such as doing extra readings or extra learnings or whatnot. It's also necessary to have some method of memorizing all the required assignments--you've got LEQs, DBQs, DBQ-Fs, SAQs, MCQs, MCQ-TTs, PSDs, PSD-As, HBEs, IGs, MAs, WWWboard postings, cartoon analyses, assignment logs, as well as special assignments that pop up every now and again, like the aforementioned Bio-Essay, an interview with a war veteran, an historic movie review, role-playing dinner parties, the civil war essay, and more. If you can manage to keep up with all of these, then the class itself isn't nearly as hard as it first appears, and it was a fun and engaging journey to go on with the other students for the year. Yes, I would absolutely recommend this course to all hardworking students!

                                                                                                                                      Highly recommended class!

                                                                                                                                      Posted by Gabrielle Ly on 05/30/2018

                                                                                                                                      As a sophmore in 2017-2018 I decided to take AP US History as my first AP class after hearing such good things about it from friends. It also fit well with my other classes (I took a Great Books IV class in which we read many of the same things: the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, John Locke). 

                                                                                                                                      I think this course prepared me for the AP Exam as well as taking the SAT Subject test. Though rigorous and homework heavy, Mrs. Richman is there to guide you through this wonderful learning experience and is always available to answer your questions. 

                                                                                                                                      In general, I spent about 5.5 hours on easier weeks and 7-8 hours on harder weeks (review weeks before the AP exam and SAT Subject test). I highly recommend working ahead rather than catching up! There's so much work to be done on time and it'll be worth your while to work consistently.

                                                                                                                                      I have to highly recommend the dinner parties! In a friendly enviroment, you can argue under the guise of some historical character and learn more while trying to be historically consistent. The weekly PSD-A was very interesting to do. You never knew what to expect.

                                                                                                                                      If you love to read, learn more history, want to engage in friendly discussion and debate, and have a good work ethic, this is the class for you!

                                                                                                                                      I just loved this class!


                                                                                                                                        AP US History Review

                                                                                                                                        Posted by Kara Sipe on 05/29/2018

                                                                                                                                        As I write this review it is bitter-sweet. After a year of hard work I am excited to complete this course, but I will certainly miss my amazing teacher and classmates, and our fun assignments. My final verdict of this class: it was amazing and invaluable. It was very time consuming and consisted of a lot of reading and writing, and I usually spent around 10 hours a week on this class. One could easily spend all their time on this class with all the bonus assignments and study buddies, but the required work was an advanced but manageable amount. Though the class was time-consuming and sometimes difficult, the content was fantastic. Reading, listening to lectures, writing, doing multiple choice questions, and a variety of assignments using different senses and parts of the brain helped me remember information and get engrossed in each unit.

                                                                                                                                        This class was not critical for my intended major (medical field), but I absolutely loved it and found myself focusing on it more than my other subjects. This class gives students a solid understanding of key people, events, dates, and places, but it also allows students to learn the “how” and “why” of critical causes and effects. It also focuses on everyday life of Americans of each era. The primary source documents and cartoon analyses were fascinating and got me excited about American history and made me feel connected to it. I think this class helps people become better American citizens, as they can understand and appreciate where the United States has come from, and feel more knowledgeable about the events that got it to where it is today.

                                                                                                                                        This class is more suited for students with fast-paced reading abilities and intermediate to advanced writing skills. The teacher was very encouraging, and I feel I was given a solid understanding of American history. This class is difficult but teaches the valuable skills of time-management and independent study.

                                                                                                                                          I would definitely recommend this class!!

                                                                                                                                          Posted by Marita Nothacker on 05/28/2018
                                                                                                                                          • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? Yes! I felt very prepared for the exam both material wise and knowing the types of questions. Practing MCQ's every week and LEQs, DBQs, and SAQs every month really prepared me for the exam situation. I felt confident in my answers and finished before the time limit for all of the sections. 
                                                                                                                                          • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? I spent around 8 hours every week on mandoatory assignments and a lot more on bonuses and reading deeper into topics. 
                                                                                                                                          • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? The PSDs helped me remember so many key topics over the course of the year. I also enjoyed all the special assignments like the interview and bio essay. 
                                                                                                                                          • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? I have always been really interested in history and this class took my way deeper into the subject than I had ever been. 
                                                                                                                                          • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? Yes! I learned so much from reading other students essays and posts. It was also interesting to see opposing views on certain issues and students reasoning. 
                                                                                                                                          • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? You defineitly have to work hard and like history to do well in this class. I would definitely recommend this course to other students. 

                                                                                                                                            Best class I have ever taken in my whole life!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                            Posted by Grace W. on 05/23/2018

                                                                                                                                            Hi!  Grace here :)  If you're reading this, you're probably considering taking Mrs. Richman's class last year.  I'm going to tell you right now YOU SHOULD!!!!!!  This was literally the best class I have ever taken!!! I was not expecting it to be that great, since it's online and there's no actual class time, but it was so so so so much more than I ever expected!  I learned so much this year!  Mrs. Richman's method of teaching is absolutely amazing.  I didn't even realize I had learned anything at all until I went to take the quiz at the end of the first semester.  When I knew ost of the questions, it struck me that just by doing the assignments and a bunch of bonuses, I had learned most of the material already up to that point in history! 

                                                                                                                                            Mrs. Richman provides so many different opportunities for people with all sorts of different strengths and favorite ways of learning.  For me, reading through the textbook was torture, and sitting and listening to lectures for hours on end would put me to sleep.  Thus, I chose to do nearly all of the little bonuses, which were mostly just reading an article or a primary source.  Mrs. Richman sends out an email every week reminding everyone what will be due and what they should be working on, and this is usually where a lot of the bonuses are.  The incentive for points was huge for me, as I am a very competitive person, and it really motivated me to spend more time on this course.  I was epecting a boring history class that I would have to spend hours and hours and hours on every week, but with the flexible schedule, I was able to just spend a few hours a week on the work and still learn a lot.  Admittedly, I wish I would have spent a little bit more time in the middle of the year on this course.  Procrastination is never a good thing, even when there are unforseen circumstances, and I fell behind on a lot of the reading and even on the Civi War Essay.  

                                                                                                                                            A tip about the Civil War Essay-- Don't procrastinate on this!  I honestly hate writing with a caoital H.  Mrs. Richman has several "check-ins" throughout the first semester where you are supposed to post your progress on the essay, but I just did the barest minimum for these and ended up writing the majority of the essay with a 103 degree fever!  Not a good idea!  

                                                                                                                                            This is getting pretty long, and if you're like me, you're not even going to read all of it because there are simply too many words!  So I'll just sum it all up right here:  YOU SHOULD REALLY TAKE THIS CLASS!! :D

                                                                                                                                              A fantastic overall APUSH class with a great teacher and some minor flaws

                                                                                                                                              Posted by Christian on 05/23/2018
                                                                                                                                              • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? For the most part, yes. The required assignments do a good job covering the material you need to know for the exam. Particular topics are zeroed in on, which is great for preparing for the free response sections of the exam. Optional assignments provide a more general overview of course topics and are useful if you have more time, but don't prepare you quite as well as other assignments. A big caveat to this is the feedback I received on my essays. For the most part, it was positive to a fault; I basically never received criticism or critiques except when I inaccurately recalled some historical fact. I have a feeling this prevented me from improving my essay writing as much as I might have, although my experience taking AP World History probably helped.
                                                                                                                                              • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? Because I completed many of the bonus and optional assignments, I probably spent upwards of 12-15 hours per week in this course. However, probably around half of this time was spent completing bonus work (which there is arguably almost too much of). 6-8 hours are needed per week for the required work.
                                                                                                                                              • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? Yes, the Civil War essay. It was a daunting task at first, but Mrs. Richman helped us gradually prepare to write this ~10-page paper. I felt great about mine and learned how to write these kinds of essays and undertake historical research using primary and secondary sources. It was a great experience.
                                                                                                                                              • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? It absolutely did. Going in, I recalled my US history studies from 8th grade as stuffy, static, and almost irrelevant. Now I have a much greater appreciation for the subject and a better understanding of the events, movements, and conflicts that led to the present-day US.
                                                                                                                                              • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? Because I spent so much time completing bonus work, I regrettably didn't interact with other students very often. But at the beginning of the year, I chatted with my team (the Planet Shakers!) and kept in touch with a few students through much of the course.
                                                                                                                                              • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? You need the time to complete the required work, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to explore US history. It really isn't more difficult or time-consuming than your average AP course. Also, a background in studying US history in middle or high school will help.

                                                                                                                                                If you have the time...

                                                                                                                                                Posted by Joseph Wang on 05/23/2018

                                                                                                                                                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                Yes! I was well-prepared. Probably over prepared, but oh well. You could probably get a 5 just by reading through Insider’s Guide, our review book. :P

                                                                                                                                                How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                Around 10 hours a week. You can definitely get by with less, but I am a bit of a perfectionist. I spent a LOT more time on APUSH when working on my Bio essay and Civil War essay and when preparing for the AP test. Some weeks I spent up to 25 hours on APUSH.

                                                                                                                                                I found APUSH to be very time consuming. Don’t get me wrong though, it was also very enjoyable.

                                                                                                                                                Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                What I enjoyed:

                                                                                                                                                • Writing essays. I love writing.
                                                                                                                                                • Debating with classmates at Dinner Parties. Those are two week periods where you pretend to be someone and chat about topics in a special board.
                                                                                                                                                • Analyzing primary source documents (like original paintings and speeches). It’s crazy that we can read and analyze stuff like the writings of the Jamestown colonists as well as Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address.

                                                                                                                                                Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                I still plan on studying mechanical engineering. Even so, this class was extremely valuable. I feel like I’m now a better and more informed person.

                                                                                                                                                APUSH isn’t about memorizing random facts. Instead, it’s about historical thinking, seeing connections between time periods and analyzing trends. That skill is important and transferable to every discipline, including math and science.

                                                                                                                                                Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                Yes!!! I loved my classmates. I especially enjoyed talking to my Study Buddy David Brodsky every week. (Go read his review.)

                                                                                                                                                What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                Two criteria to excel in this class:

                                                                                                                                                1. Make sure you have time. If you won’t have much time for APUSH, then don’t take it. Life isn’t meant to be crammed-full-always-running-around busy.

                                                                                                                                                Be willing to learn! Anyone can do well in this course. I hardly have any US history background. Just be ready to learn. And hopefully this class will teach you to love learning too. 

                                                                                                                                                  An Awesome Year

                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Daniel_Coile on 05/22/2018

                                                                                                                                                  I think the course prepared me pretty well for the AP exam. In my opinion, the most helpful parts were the lectures (especially the Great Courses lectures, which went into a good amount of detail for both the AP exam and the SAT subject test). I generally spent a minimum of 6 hours a week, but usually no more than 10, that is, until the month leading up to the AP exam, then I was spending around 10 hours each week. I think the student interaction was great in this class. The "study buddy" system, or as our team called it "cramming compatriot" idea was great. I think that made me learn more in the class, as well has have some fun too. In short, if you're interested taking the APUSH exam, I would recommend taking this class. However, do expect to be turning in around four written 200-600 word responses each week (although many of those don't have to be written formally; often it's just a first impression sort of thing, for example the History in the News assignment). 

                                                                                                                                                    Definitely recommended

                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Yahya Tayyan on 05/16/2018

                                                                                                                                                    I've usually been pretty lukewarm towards history, finding it interesting but not liking to get into it. This class defenitely changed that, and as a usually very strong STEM student, I instead found myself talking about history all the time at home. Now for the questions:

                                                                                                                                                    • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP Exam? Yes, definitely. None of the questions I found on the test were foreign to me, and the time periods I was strongest in were the ones I involved myself more with during the class.
                                                                                                                                                    • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? I was taking 4 AP classes other than this one this year, and balancing my schedule was a pretty important task. I usually dedicated 4-5 hours to this class every week, with some weeks being more or less depending on specific assignements. Per day I'd spend any amount of time between 10 minutes to 2 hours.
                                                                                                                                                    • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? Yes! I loved the primary source document analyses and MCQ questions. The primary sources usually helped to integrate a "feel" into the era, and the MCQ questions were a nice weekly test on how well I understood the era.
                                                                                                                                                    • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? Well, I'm still not going for a history major or anything but I definitely am more interested in history now.
                                                                                                                                                    • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? Every students sees things differently, and the ability to see a full classroom's worth of viewpoints is invaluable when it comes to history.
                                                                                                                                                    • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? In this course, you get what you work for. If you're not willing to learn what each era has to offer, then you will probably find the exam difficult. Besides, there are tons of different options for you to learn, including videos, podcasts, lectures, essays, and even cartoons! That way you can pick the way that you like best and go from there.

                                                                                                                                                      One of my FAVORITE CLASSES EVER (and I'm a senior)!!!!

                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Greta on 05/16/2018

                                                                                                                                                      Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                      Oh my word, yes.  I walked into the exam room VERY confident (especially when I overheard some of the public school students remarking about how they were going to fail the exam...).  I was so well-prepared for the exam that I was actually having fun writing the essays--the DBQ and LEQ--on exam day (that might just be my nerdy side, though, haha).  Honestly, I can't imagine being more prepared for the APUSH exam than I was, thanks to this class and to Mrs. Richman!

                                                                                                                                                      How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                      Ok, I put a LOT of time into this course because I loved it SO. MUCH.  I did the majority of the bonus assignments and squeezed them in whenever I had a little extra time (partly because I'm competitive and wanted my APUSH team to win but also because I geniunely enjoyed the bonus assignments).  On average, I probably spent anywhere from 10-15 hours per week on APUSH, but once again, this is because I did a TON of bonuses.  If you skipped the bonus assignments and did just the required assignments, I'd say you'd probably spend a minimum of 5 hours on APUSH.  During Bio Essay and Civil War Essay Contest months, however, you'll definitely be spending a lot more time on APUSH.  Yes, APUSH is extremely time-intensive, but it's SO worth the time and effort, I promise!!!!

                                                                                                                                                      Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                      Oooh, this is a hard question.  I honestly loved all the assignments; they all challenged me and helped to prepare me for the exam in different ways.  As far as weekly and monthly assignments, I really enjoyed the weekly Primary Source Document Analysis (PSD-A), which required us to analyze primary sources such as cartoons, paintings, letters, speeches, and others.  This assignment was SO helpful in preparing me for the exam, since the entire Multiple Choice Section, the Short Answer Questions (SAQs), and the Document-Based Question (DBQ) are all based on primary source documents, so the PSD-A assignment really helped me to develop PSD analysis skills that were so crucial to doing well on the exam.

                                                                                                                                                      I also really liked the Cartoon Analysis assignment.  I'd never really analyzed cartoons or images much before this class (other than a little bit in AP Language last year), but I enjoyed it so much.  I loved analyzing the artist's viewpoint and familiarizing myself with the time period through cartoons.  I was so interested in cartoon analysis that I even read a whole book of Dr. Seuss's World War II cartoons this year (thanks to Grace for the book recommendation). :)  Analyzing cartoons was also an important skill to develop for the exam, and this assignment prepared me very well for the cartoon portions of the exam.

                                                                                                                                                      As far as one-time-only, major assignments, I loved working on my Civil War Essay, my Bio Essay, and Interview (all of the major assignments were awesome and so much fun, but these were my favorites).  The Civil War Essay was a challenging but such a rewarding project.  I think we started working on our Civil War Essays in October (the contest deadline was in February), so we had plenty of time to develop our arguments, write our papers, and edit them.  I still spent a lot of time on my Civil War Essay in January and February, but I learned so much from the process about how to formulate a historical argument and how to think like a historian.  Plus, the topic I picked was fascinating to me--definitely pick a topic you're interested in or the process will probably be somewhat boring!  I also LOVED the Bio Essay because I could focus on one person and go a lot more in depth in a particular time period.  The Interview was wonderful, too.  I interviewed my grandma about her experiences during World War II, and it was so special to be able to record history, in a way.  All in all, every single assignment was useful and fun!!

                                                                                                                                                      Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                      Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!  I was interested in history before taking this course, but now, I'm considering either majoring or minoring in history next year when I head off to college!  I'd also never really studied US History in depth before, and this year gave me the opportunity to see all the nuances and complexities in the history of our nation.  I've always been a story-lover, and this year helped me to see that History is really one giant story.  Yup, interest definitely enhanced!!!

                                                                                                                                                      Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                      YES!  All the students in APUSH this year were absolutely incredible people.  They are all so smart and hard-working, which challenged me to do my best in everything because all my classmates were!  I'm sure I'll be keeping touch with many of my fellow students from APUSH this year (*looks at Evolution/Creationism chat that has evolved--pun intended--into a social outlet*).  Thank you all so much for an amazing year!! <3

                                                                                                                                                      What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                      PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!!!!  I would definitely, absolutely, 100% recommend this course to anyone who is willing to work hard (this is key), learn a TON, grow as a student and a person, and have loads of fun. :)  Even if you don't like history, this class is for you.  I can almost guantee that you will come out of this class at least liking if not loving history (like I do!). :)

                                                                                                                                                      There wasn't really a place to put this in the formal review, so I'll say it here: Mrs. Richman is a FANTASTIC teacher!!  I couldn't have asked for a better teacher in APUSH this year.  She is always so encouraging, so enthusiastic, so understanding, so flexible, and so knowledge about US History.  She truly made this class a wonderful experience and made history so much fun.  So thank you, Mrs. Richman, for all that you do!  I'm so thankful to have had you as my teacher this year.

                                                                                                                                                      Thank you so, so, so, so, so, SO much to Mrs. Richman, the TA's, and my fellow students for an absolutely incredible year!!!  I learned so much from all of you, and I'll miss this class so much.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

                                                                                                                                                        Highly recommend

                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Jennifer John on 05/15/2018
                                                                                                                                                        • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                        Definitely. I took the exam last week, and it was (for the most part) very easy. Many of the assignments in this course are geared toward AP prep, including multiple choice questions in the APUSH format and essays using prompts from previous years' exams, which are super valuable-- you won't find yourself cramming the night before because you have no idea what the exam will be like.

                                                                                                                                                        • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                        It varied a lot from week to week, with an average of maybe 5-8 hours. I spent far more time than this when I was working on my Civil War and Bio Essay projects, but they were not stress-inducing at all because I was able to work on them at points in the year when the workloads for my other courses were lighter.

                                                                                                                                                        • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                        I really enjoyed the opportunity to dig deeper into specific people/events in the DBQ follow-up assignment.

                                                                                                                                                        • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                        I was a STEM person before this class and still am now, but this class has definitely helped me see that history can be very interesting.

                                                                                                                                                        • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                        Yes! Even though it's online, this class provides abundant opportunities for interactions with other students.

                                                                                                                                                        • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                        Hard-working students will do well in this course, although I want to emphasize that you definitely don't need to be a history buff to excel. My American history background was pretty minimal, but I didn't find that I was at a disadvantage or had to catch up at all because of that. Because of how Mrs. Richman structures the course, students at all starting levels will be challenged but not overwhelmed. If you have good study and writing skills, you'll do well in this course.

                                                                                                                                                          APUSH from a STEM Perspective (YES, TAKE IT!!!)

                                                                                                                                                          Posted by David Brodsky on 05/15/2018

                                                                                                                                                          I’ve always been a STEM person, and a year ago I was hesitant to take this class. Fast forward to the present, I am extremely thankful I signed up. I found the class to be a blast, I made many friends and enjoyed it all. Yes, even the writing assignments that I dreaded going into the class Mrs. Richman is an amazing and very supportive teacher, You cannot take her class and not end up loving history!

                                                                                                                                                          Now onto the questions:

                                                                                                                                                          • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? ABSOLUTELY! This class does an excellent job preparing you for the exam! You’ll learn A LOT of history in this class, and I was fairly confident after the exam. Not only that but I answered all the questions, including the essays, with time to spare.
                                                                                                                                                          • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? I’d estimate it was about 15-20 hours per week. It could’ve been less had I cut down on bonuses (study buddy sessions, movie night, etc.) and only done the mandatory assignments, but it wouldn’t have been the same… It’s the extra assignments that make it special.
                                                                                                                                                          • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? There were several assignments I really liked. In particular, I liked DBQ Followups (where you research a history related document) the most. The Civil War Essay and Bio Essay Projects were also fun, though they were time-consuming…
                                                                                                                                                          • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? Yes! This class really got me more interested in history, much more than I had been before. There are so many interesting twists and turns in US history, and there’s always a steady stream of links and articles from Mrs. Richman.
                                                                                                                                                          • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? Yes, this class was *very* active. Study group sessions, movie nights, and questions/debates on the WWWBoard were very interesting and valuable. Not to mention fun.
                                                                                                                                                          • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? I’d recommend this class to anybody who is interested in history, is organized, and has and is willing to put in the time. And be forewarned: this class is NOT a walk in the park. From the 5 APs I have taken, this was probably the most demanding one. If you are like me and nervous about all the required reading and writing, sign up anyway. You can listen to the main lectures, and with Mrs. Richman’s support the writing is actually almost fun.

                                                                                                                                                            Mrs. Richman Prepared Me Well, And She Isn't Biased At All

                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Daniel S. on 05/13/2018
                                                                                                                                                            • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? Yes, the course absolutely prepared me for the AP exam, along with Mr. Richey's videos and his Bill or Rights Institute webinars, I felt very prepared and expect to get a very good score in two months.
                                                                                                                                                            • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? I put about 15 hours of work per week into the course the first semester and 5 hours per week into the second semester. This dramatic difference was because I did not get the "bonuses" the 2nd semester, once I realized they weren't really that necessary to the class. However, the projects were extremely time intensive, especially my bio essay and Civil War Essay Documentary project.
                                                                                                                                                            • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? I found my Civil War Essay Documentary very valuable. I interviewed three historians and did a meaningful topic. I didn't win because it was the first year and I didn't know what they wanted, but my video reached 175 YouTube views within 24 hours when Eric Metaxas tweeted it to his 50k followers.
                                                                                                                                                            • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? The course enhanced my interest in history and especially U.S. history, as well as my views on political events like the War of Northern Oppression (although Mrs. Richman won't call it that😄) and the Constitution.
                                                                                                                                                            • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? Yes, although I will say that 90% of students in the class are either Northern or Western and that same percentage are liberal. I was one of the only conservatives, which is not horrible but unusual since almost everyone I know is like me down here in the South. It was an interesting experience but it was hard to talk about historical subjects like murder and the Bible to people who simply cannot understand the truth. The number of genuine Christians in the class seems to be surprisingly small, although I know there are several believers in it. I would warn fellow Christians who may take the class that although I did not experience it on the AP test, the SAT test was extremely biased and secular, and the AP test has been in the past as well. Thankfully, Mrs. Richman is not biased and teaches in a way that presents both sides evenly and lets students decide for themselves on important issues. Unlike college campuses, she does not force liberal indoctrination down my throat. I was very thankful to Mrs. Richman for teaching and she did a wonderful job. I also got to know many students pretty well and they are cool even if we disagree, except for the few who will attack you.
                                                                                                                                                            • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? This course would be great for any student who is willing to do some work and just likes history. I'm probably not going to go to an Ivy League school or anything like that and I still enjoyed the class. I learned *A TON* about US history and could really choose my own sources and stuff. There is a lot of flexibility, so I could watch PragerU and someone else in the class could watch some liberal history channel and we would both get good credit for it. But you better work hard or Mrs. Richman will make you get up as early as she does to finish your work! :-)

                                                                                                                                                              Class Review-revised :)

                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Abigail Cannon on 05/13/2018

                                                                                                                                                              In my review below, I realized that I forgot to post the questions with the answers that I gave- this is the correct review :)

                                                                                                                                                              Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                              Absolutely. Everything in this course prepared me for the exam and I felt very confident going into the actual test.
                                                                                                                                                              How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                              I put in about 10-15 hours per week, depending on the subject matter.
                                                                                                                                                              Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                               I especially loved the bio essay. For the bio essay, we had to write about a specific person in any era of US History and describe their life and accomplishments in a creative format. I wrote mine of Frances Perkins, which was so much fun!
                                                                                                                                                              Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                              Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                              Yes, study buddying (meeting up with another student for study sessions) was extremely helpful in preparing for the exam.
                                                                                                                                                              What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                              I think that you need to be able to manage your time very well if you want to succeed in this course, especially during review weeks. That being said, I would recommend this course very highly to anybody who is willing to work hard :)


                                                                                                                                                              Thank you so much, and sorry about the mistake review below :) This was by far the best class I took this year.

                                                                                                                                                                Class Review

                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Abigail Cannon on 05/13/2018

                                                                                                                                                                1) Yes! Defintely... 

                                                                                                                                                                2) I generally spent average of 10-15 hours on the course per week

                                                                                                                                                                3) I especially loved the bio essay. It was fun learning that much about a specific person in a creative format.

                                                                                                                                                                5) Yes

                                                                                                                                                                6) Absolutely.

                                                                                                                                                                7) I think that you need to be able to manage your time very well if you want to succeed in this course, especially during review weeks. That being said, I would recommend this course very highly to anybody who is willing to work hard :)


                                                                                                                                                                Thank you so much Mrs. R! You made this course so enjoyable.

                                                                                                                                                                  A Wonderful Class!

                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by C Peterson on 06/20/2017

                                                                                                                                                                  First, a bit of background: at the end of this year I have taken 13 AP exams and 10 PA Homeschoolers courses (as well as auditing an 11th). I audited AP European History my freshman year of high school and absolutely loved it, so I decided to take APUSH my senior year both because it would be a nice bookend to the four years and because I knew it would be a blast.

                                                                                                                                                                  The short version: it was. I loved it. Mrs. Richman is one of the nicest teachers you're ever going to have. I'll go through the questions, though, for those of you who want a little more details than that.

                                                                                                                                                                  • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?–Absolutely. Mrs. Richman had us digging so deep into the history of the different time periods that it really felt like a true college course rather than just an advanced high school one. Despite the huge (and daunting!) list of historical facts you need to know for the test, I learned so much throughout the year that I felt ready for the test questions before I even started studying. We did practice essays and multiple choice sections throughout the year, too, so everyone had grown very comfortable with the exam format and rubrics by the end of the year.
                                                                                                                                                                  • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?–Hmm, it's hard to quantify that into a single number because it varied a lot. On the weeks where I was doing the bare minimum assignments, I could probably get by with just a few hours for the week; some assignments were due on a monthly basis, though, like the lectures and the readings, and they could take about five or so hours when added up together. I often did them during road trips, though, so that wasn't too hard for me to fit in. The class expands or constricts to fit your schedule, really, it's very flexible. There are a lot of bonus assignments that you'll want to do, and could honestly wind up spending whole days on end doing, so it's up to you how much time you really want to invest in it.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?–Most of them! I'm telling the truth, I loved almost all of the assignments Mrs. Richman gave us. Even the ones that I didn't really want to do originally, like the interview assignment, wound up being really fascinating. I think my favorite assignment was actually the interview assignment, because it "forced" me to call my grandfather and interview him about his childhood during WWII. I learned a lot of fascinating information about my own family's past from that assignment. I also loved the lectures she had us watch, because they tied the information together in very thought-provoking and interesting ways.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?–Yes! To be honest, I still like European History more than APUSH, but I definitely gained a new appreciation for the intricacies of my country's past and the large web of individuals who made small individual steps that brought about the world we live in today.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?–This is the most interactive AP course I have ever taken. There are about 40 students in the class, and lots of them post on the WWW Board. Mrs. Richman facilitates a lot of "study buddy" opportunities, encouraging these connections and offering lots of bonus points for studying with other students, so you can really get a lot out of the interactions. I didn't personally do this too much, since I was taking a lot of classes and applying to colleges throughout the year and didn't have much extra time, but I enjoyed the small amount of participation I was able to participate in.
                                                                                                                                                                  • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?–Everyone should take this class! Haha, well, I suppose I shouldn't say everyone. If you already have a full plate, don't add APUSH–it's a fun class, but a very intensive and thought-consuming one. I wound up spending way more time on it than I'd planned, which worked out okay but also contributed to a very busy senior year. I don't regret it at all, but it's still something you should think about.

                                                                                                                                                                  Oh, and know this: you don't have to like history going in because Mrs. Richman is so awesome that you'll probably wind up loving it because you love her. So go on, take the plunge and sign up for APUSH. You have no idea how many fascinating stories you're going to hear over the course of the next school year!

                                                                                                                                                                    Hiiiiiiiiighly recommend!

                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Sarah Shin on 05/31/2017

                                                                                                                                                                    First of all, I'm not afraid to say that Mrs. Richman is the most knowledgable teacher I've had for any subject-- AP or otherwise. It seemed like she could eternally pull random historical articles and primary source documents out of her back pocket-- a neverending source of winky faces and encouragement. If you're feeling hesitant about applying for this class whether it be about the workload or the scary thought of your first AP, I'd say just go for it. Granted, there's a lot of work in this class, but I think you'll find that your interactions with your classmates and teacher will inspire you to put your all into it, because this class is not only worthwhile to take, it's actually fun. 

                                                                                                                                                                    That being said, do not slack off. Just with any aspect of school, if you respect the subject that you're studying by studying hard, then the test at the end will be a breeze; or even better, it'll be a nice intellectual challenge. I enjoyed getting constructive criticism on my essays and projects (I think my favorite project was the first one: Summer Book Review) and it really helped me to grow not only as a historian, but as a student in general. On top of that, I almost felt over-prepared for the AP exam going in, which is probably the best possible feeling to have for a test. 

                                                                                                                                                                    All in all, I can't recommend this class enough! (Especially for those freshmen that might be just a little nervous for their first standardized test. You'll have a blast with this class as your first AP.)

                                                                                                                                                                      So Grateful for this Course!!!

                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Xinmei Huang on 05/22/2017

                                                                                                                                                                      At the start of the year, I didn't know what to expect with this course. I'd never taken anything from PA Homeschoolers before, and I'd joined the class late, so I was really nervous and freaking out!! However, thanks to Mrs. Richman and my classmates, it was quite easy to figure out how the schedule worked and how to divide up the coursework over each day. The class quickly turned out to be a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed going in depth into American history. Of course, since it's an AP course, it offered challenges to me as a student, though I actually enjoyed meeting these challenges and found that they really helped me to learn the material thoroughly.

                                                                                                                                                                      I especially appreciate the writing assignments, like the DBQs, SAQs, and LEQs, since they definitely prepared me for the exam and really cemented what I'd been learning into my brain. Also, the Great Course lectures, Bio of America videos, and History By Era essays taught history very clearly and thoroughly and made the course content very fascinating as well. By the time of the AP Exam, I felt very preapared and confident. I feel like this class really helped to jumpstart my interest in history, and it definitely made me want to learn more, even after the year ended!!

                                                                                                                                                                        great class!

                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Rachel Shey on 05/15/2017

                                                                                                                                                                        • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                        Definitely - it prepared me for more than just the AP exam.  The focus of the course is not merely on preparing for the exam, it's on giving you the kind of understanding that you can build upon in the future.  After taking the exam, which I felt I did well on, I realized that the class is about more than passing the test.  Even if you don't earn the score you wanted on the exam, if you study diligently and work hard you will come away with something even more valuable than the test score.

                                                                                                                                                                        • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                        I am a freshman and this was my first and only AP course this year; I was able to spend at least an hour a day, normally 2-3 hours a day.  The first week of the course is really important to getting a feel of things, so I probably spent up to 5 hours a day initially.  Once I got into a rhythm I didn't have to spend so much time on the course daily.

                                                                                                                                                                        • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                        My favorite and valuable assignments were:

                                                                                                                                                                         - MCQ-TT

                                                                                                                                                                         - Listening the MP3 lectures

                                                                                                                                                                         - December Film Review

                                                                                                                                                                        The MCQ-TTs were invaluable to me in preparing for the exam; I reviewed them in the days leading up to the exam and used the skills I learned from them during the exam.  

                                                                                                                                                                        The MP3 lectures were great for material to write about on the essays.  They gave me an understanding of overall trends, etc.  I really enjoyed them and listened to all of them.  

                                                                                                                                                                        I went far over the top for the December Film Review because I found a movie with a novel; I wrote reviews for both, probably totalling 4000 words.  Although I wouldn't say that it helped me much on the test, it really recaptured my interest and keyed me back into the joy of learning. 

                                                                                                                                                                        • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                        Although I had studied history before, I had never studied it in such depth.  I regarded it as interesting, although not really fascinating.  Coming away from the class, history is much more interesting and I feel like I can appreciate how new historical discoveries add a connection to the web of interconnected events in US History.  Knowing how this country came about, and the underlying tensions and ideologies help me understand events today.  

                                                                                                                                                                        • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                        Yes, there was a group discussion board and I could pose questions, post resources, or read other's posts and resources.  All the assignments are posted on the website so that anyone can see; that motivated me to make sure my assignments reflected an understanding of the topic.

                                                                                                                                                                        • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                        To learn the most from this course, you will have to do more than required.  Simply turning in all the assignments on time will not allow you to attain a good understanding.  You need to be motivated and keep up on quizzes, reading, etc.  Especially the last two weeks before the AP exam, it is easy to slack off because there are no assignments.  DON'T stop working!  It is essential to have an efficient work ethic and be motivated to learn more!  Ask the why and the where, and find the answers to your questions :)  Curiosity is essential to learning anything, even something as apparently static as history.

                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by on 05/15/2017

                                                                                                                                                                          • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                          Definitely - it prepared me for more than just the AP exam.  The focus of the course is not merely on preparing for the exam, it's on giving you the kind of understanding that you can build upon in the future.  After taking the exam, which I felt I did well on, I realized that the class is about more than passing the test.  Even if you don't earn the score you wanted on the exam, if you study diligently and work hard you will come away with something even more valuable than the test score.

                                                                                                                                                                          • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                          I am a freshman and this was my first and only AP course this year; I was able to spend at least an hour a day, normally 2-3 hours a day.  The first week of the course is really important to getting a feel of things, so I probably spent up to 5 hours a day initially.  Once I got into a rhythm I didn't have to spend so much time on the course daily.

                                                                                                                                                                          • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                          My favorite and valuable assignments were:

                                                                                                                                                                           - MCQ-TT

                                                                                                                                                                           - Listening the MP3 lectures

                                                                                                                                                                           - December Film Review

                                                                                                                                                                          The MCQ-TTs were invaluable to me in preparing for the exam; I reviewed them in the days leading up to the exam and used the skills I learned from them during the exam.  

                                                                                                                                                                          The MP3 lectures were great for material to write about on the essays.  They gave me an understanding of overall trends, etc.  I really enjoyed them and listened to all of them.  

                                                                                                                                                                          I went far over the top for the December Film Review because I found a movie with a novel; I wrote reviews for both, probably totalling 4000 words.  Although I wouldn't say that it helped me much on the test, it really recaptured my interest and keyed me back into the joy of learning. 

                                                                                                                                                                          • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                          Although I had studied history before, I had never studied it in such depth.  I regarded it as interesting, although not really fascinating.  Coming away from the class, history is much more interesting and I feel like I can appreciate how new historical discoveries add a connection to the web of interconnected events in US History.  Knowing how this country came about, and the underlying tensions and ideologies help me understand events today.  

                                                                                                                                                                          • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                          Yes, there was a group discussion board and I could pose questions, post resources, or read other's posts and resources.  All the assignments are posted on the website so that anyone can see; that motivated me to make sure my assignments reflected an understanding of the topic.

                                                                                                                                                                          • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                          To learn the most from this course, you will have to do more than required.  Simply turning in all the assignments on time will not allow you to attain a good understanding.  You need to be motivated and keep up on quizzes, reading, etc.  Especially the last two weeks before the AP exam, it is easy to slack off because there are no assignments.  DON'T stop working!  It is essential to have an efficient work ethic and be motivated to learn more!  Ask the why and the where, and find the answers to your questions :)  Curiosity is essential to learning anything, even something as apparently static as history.

                                                                                                                                                                            Great class!

                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Yingya Shey on 05/15/2017

                                                                                                                                                                            This class is Rachel’s first AP class, and I couldn’t have asked for a better first class.

                                                                                                                                                                            We are absolutely blessed to have this opportunity to experience a magical class with so much enthusiasm.  Rachel wants to spend all her time on this class, we had to peel her away, so she can perform well in her other classes.

                                                                                                                                                                            Mrs. Richman gives challenging assignments with much support.  The TA system and the peer review encourages Rachel to seek for help and get it.  If history can be dry, Mrs. Richman knows the right lubricant to make it captivating.  The weekly update from Mrs. Richman is something Rachel looks forward to every Sunday, she is saddened by its ending.  The monthly Webinar gives her a chance to interact with a group of students and teacher, also something she looks forward to.  She fell in love with the movie she picked for the winter film review, insist on reading the 800 page book version of the movie.  With Mrs. Richman’s guidance, Rachel jumped in with refreshing energy and persisted until she completed.  This is all possible, because of the postivie learning evironment this class provides.  Mrs. Richman is always encouraging, thorough, patient, and engaging.  The perfect combination for an excellent teacher.

                                                                                                                                                                            Rachel is a very good student, and this class has elevated her devotion to perform well to another level.  Now we are completely spoiled by how magnificent this class is, we only hope that we won’t be let down by other AP classes.

                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you so very much for being such a wonderful teacher.  In my opinion, students whom have not be taught by you are missing out.  In other words, I recommend your class for every student looking to take AP US history.   

                                                                                                                                                                              Great Course!

                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Kenneth Harland on 05/12/2017

                                                                                                                                                                              I took this course with a strong US history knowledge base, and this class really helped build my analysis skills. We wrote roughly two essays per four week unit, allowing us to build up an arsenol of information and connections for the exam. I also loved the weekly PSD-A's because it was a neat opportunity to read a primary source from an era and then briefly analyze it. I highly suggest this course for anyone willing to put in the effort needed.

                                                                                                                                                                                AWESOME class!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Caroline W on 05/10/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?
                                                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely! Mrs. Richman makes sure that you are prepared and thoroughly ready for the exam. IF you follow her emailed suggestions and keep up with the work during the year you will be on the road to success!
                                                                                                                                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?                                    Per week I spent about 12-16 hours on the class. About 70% of this was work that needed to be done to keep up with the syllabus, the other 30% was extra reading, watching, and research I did because I LOVED learning about all the time periods!
                                                                                                                                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?                         The MCQ-TTs were fantastic! They were great for giving you a taste of the exam while also helping you gain more insight to the time period at hand. I would also HIGHLY suggest listening to the MP3s and Bio of America videos, they are great in helping you understand different aspects of the time periods.
                                                                                                                                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?
                                                                                                                                                                                  I was already fairly interested in US history, but it definitely encouraged my love and interest in this area and did not to diminish it!
                                                                                                                                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?
                                                                                                                                                                                  You have to take the class seriously...you can't slack off on your work or you will be struggling the whole year to catch up. You have to enjoy and be willing to read and converse with the other students if you want to get the full benefit of the class.
                                                                                                                                                                                • I would TOTALLY recommend this class to anyone interested. Mrs. Richman is a magical human being who really cares about her students. She has taught this class so much she has all details and assignments down to a science. She makes the course interesting and fun!

                                                                                                                                                                                  AP US History with Mrs Richman

                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Dawn Redd on 05/10/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely. I felt ready going in, and I felt confident going out. The course covered everything I needed and went in depth; it was very comprehensive.

                                                                                                                                                                                  • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                  I usually put in between 6 and 10, depending on the week; I travel a lot, so I did less some weeks, and more others. A really good student could probably get by on 6 every week and pass the class and the test, but if you want to do really well, you'll probably put in around 10-12 hours a week. This includes all of the assignments, the required readings (read em, they're really helpful! don't skip!) and the extra work I did.

                                                                                                                                                                                  • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Um to be honest, everything I did was incredibly helpful. There was little or no busy work in the class; every assignment used some skill that I found myself using on the exam (and in life, haha).

                                                                                                                                                                                  One of the things I really loved that wasn't an assignment was the competition. I work well when I compete, whether I'm competing against myself or my classmates. In the class, every time you do the homework, you get points. You get points for doing the reading. But you also get points for doing other historical things - for instance, watching a documentary or reading a book (yeah, historical fiction counts - that was a huge bonus for me lol), reading primary source documents, visiting a histoircal site or museum or something, or pretty much anything else related to US history. You don't have to compete, and I think most people didn't focus so much on that as I did, so if you don't like competing you'll still do fabulously in the class, but if you want to, you definitely can! It really motivated me. 

                                                                                                                                                                                  • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                  I've always had a fascination with history, haha, but this filled in a million gaps and built every metaphorical historical pile of knowledge higher and made me understand way more - so learning about history became more interesting to me because of that, yes.

                                                                                                                                                                                  • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely. The WWW board was my best friend. I had a lot of fun discussing things on there and in the study group; also, Mrs Richman kept up with the board.

                                                                                                                                                                                  And on the subject, it was really easy to contact her. I always got a reply back from her within a day when I emailed, and like I said, Mrs Richman read through it too, so if you had a more general question, it was easy to get back to her. A+ for student/teacher interaction lol.

                                                                                                                                                                                  • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Like any online course where you don't actually meet the class, you have to be pretty self-motivated to do this. You have to be ready to do assignments you really don't want to; also, you really need to like to read. Seriously, there's so much reading in this class. If you hate reading and you read 50 words a minute then you are going to despise this class. Be ready to do A Lot of reading.

                                                                                                                                                                                  On the flip side, if you love reading and you learn well through that, you'll excel in this class! It makes it really flexible, and the things we read are all interesting and well written and of course excellent sources. You'll read a wide range of materials from a wide range of authors; if you like to read, this class is for you!


                                                                                                                                                                                  In a word, I definitely recommend this class (in fact I've already recommended it to several people haha). It's excellent.


                                                                                                                                                                                    Great class!

                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Alaina on 05/10/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                    • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                    Very much so! I felt that the MP3 lectures were especially helpful. I did a lot of outside review the last week before the exam. Getting a good overview and general understanding throughout the year and then shoring up all the “specifics” right before the exam tends to work best for me, but the course really allows for most kinds of study patterns.

                                                                                                                                                                                    • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                    I put in about 10 hours a week on average, perhaps a little more. Sometimes this was spread out over the week, and sometimes it was all in one day. The Civil War contest essay due in February required me to put in around 15-20 hours for a couple weeks.  

                                                                                                                                                                                    • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                    I thought the essays we did every month that involved looking up one person or document from history were helpful. The practice exam essays, of which we did two each month, were also invaluable. It was also nice to have bonus assignments to choose from to enhance learning.

                                                                                                                                                                                    • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes! Especially during election year, it was interesting to see the history of where the country has been. What has stayed the same? What has changed?

                                                                                                                                                                                    • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                    I’m a bit of an introvert, so I didn’t work with other students much. On the occasions that I did, I found that it was useful for figuring out why answers on quizzes or practice tests were wrong (and it’s nice to commiserate about difficult topics and such!).

                                                                                                                                                                                    • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                    I would definitely recommend the course! To do well, a student needs to be able to stay organized with all the assignments--the workload isn’t overwhelming, but since there are a variety of different learning methods available (e.g. audio lectures, book readings, lectures online…) it’s important to keep track of everything. Being extroverted (for interactions with classmates and on the class discussion board) is also recommended, but not required--though there are some required responses to classmates. I personally also think it’s important to have interest in the subject (exceptional interest is not required--even just interest motivated by the fact that one lives in the country being studied is probably enough, but without any interest it might be hard to get the motivation to learn everything necessary). For a motivated student who is willing to take initiative and stay focused, I recommend this course without reservation.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Wonderful American History Journey

                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Cindy Huang, mom of Xinmei Huang on 05/10/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                      As a parent, I thoroughly enjoyed learning from my daughter as she went through this course.  We often sat down over a cup of tea or coffee and discussed US history.  I've always enjoyed watching documentaries so I was excited to be invited by Xinmei to watch some of the documentaries with her.  I also read some of the autobiographies and historical books she picked up from the library and we had many fun discussions around these.  On a recent trip to the Royal Ontario Museum in Tornonto, Xinmei made a pretty good tour guide!  It's truly amazing how much the students learn through this course.  Mrs. Richman does an excellent job of making hard work fun and exciting for the students.  

                                                                                                                                                                                        An absolutely amazing class!

                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Nathan P on 05/09/2017


                                                                                                                                                                                        This class was absolutely amazing! I learned a lot that I didn't know and had a great review on previously learned topics. We did lots of practice on every aspect of the exam. Every possible resource as given and if you put in the effort, you will have no problem being ready. Each week I put in about 5-8 hours of work. It depends on that week's assignments, but this is a class that will require a lot of time.

                                                                                                                                                                                        I would recommend this course to really anyone who's been interested in this country's history. Personally, I've never been strong in history. However, this course really made me interested again and taught me a lot about analysis and critical thinking.

                                                                                                                                                                                          An Excellent Year!

                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Katherine Harland on 05/09/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                          The entire year of APUSH fostered lots of learning! Mrs. Richman's dedication to commenting and suggesting fascinating extra resources made the experience very enjoyable. The vast pool of resources made me feel ready for the AP exam. Personally, I usually put 12 hours into the course each week, but I really liked the flexibleness of listening to lectures, reading documents, and watching videos. One of my favorite assignments was probably the Bio Essay. I got to learn sooooo much about a person that had never really crossed my mind before. The historical connections that I made through this assignment were truly amazing! Overall APUSH deepened an already present love for history. The encouragement and positivity of my fellow students made the learning process more enjoyable. I think one of the most important things to do well would be good self motivation. Sometimes it might be tempting to ignore reading WWW board posts, exploring links, or listening to extra videos or lectures. However, it is the effort that you put in that creates the result you get out. The indpenence of learning comes with great responsibility! :)

                                                                                                                                                                                            This is an amazing class with the best teacher!!

                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Andria Holt on 05/08/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                            -Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                            Absolutely! This was only my third AP class but I felt more prepared for this exam than any of the others that I have taken. Mrs. Richman does an excellent job making sure that you understand not only the material that will be on the exam but also that layout of the test itself.

                                                                                                                                                                                            -How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                            It really depended on the week for me. Sometimes I could only spend 5 hours on APUSH and some weeks it would be closer to twleve. On average, I'd say about 9 hours though.

                                                                                                                                                                                            -Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                            I loved the Biography of America Videos! These were super relaxing for me. This is a reading heavy class and these videos were a nice break from all the reading, while still teaching me the necessary information. I also really enjoyed the Assignment log. It was a tool that helped me to keep track of doing a little bit of everything throughout the whole year (which is extremely beneficial for procrastinators like myself:).

                                                                                                                                                                                            -Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                            YESSSSS!! I'll be totally honest and say that I actually detested history prior to this class. It just wasn't something that I found really interesting. Mrs. Richman does a fabulous job incorporating many different types of learning into this course and she teaches with such enthusiasm that you can't help but start enjoying it yourself.

                                                                                                                                                                                            -Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                            Most definitely. My recommendation would be to find a study buddy that is semi-near to you and start working with them at the beginning of the year. It will be hard to find times to meet sometimes but keep trying, it's so worth it!

                                                                                                                                                                                            -Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                            Yep yep yep!!! take it! If you are looking "for an easy A" this isn't the class for you. But, if you want to learn and enjoy learning about history, this is certainly the class to take! Mrs. Richman is the BEST teacher. Like most homeschoolers, I participate in many other things and I have never had a teacher that is so willing to work with your schedule and ensure that you aren't overly-stressing about finishing your APUSH work. If you take this class, I promise you won't be disappointed! 


                                                                                                                                                                                              Excellent preparation...confusing style...but it turned out to work!

                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Lindsey F on 05/08/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                              Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                              Absolutely! With a variety of resources, there was definitely plenty to study and I felt very comfortable at the exam. Having practiced essays for so long, I was ready to attack the free response portion of the exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                              Believe it or not, it really did! I am not a huge history/humaninties/social sciences person, yet the activities we did in this class really made me enjoy it! I enjoyed analyzing cartoons and documents, pretending to be certain historical figures, and putting all of American history together in one big jigsaw puzzle! This course is fabulous for immersion in American history!

                                                                                                                                                                                              What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students?

                                                                                                                                                                                              I found the course extremely challenging in that most of our assignments were largely left up to our discretion and decision. That is, I found myself self-studying a lot. We were given suggested essays to read for each unit, but only a few were actually required. We were often given suggested videos to watch, suggested articles to read, etc. but with nothing actually required, I foudn it difficult to figure out where I should be going for a general understanding of the material. I kind of had to figure out what worked for me. I found myself swimming in history at the beginning of the course and was very disoriented and out of context since we weren't required to read from a textbook. There was not a really strict grading system either. So I felt little pressure to get certain readings done. I made it work by keeping myself accountable and diligently forcing myself to read chapters out of the big supplemental history text so I could understand what was happening in history.

                                                                                                                                                                                              The weekly assignments however were excellent - the regular primary source document analysis and multiple choice question practice were superb! The regular writing of essays was also excellent practice for the exam. We were also given many practice exams toward the end of the year which really helped! Overall, I would recommend this class to anyone who is very diligent, good at time-managing, can self study to a point, and who is determined to do well on the AP exam!


                                                                                                                                                                                                APUSH Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Angelia on 05/08/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                Absolutely! I felt confident both going into the exam and walking out of it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                I actually wouldn't say that there were any assignments that I thought were more valuable than others - almost every single one of our assignments was interesting, fun, thought-provoking, and helped us prepare for the exam and for future classes. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                I would say that for me, the most helpful aspect of the course was our weekly Assignment Logs. This is where we wrote down all of the learning we'd done over the week, and could earn points for pretty much anything US-History-related at all! To be able to have all of the extra time you spend on your school get rewarded like this was amazing for me (I'm pretty competitive :)) and it also helped me stay accountable. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                Actually, yes! I loved history before taking APUSH, but I was more comfortable with/interested in European history. Through this year I've learned so much about US History that now I just keep wanting to learn more!

                                                                                                                                                                                                What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                I would absolutely 100% recommend this to other students! It was unlike any other class I've ever taken before - and the work is so, so, so worth it. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                I think that students who are willing to work hard, who have a natural interest in history, are competitive and motivated, and have a good basis in school in general (writing essays,etc.) and in general US history, will do well. APUSH is such a great opportunity that being prepared for it helps you get a better experience :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                I would also recommend that you take this course when you have time to devote to it. All of the content and the ways that Mrs. Richman provides for us to learn it from, are so interesting and there are SO many things to read, watch, and listen to. I wish I could do APUSH for another year (and through summer break) so that I would have more time to spend on it. Trust me, you will want to spend more time on this class than you think - especially as you get rewarded for it with both points and understanding!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                APUSH is an AMAZING course with an AMAZING teacher - I think everyone should get a chance to take it!!!


                                                                                                                                                                                                Thank you, Mrs. Richman for EVERYTHING, and to all of my classmates for creating such an amazing class :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Great class with an AMAZING teacher!

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Aislinn Niimi on 05/08/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes, especially content wise.  I'm a freshman and this was my first AP class, so I did a lot of independent preparations for the exam, such as writing LEQs, DBQs, SAQs, and taking Practice Tests.  However, I'm sure I would have gotten a good score on the exam by only doing the required work.  The course is definitely very well structured and planned, and gives you lots of opinions for studying that works best for you.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                  How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  12 hours. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  To be honest, no.  I have always been (since my elementary days) fascinated by history, and I took a US history course the previous year, so I knew I loved US history before taking this course.  Throughout the year I was definitely interested and excited to year more about US history, but I wouldn't say it "enhanced" my interest. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes!  I was thoroughly impressed by reading other student's work, especially the essays.  I always checked the WWWboard to see what new links or study ideas students were posting, and I found lots of helpful tips and ideas from the TAs. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                  What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  I think APUSH is a great course to take (Mrs. Richman is the best!!!), but you have to be prepared to put in the time and the effort.  I've been recommending APSUH (with Mrs. Richman of course) to all my friends, making sure they understand what a large time commitment it is. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                    This was such a great class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Mariana Knaupp on 05/07/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Absolutely! Mrs. Richman was a wonderful teacher, and I learned a lot just from how thorough the teaching was. There was a lot of reading involved, which really solidified the information for me. I definitely never felt like I had too little to do, but I enjoyed pretty much all the work!

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Like I said, there was a lot of reading, which was pretty time consuming. On average, I think I worked for about 7-8 hours per week.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    My favorite assignments were actually the longest ones. I had a lot of fun doing my Bio Essay and the Civil War Essay Project, particularly since I was allowed to pick a topic I was really interested in for both of them. I got to research whatever I wanted (relating to history, of course), and I thought both projects were really informative.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Definitely yes. I hadn't considered myself a huge history buff before, but after taking the class, I realized that history is absolutely fascinating! It helped me make connections between historical events and current politics, as well as start thinking more about the consequences of economic, political, and social decisions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes. I didn't actually work with my classmates as much as was recommended--I had a really busy schedule this year, and it turned out that I wasn't able to meet with other people very often. What studying I did with my peers, though, was really helpful--other people provided really clever insights, and helped me figure out what I hadn't studied enough.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    You really have to work hard in this course. There's a ton of reading and writing involved, which is, as I said, very time-consuming, but rewarding (I felt so, anyway). I would definitely recommend it to other students--I had a great time learning from Mrs. Richman, and I really enjoyed the subject--but they should know that it's a lot of work.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      My Review of the Class

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Eleanor McNamee on 05/07/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                      This class was fantastic. The amount of reading that you have to do is a lot, but well worth it, certainly. All the bonus points, lectures, crash courses, PSDs, and extra stuff that was assigned helped me fully understand the material. I felt very prepared for the exam, especially the essay questions. We did so many, how could you not be prepared for them? I generally put about 10 hours into the class, and it was certainly my most time consuming class. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                      As I previously mentioned, the lectures and crash courses are extremely valuable. I learn best if the information is presented in a fun or memorable way. Also, the two essays a month schedule was invaluable and definitely made a positive impact on my score. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                      I have always been interested in issues regarding equality, and this expanded my view of that. Instead of seeing it from a modern perspective, I've started seeing it on a timeline, and as a progression. Although it doesn't particularly relate to my studies, I think that it's an important thing to learn and be aware of. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Taking the quizzes with a study buddy was helpful, because if we disagree on an answer, we could prove it to the other and to ourselves. It really helped me with figuring out how they want you to approach each question, especially the cartoons. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                      A dedicated student would do well. This course won't help you if you do the minimal amount of work, turn in what is due, and log off. Active learning is required to really learn the material. All the necessary resources are presented to you, you just have to have the motivation to go out and learn. I think that this class has helped me be a better student and worker in that respect. I had to work hard to get a grasp on it, but once I did, I was very prepared for the exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      I would certainly recommend this course to anyone willing to put in the work to get a good score and learn more about history. I cannot stress how much this has helped me succeed and stay on track the last semester.


                                                                                                                                                                                                      This was the best class and most interesting class I took from the last year, and I enjoyed every second of it. Even when it required a lot of writing, or reading, or listening to lectures, it was all helping me work toward this past Friday. I am extremely grateful for this class. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                        APUSH Class Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Emily Kam on 06/07/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                        This course was wonderful! I recommend this course to everyone, whether or not they have an interest in history. I was never interested in history, and I worried that I would just be memorizing dates and people. This class taught me that there is so much more to history than that. I now have a much better understanding of the history of my country. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Besides the new wealth of knowledge I have gained, this course also prepared me well for the APUSH exam. My favorite assignments were the cartoon analysis, and I highly recommend the Crash Course videos. The creative projects, like the Bio essays, made history come alive. Mrs. Richman was also so encouraging and enthusiastic about learning, she made it really fun! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                          APUSH Class Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Carynlee Berry on 06/03/2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I feel the course did an excellent job with preparing me for the exam (although additional study is definitely needed too) the essay writing, SAQs and weekly MCQs and PSDAs really helped a lot with understanding how the test would be.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I am a bit a perfectionist/procrastinator so I probably spend about 18 hours per week including reading time. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I LOVED the DBQs! I also would've been lost on the exam without our SAQ practice, though I enjoyed those a little less (not my strong suite).

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ABSOLUTELY! I have always loved US History, but I never really appreciated the colonial period or closer to the modern day until now. This class gave me a much better understanding and love of all of our history

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I was that particular type of student who huddled in my hidey-hole all year and never talked to anyone. I am very sad about this, as I had some amazing kids in my class whom I wished I had talked to or studied with before meeting them at the end of the year party.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          This course is definitely not easy, but if you have a love of history you will hopefully love it as much as I did! This is probably my favorite course I've ever taken! Mrs. Richman is an amazing and inspiring teacher who wants nothing more but to see you succeed. If you are willing and ready to learn, take this course!

                                                                                                                                                                                                            This is one of the best classes I took this year!

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Aditya S. on 06/01/2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Definitely. I felt very prepared going into the exam and was confident of the material. I was extremely nervous at the beginning since the course involved a huge amount of reading material and writing, but Mrs. Richman broke it into interesting chunks that made it manageable. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I put in about 10-15 hours of work every week depending on the load.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I loved the interview with the verterans and learning about their lives and their perspectives on our country's history and current events. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            The course broadened my knowledge so much and increased my awareness and definitely got me extremely interested in US History. Being a kid who was primarily interested in Math and Science, I never did think that I could get so involved in a subject like history and the credit for this goes to Mrs. Richman alone. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Communication with other students was extremely valuable since we were able to look at other students' essays, comment and learn from each other. Also most of my questions were answered in the WWW Board as people kept posting their questions and answers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hard work makes all the difference in this course. I went from being intimidated at the beginning of the school year to being confident towards the end of the year due to the amount of time and effort that I spent on the course, all the supplementary learning material in different formats that were made available to us, the amazing encouragement and guidance from Mrs. Richman and the wonderful communication with my classmates.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Please do not hesitate to take this course even if you aren't so familiar with US History. While the course content may look intimidating, it becomes easily navigable with the expert guidance from Mrs. Richman.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Awesome teacher! Awesome class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Isaac C. on 05/30/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Definitely one of my favorite classes! The monthly essay assignments, document analyses, and practice mcq questions were all extremely helpful. Mrs. Richman provides some of the most helpful review resources ever, a bunch of study tips, and several full length practice tests. I felt very very very very confident on exam day. I generally put in 10-13 hours of work on "normal" weeks and more time on weeks with special assignments. Yes, it is a heavy class, but it's definitely worth it! All Mrs. Richman's bonus links and assignments are technically optional, but I would definitely recommend that you check out and complete at least a few! I learned so much from those extra texts and videos. The practice LEQs and DBQs were definitely the most valuable assignments in terms of the AP Exam, but the biography essay was probably my favorite. I love how Mrs. Richman emphasizes historical thinking, argumentation, analysis instead of focusing exclusively on the AP exam material. I would recommend this class to anybody who is interested and willing to work hard!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                APUSH as a Freshman

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Maya V. H. on 05/23/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Certainly! This was my very first AP class as a freshman, and I had no idea of what to expect. I was a ball of nerves on the day of the exam, but once I actually looked at the questions, I realised Mrs. Richman had done more to prepare me than I knew. After doing many multiple choice questions per week and two timed practice essays a month the test itself was nothing new.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Usually I worked about fifteen hours on a normal week, but when we had a special assignment due, like a bio essay, I worked around twenty hours per week. Taking this class for me was quite a time commitment, but in my opinion it was worth every minute.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                My favorite assignment of the whole year was doing the biography essays. Each semester we had one Bio essay due from late or modern history. Both essays had to be in a creative format, but for one we had to create a web page. Creating the web page was not only great because I learned a lot about Cesar Chavez, my bio person, but it was also really fun. Instead of playing games, I was actively learning graphic design and having a great time.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Definitely, when my mom first told me I was taking APUSH I was honestly a little upset. I’ve always been drawn more towards European History than American, but once the course started I realised U.S. history was part of Colonial European history. After I started making worldwide connections, I began to really enjoy APUSH.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Yes, after class gets started our many fabulous TA’s lead study groups throughout the week. Throughout the year I was in a group that met once a week every Friday. We would go over our essays options for that week and help each other formulate outlines and primary source analyses. I found being able to meet as a group was helpful in hearing my study buddies’ opinions on my ideas.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                What sort of student would do well in this course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you are looking to take this course be ready for a challenge. I took this as a freshman, and I had some trouble learning how to be both an excellent AP student while still getting used to taking high school classes. If you are not willing to put in effort or are looking for an easy class this is not the class for you, but if you are willing to put time and effort towards APUSH you will do very well in this class.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you are willing to work hard I would highly recommend this class. I enjoyed taking this class not only because it was hard and I love challenge, but all the information I learned really stuck with me. I can’t go to see Civil War era art displays without also seeing allusions and symbols. If you want to take an APUSH class next year, I recommend you take it from Mrs. Richman.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Great class--will prepare you for the AP Exam and more!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Priscilla Liow on 05/22/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP Exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Definitely! Mrs. Richman gave us two practice essays each months and a few multiple choice questions to do each week. Reviewing for the exam in April was easy and pressure free beause I was so used to doing exam style questions by that time.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I worked 10-13 hours a week on average. On weeks when special projects like the Bio Essays were due, I worked longer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Are there any favorite assignemnts that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I particularly liked the History in the News assignments, where each of us would find a recent news story or article related to history and write about it. I liked the breadth of topics we could choose from, as well as the depth with which we could explore our chosen topic. For instance, I wrote one really fun History in the News assignment about the crash of a famous dirigible during the 1920s.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes! While I am not intending to be a history major, this course did increase my interest in history. It may be a cliche, but the analyses we did on primary documents and political cartoons really made history "come alive" for me ad showed me that historians study far more than what is "in the textbook." 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes, we did a group project focusing on our opinions about Andrew Jackson's presidency. Reading other teams' contributions to this project and working with members of my own team helped me see both sides of this issue.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This course was the last AP course I took in my high school career. Comparing it to other courses I've taken, I would say that it was not the easiest AP I've done, but also that it was definitely the most enjoyable history class I've taken. Given the workload, it might not be suitable for a freshman (unless he/she has very strong essay writing skills) or someone with other heavy time commitments. I think that many of the assignments I mentioned above were not *strictly* necessary to earn a 5 on the exam, but they were very enriching. Thus, if you are trying to get quick AP credits, this may not be the class for you. If you really want to learn about what historians do and how they view the past, I think this is the course for you.  




                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Take this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Clara W. on 05/18/2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes! A thousand times yes! Mrs. Richman prepared us well. I walked into the exam feeling fully confident that I was going to be comfortable with the material. The essays are one of the strong suits of this class. Mrs. Richman's thorough feedback and advice made me comfortable when faced with the daunting task of writing two very long essays in just an hour and a half. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It really depended on the week. When we had Bio Essays (something I'll talk about later), I was spending close to four hours a day on APUSH. However, in an average week, with nothing special (like a Bio Essay or the Andrew Jackson project), I probably spent about 2-3 hours on my APUSH work. However, it doesn't feel like drudgery, because Mrs. Richman makes history truly fascinating and fun to explore.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Bio Essays and the three Dinner Parties were definitely a highlight. In a Dinner Party, you assume the role of a historical figure from a certain time period. Be prepared for pie throwing, heated debates, and making lots of historical connections. A Bio Essay is a big project, occuring twice a year, where you present the biography of a historical figure's life through some creative format. Through these two activities, I got to learn from my brilliant classmates' work, but I also learned a lot through my own research. Seriously, do you want me to give you a three hour lecture on all facets of the ERA and Gloria Steinem's work with it? :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Definitely! I'm going to be in college in the fall and I'm hoping to take many more U.S. History courses. I feel like I've just barely skimmed the surface of this area of study. However, more important that that, I think, is that I learned the significance of understanding history. In this class, my understanding of history changed from trying to keep a jumble of facts and dates straight in my head to actually have an overarching idea of the flow of history in the United States and the patterns and variations that occur over time. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Oh, definitely! Mrs. Richman really fostered a sense of community in this class. Reponses to classmate essays and other projects is a required part of this class. When it came time to take the exam, I was so glad that I had had experience reading exemplary essays and other work throughout the year. I was also part of an excellent small study group that really supported and encouraged me, especially through those last few weeks of nerve-wracking exam prep. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you are willing to work hard and devote not only quality, but quantity of your time, then this is a class for you! My only regret about taking this class this year is that I was really busy with a bunch of other stuff. I was taking other time-intensive AP classes. I was also completing college applications and participating in a variety of activities. I think this would be a fantastic introduction to the world of APs. That's not to say that this isn't a challenging class - quite the contrary! However, a younger student (a freshman or sophomore), would probably have more time to devote to this class. You can definitely succeed as a person with other obligations (I definitely feel like I did), but this is such a fun class that you're going to want to spend hours and hours learning more about history.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I highly recommend this class if you love fast-paced, very fun, and challenging coursework. I came out of this class with greater time management skills, studying skills, and, most importantly, a strong knowledge of United States history. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SUCH a good class

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Janessa Hughes on 05/17/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This class really was the best part of my year, and Mrs. Richman was an amazing teacher. If you're thinking about taking the class, I'd encourage you to go for it...but here's my advice: If you're a hard worker, don't be intimidated by the workload...you'll adjust to it and come to really enjoy all the different assignments. If you're prone to slacking off, take the workload and number of asssignments into serious consideration. I was able to stay on top of everything this year and you can too, just know that it requires a lot of commitment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Absolutely...Mrs. Richman did a great job of balancing learning and review all year, so that by the time the exam came around I felt very ready. I knew I probably wouldn't know everything on the test, but I was pleasantly surprised that there were very few questions I felt unsure about.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I would say I averaged an hour of APUSH work a day, and then I spent some extra time throughout the week watching review videos, listening to lectures, meeting with my Study Buddy, or reading American Literature.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The most helpful aspect of this class was the Great Courses Lectures. They are super thorough and cohesive, and as an auditory learner I absorbed so much information through these. So those were my favorite "assignments" in terms of learning, but the assignment I enjoyed most and found most valuable was the interview. I was able to sit down with my neighbor who knew Fidel Castro personally and defected from Cuba, and listening to his stories for a couple hours was an experience I really treasure.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes!! Mrs. Richman's passion for learning is contagious, and all year you keep going deeper in history and making connections. Now that a few weeks have passed since the exam, I've found that I miss learning with this class. I discovered this year that history isn't a checklist of events and figures to cross off, but a multi-faceted subject that you can always continue to explore.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes! My study buddy time was invaluable, reading classmates' essays and commenting was certainly helpful, and dinner parties were entertaining ;)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      While anybody who is willing to work hard will do well, I'd say the students best fit for this class are those who can manage time and deadlines well. This class is built on a lot of little assignments, so prioritizing and staying on top of work is key. Some assignments have deadlines during the week, but others just require you to be diligent. In other words, don't think that because the assignments are small they can be put off till Friday :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        History can be pretty cool, after all... ;)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Faith on 05/13/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        First of all, to make my opinion completely clear, this class is definitely worth taking! Mrs. Richman is the kind of teacher that encourages and accomodates, yet really and truly helps you actually LEARN. My understanding of the United States grew so much during this past year, and I discovered that history can actually be pretty cool. This class requires a good bit of hard work, but the reward at the end is amazing. Once I got past the nitty-gritty of historical details, I could put pretty much all of American history in a big picture and see the themes that flowed over decades.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I was a bit nervous about this class in the beginning of the year because I'm not a huge history buff. I think, however, that I will look back at this class quite fondly. So if you're reading this review and trying to decide whether or not to take this class, I would strongly suggest that you go for it. Take it! You'll have to put in a decent amount of effort in order to really appreciate and benefit from the class (it was a bigger class load than I'm used to), but the work is manageable and very worth it. Writing essays throughout the year helped develop my critical thinking and writing skills, and I felt very well prepared for the APUSH exam at the end of the year. The exam itself ended up being a decently enjoyable and calm end of a very intriguing, academically challenging, and fulfilling year.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        While I still don't really think I'll ever become a history major, this class (and teacher) instilled in me a new appreciation for the United States and the history that has led up to today. I recommend this class to anyone who is willing to work hard and be pleasantly surprised by the nuggets of cool facts and ideas they might discover along the way. So I guess history can be pretty cool after all... ;)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AMAZING Class!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Danielle Ji on 05/13/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          APUSH is definitely one of my FAVORITE online classes. Mrs. Richman, the teacher, is super fun and helpful. I personally love history, and APUSH really helped me develop my historical thinking skills. I LOVE this class!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Definitely! Mrs. Richman’s studying tips really helped me out. Nearing the exam, she sent out several practice exams and fun videos to help us “de-stress.” All year long, we wrote timed essays and primary source document analyses, and completed multiple choice questions, which helped me gain familiarity to what the exam would cover. Usually before an exam, I’m very stressed out and nervous. However, with the AP US History exam, I was super calm. I usually freak out over timed essays, but the exam essay was actually very enjoyable for me.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          My studying time varies. I usually spend at least ten hours per week, sometimes less if I’m out of town, or sometimes more if we’re studying a period I’m not confident with. Also, Mrs. Richman always has a ton of great websites she shares with us; I usually take a look at these with my spare time. I’m not a super fast reader, so I have to pick my way through these links to understand them, but they definitely help me understand the information.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Biography essays were my absolute favorite projects!! This assignment is supposed to be about a historical figure, and the project must be made in a creative format (e.g. video, website, story, etc). This assignment was great because it allowed me to see things from the historical person’s point of view and it let me play around with website builders. Another of my favorite assignments is the November Interview. The interview let me hear a first-hand account of a historical event. The Dinner Parties were also extremely fun.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yes! The WWW Board especially helped a lot. There, my fellow students posted helpful links and questions. Also, Mrs. Richman requires students to read and respond to classmate’s essays, so reading another student’s point of view on a subject really helps. Reading responses from my fellow students also helped a great deal.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Anyone who is hardworking will do well in this class. There are a lot of weekly reading and writing assignments, but Mrs. Richman makes them enjoyable and fun. Also, you have to participate and engage with the other students to learn the most.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          If you can't tell, I definitely recommend this course! It was a awesome first AP class, and I learned a lot. Mrs. Richman is an A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. teacher; you won’t regret taking this class at all!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wonderful Class -- will prepare you for the AP and for life! :-)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Catherine Garton on 05/12/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This was a truly fantastic class, and I would definitely recommmend it to anyone who is interested!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes! Every week we had several assignments that were intended to prepare us for the exam. We wrote essays every week, and twice a month these would take the form of exam-style essays (one Document Based Question and one Long Essay Question). We also practiced short answer questions, multiple choice questions, cartoon analyses, and primary source document analyses every unit. Because of the methodical approach, studying for the AP felt easy -- I had been preparing all year, and it didn't even feel like it! Plus, the course in general was very thorough and very engaging. All the resources you need to do your best are given to you... As long as you make sure you put in the time, you will learn everything you need to know!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This fluctuated widely based on how busy I was any given week. There were some weeks were I felt inspired and spent a ton of time on APUSH, just because I wanted to (15+ hours), and there were other weeks where I could only really put in an hour per day (so around 6 hours). I would say the minimum time you could put in each week and get only the mandatory work done is 5 hours (if you were really, really efficient!), but you would be missing out on the many valuable learning opportunities this class provides. A better estimate for how much time you will probably want to spend each week is 10 hours or so.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The essays! These were critical learning opportunities, and they also prepared me for test day.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Absolutely! I have always been interested in history (in the sense that I am interested in all school subjects), but this class gave me a passion for it! I spent a lot of time on my APUSH work this year -- not always because I had to, but because it was just so interesting.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes, and more so than it would be. I have taken other online classes where the student-student interaction is virtually nonexistent, but that is nothing like this class! There was plenty of communication, and I found my fellow students to be very insightful and intelligent. At the beginning of the year, we were split into teams that we would have for the entire class, and I loved getting to know my teammates. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What sort of student would do well in this course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Someone who is diligent with their work and is good at motivating themselves. It is so easy to fall behind in online classes, since there is no school bell keeping you on track and no teacher hovering over your shoulder all day. As long as you are organized, consistent, and enthusiastic in your school work, you will do very well!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes yes yes!!!!! Mrs. Richman is the best possible teacher for this class. She is 100% amazing and makes this class well worth the while. If you are interested and you want a thorough U.S. history class, take this! :-)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A wonderful course; an even more wonderful teacher

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Piper Wysocki on 05/12/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dear prospective APUSHer, 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Take this class. When I was looking at APUSH (AP United States History—you’ll be using this at the end of the year too, if you take this class) for my sophomore year and first AP, I was a bit unreasonably worried about the workload—after all, it is an AP class. The thing that I did not take into account was how fun the work would be. Mrs. Richman is fantastic and passes on her genuine love of the subject on to the class. She provides a broad variety of options to earn points for the week—each week you submit an assignment log which describes your work for the week and you receive points for it on a leaderboard. You can watch videos, read books, do quizzes, listen to lectures, and go to museums—it all counts. Certain assignments—practice essays and a few other projects—are assigned, but it takes a great deal of self-motivation to succeed as the bonus assignments I feel are where you learn the most.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              It helps if you are a competitive person. Mrs. Richman keeps a running tally on the class website of all points accumulated by everyone and there are rankings. I found this very motivating throughout the year. Just don’t worry about it too much—or do—but don’t be surprised if you find yourself reading PSDs (Primary Source Documents) at 8 PM on a Friday. There are crunch times in this class—either the aforementioned Friday evenings or the weeks when Bio Essays or other projects are due. Some weeks things get very hectic, especially when you have other classes that are taking up time, but Mrs. Richman is great about extensions and thinks that it is most important that you get enough sleep and don’t work with a cold. She understands that sometimes you have other things going on and need to have the ability to shift your workload to suit your schedule.  



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I felt really well prepared for the exam, so I think you will be to. If you put in the work you’ll be fine. I’d quite a few practice tests before the exam, but I didn’t feel too stressed out until the day before and even then I was pretty calm. Her tips about the exam and test room were very valuable. I knew that I’d laid the groundwork over the past school year, so the test wouldn’t be a big deal. I knew the format of the exam very well and knew how to approach the MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) logically. I understood what points I needed to cover in the essays and short answer questions. The week before the exam, Mrs. Richman was so helpful. I could send her emails and she’d respond quickly. She was checking the message board often and always provided detail feedback to my questions on practice exams. She spent a lot of her time trying to keep each and every one of us calm, relaxed, and focused—and I think she did a great job. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Throughout the year she was just as helpful. To every practice essay we did she’d use the actual grading criteria to grade it and discuss in depth how we could do better, including providing bonus point links to cites that had more information on the topic. Her feedback was overwhelmingly positive and I always felt that she was rooting for us to do well. She never said we’d done something wrong, just that we could do something better. It made her feedback very easy to take. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The peer group of this class was fantastic. It is extraordinary to be in a class of students who could write, think, and research just as well or better than you can. Being able to study with intelligent and engaged students in itself is a blessing and can truly be helpful for preparing for the exam. Study buddy-ing the week before the exam is a welcome break from practice tests and I am lucky to have found a close friend in the class who I am planning to take an additional class with and meet at the end of year AP Party. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I would recommend this class very highly—it was my favorite for this year. I’ve always liked history, often naming it my favorite class despite having no interest in it as a career. I still have no desire to run out and be a history major, but I have a greater appreciation of our country’s history and a better understanding of where some modern political issues came from. I think that history is truly valuable where it relates to the present—“those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,” a phrase that is now in common lexicon and mutilated from its previous form. The new AP exam has a “synthesis point” which invites students to draw connections between eras and understand repeated cycles in history. Mrs. Richman broadened my understanding of this as well as provided me with a wonderful class. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              If you are a good writer (there’s a lot of writing in the course and you are expected to write well and quickly), eager to take advantage of the variety of opportunities provided, have enough time to take on this course (plan about 10 hours a week), and are interested at all in US History, take this course. And don’t be surprised at the end of the year if you want to come back for another year, or find yourself taking more classes from Pennsylvania Homeschoolers to keep in touch with new friends. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                APUSH was absolutely AMAZING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Zachary Smelser on 05/12/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This class was a BLAST. Not only did Mrs. Richman's APUSH class help me presonally to learn intensively about our country's history, it GREATLY prepared me for the exam. Her weekly assignments like Multiple Choice Questions and Primary Source Document analyses were great helps especially (especially for the MCQ section of the exam.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Richman was always prompt on responding to messages/emails that you sent to her, and that was immensely helpful.  Also, with the WWW board (message board), anybody could ask questions, share helpful review, sites, etc. I always had a fun time with that (also with bonuses that Mrs. Richman would post on there.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Richman also always encouraged further research into a topic that interests you, and she gave COUNTLESS ways to do that by giving links and tips on how to research a topic. Her weekly emails were also extremely helpful, and in both her emails and essay responses, she was ALWAYS sooooo ENCOURAGING!!!!! :) BRAVO! Her exclamation points and smile faces were always nice to see.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Seriously, I REALLY recommend this class. I spent about 10-12 hours a week on APUSH. If you've never done an AP class especially, this class is good for you, because you have the perfect teacher that's ideal for getting started into the "AP realm". This class was SO valuable to me, and it's hepled me to want to more AP classes. Take this class, seriously, you won't regret it. Do it! :D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GREAT GREAT course would DEFINITELY Recommend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Samuel Chan on 05/11/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This course is SUPER DUPER fun and there is not an OVERKILL of homework! I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with all the other students and I loved Mrs. Richman's feedback every week for our assignments! She's such an awesome awesome teacher and I would definitely recommend. She prepares us well with short answer questions, SAQ, document-based questions and long essay questions, DBQ/LEQ questions, each month and with weekly analysis of primary source documents (PSDs). The course made me feel more than prepared for the AP exam...I felt completely at ease at the AP test knowing I had prepared well! Coursework per week: expect around 5-6 hours along with reading and such. History has always been one of my favorite subjects and I definitely enjoyed the course!! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    My favorite class of the year!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Grace Driggers on 05/11/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Participating in this class was a wonderful experience. I'll admit that, when I first logged onto the website in the summer, and saw the longggggg sidebar full of different websites and homework and other things, the first thing I thought was "Oh no, what have I done...". Little did I know that this class would turn out to be my favorite part of my senior year. This class certainly isn't for a student who is unmotivated or who struggles with time management (but, I would imagine that that is true of any AP course). However, I do think that it is a manageable class, and could be a good AP class for a younger high schooler looking to enter the world of online AP's. This class is very customizeable; aside from the homework required of everyone each week, you can choose to take on bonus work, extra reading/video watching/research, etc. as you are able. I spend from 2-3 hours a day on average on this class, but you could spend a bit less than that and still do well, I think. This class prepared me very well for the AP exam, and I am optimistic about my score. There really wasn't a moment while I was taking the exam where I thought "Oh, shoot, I don't know about this/I've never heard of this before." If you read/study what Mrs. R tells you to, and if you are willing to be responsible with your homework, this class should set anyone up for a solid 4 or 5 on the exam. (Sidenote: The exam has grown more liberal over the years, and I definitely noticed that on this exam, but that didn't throw me for a loop, because Mrs. R assigned chapters in a book called Insider's Guide, which told you what to expect on the exam-- such a life saver! So don't let that dissuade you from taking the course. Mrs. R covers all areas of U.S. history equally, preparing you for whatever might appear on the exam, and while the exam this year was definitely liberal, I do not think that I struggled taking the exam because of that.) I particularly enjoyed the bio essays and the Gilder Lehrman Essay (which was a bonus assignment, but I am told that it will be required as of next year). I loved doing research and being able to study in-depth the lives of Americans who I found to be inspiring and who were influential in their day. Calvin Coolidge has become my favorite president because of the project I did on his life during second semester. :) I have always loved history, and this course helped me to gain a nuanced understanding of history in a way I had not before. I participated in two study groups each week which I feel really helped me to learn, and which gave me friendships in the class that definitely motivated me to work harder. Overall, this was an excellent course, and I would recommend to anyone who is willing to put in an hour or two a day working hard and learning about our country. Mrs. Richman is an amazing teacher, and her undying enthusiasm and encouragement were something I looked forward to every week of this school year. She is cheerful, extremely knowledgeable, and does everything she can to ensure that her students learn to think like a historian, and that they emerge from the class with an enthusiasm for U.S. History. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      No history class has EVER been so fun...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Katherine Ichinose on 05/11/2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      YES! This class is incredibly thorough. While the class leaves room for you to study what you personally need and want to learn, Mrs. Richman knows what everyone absolutly has to know and makes sure eveyrone is well-prepated for the exam. Not only that, but the encouragement and the positivity of this class prepares everyone mentally and emotionally. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Usually I'd put two or so hours into the class, when I was working on a bio essay or felt I needed more time stuyding a subject, I would invest more time into the coursework. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I LOVED working on the bio essays -- but probably my favorite part of this class was study buddying with some of the friends I've gotten to know so well. Mrs. Richman encourages creativity in all of your assignments. Oh! I also loved getting to write a book review over the summer (that seems so long ago...)! Mrs. Richman is so encouraging and her comments on my work alwyas made me smile, but they are also very insightful and constructive. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes, actually! I've always liked history (not loved it, but enjoyed it)! As it happened, a historical musical (Hamilton) came out this year. Coupled with this class, I've gotten a lot more interested in history and have a much better understanding of the big picture and also the little details. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Oh, yes! This class it comprised of such an intelligent group of students. And they are all kind, supportive, and enthusastic to boot! It was invaluable to be able to come to my classmates with questions or confusions and talk out our difficulties together. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mrs. Richman is so wonderful, she can get any student through this class as long as the student is willing to invest effort into this class. And Mrs. R makes it so, SO easy to do so, I would highly recommend this class to anyone who is willing to work hard and keep up a positive attitude. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This class is a TREASURE!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Elizabeth Marlin on 05/10/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Through this class, Mrs. Richman did a fantastic job of preparing each and every one of her students for the AP US History exam. Walking into the exam, you will always be nervous, but with this class, you can be confident that whatever the test throws at you, you are prepared! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Assignments, such as MCQ Think-it-Throughs, Primary Source Document Analyses, and Biography Essays (my personal all-time favorite!!), will teach you not only more about history than you ever imagined, but also new ways of looking and thinking about history, as well as indispensable thinking and analysis skills. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Going into this course, I was not crazy about history. I liked it, but I wouldn't say I was a history nerd. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE!! No matter how you feel about history going into this class, you will come out with a renewed appreciation and a deep love of the intricate web of causes, effects, and events which is history.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mrs. Richman has such a wonderful and ENCOURAGING teaching style, and her love of history is infectious! She not only carefully reads her students' work, but takes the time to thoughtfully reply to each assignment. She has a unique interest in and a fundamental role in shaping the progress and development of each of her students. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I would recommend this to anyone, provided they are motivated and ready to have the time of their lives! The assignments are so diverse, yet so enjoyable, and Mrs. Richman's amazing library of additional links and bonuses is so vast that it is impossible to get bored and impossible not to get excited about history! So, please, I beg you: TAKE THIS CLASS! YOU WON'T REGRET IT! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Richman is *AMAZING* ;-)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Addie Best on 05/09/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Richman's wonderful, edcational, and informative class was undoubtably the highlight of my schoolyear. She has a talent for connecting students who live hundreds or thousands of miles away, making even the most mundane assignments interesting and engaging, and, most importantly, her class definitely prepares ANY student for the exam. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          First of all, let it be said that I am the sort of student who learns best from hands-on activities....and if you think that an ONLINE history class can't be hands-on--THINK AGAIN! Through all of Mrs. Richman's prodigious efforts, her class is both engaging and hands-on. Also, she places a strong emphasis on preparing for the test; starting in the first week of class, students are required to write an essay a week. These essays are either actual APUSH essay prompts, or assignments designed to encourage individual research and learning. After weeks and weeks of practice, students go into the exam room knowing exactly the format of the questions, and how best to compose their essay. Oh! And did I mention the AMAZING grading rubrics she fills out for each essay? THEY ARE WONDERFUL, HELPFUL AND ASTONISHING! It is very clear that Mrs. Richman gives her full attention to each essay she is grading--she fills the grading rubric with ancedotes, links, and personal comments. This grading tatic alone would win Mrs. Richman a 5-star review! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Other amazing things about Mrs. Richman: a.) she is extremely responsive--often within the day of your question/email, she will respond with the most in-depth answer you could wish for! b.) She makes every student feel like they are learning in the class--she doesn't let anyone feel behind (meaning she helps them succeed and keep up). c.) There are always fun assignments when you need a break from other school! The dinner parties are AMAZING! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I guess all I really have to say is that Mrs. Richman's class leaves students prepared and comfident for the exam. To quote Mark Twain "Many public-school children seem to know only two dates--1492 and 4th of July; and as a rule they don't know what happened on either occasion."  Mrs. Richman's students are the complete opposite! DEFINITELY sign up for the class! Not only will you learn dates--you will learn the much more important skills of analysis and historical contextualization. :^P 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hip hip HUZZAH for Mrs. Richman! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Well-prepared and thankful!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Christian Simpson on 05/09/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thanks to Mrs. Richman and Paige Cohen (my study group TA), I felt well-prepared for the exam. I had a lot of encouragement from my parents, my study buddies, and God as I went into the exam with a smile on my face. Instead of being scared or anything, I felt remarkably calm. Thank you!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I put a good amount of time each week on this class, between the weekly assignments and the monthly assignments. Although I did not keep track very well, I would say the average was 11 hours a week due to the extra time I put in at the end doing a lot of review. I really liked the Bio Essays as a very different assignment, and the most helpful was probably the Great Course Lectures. I came into class not all that interested in American History, but now that I understand it a bit better I am more open to have a discussion about it, learn some more, etc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I did not spend that much time on the WWW Board, which could be a mistake, but when I did talk with other students in study group it really helped cement concepts in my mind. I enjoyed the study groups because we went over quizzes and all gave our input, which helped me see why the right answer was in fact right, along with helpful prompt practice.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This was my first AP class, and it was a lot heavier than any others I had taken before. It helped me with time-management. I would recommend this class to someone who has had American History before and who is ready for a challenge that will help them grow.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Go sign up for the class before you read my review!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Zoe Lin on 05/09/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              You might suspect, after reading all these raving APUSH class reviews that we've all been paid by Mrs. Richman to gush about how much we love the class...seriously though, this is a legitimately good class, and you should sign up for it right now!!! This course, of course, is a class that focuses on the end of the year AP exam, but to be totally honest, I often forgot about the exam...Mrs. Richman prepared really well: in a way that was stress-free, SUPER encouraging, and very practical: towards the end of the year, she included everything from good reviewing strategies to reminding us to exercise and relieve stress to how to strengthen our hands for those many FRQ's. The amount of knowledge and experience she has really is useful to every single student, and it sure was to me! I put in about an hour a day, and then about 90 minutes a weekday towards the end of the year...at the beginning of the year, it was really stressful staying on top of every single assignment, but I learned to 1) enjoy some of them (especially the multiple choice question think-it-throughs and cartoon analysis, which really helped me on the exam and just general cartoon-analyzing!) and 2) form habits so that it didn't really seem like so much work anymore..this APUSH class DEFINITELY interested me more in APUSH! Not only did we learn about the "regular" history stuff from the online text, etc, but Mrs. Richman also included fun little tidbits and bonuses learning about cool things and gadgets and also links to articles about a particular essay topic (which I really appreciated, because helped me learn more and more)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              If you're willing to work hard, can manage your time well (but don't worry: there's plenty of wiggle-room given in the first couple weeks), and want to be in an AWESOME class with an equally amazing teacher, then I'd recommend this class for you! Even if you don't have a huge, "I'm-going-to-major-in-history-at-college" love for history, you should still take this course because you'll learn so much in really cool ways - not just about US history, but also about yourself, how to handle stress, what kind of history and events you like analyzing and hearing about, and how a teachers' love for a subject can inspire you to want to learn more!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LOVED this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Claire Fraise on 05/09/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I absolutely ADORED this class! The format was fantastic. All the assignments were interactive, fast-paced, and catered to all types of learners. There were Mp3 lectures, discussion posts, videos, full test essays—by the time the exam came around, I could write DBQs and LEQs in my sleep! Leading up to the exam, I was so worried that I’d run out of time but, during the test, I found myself working at a rather relaxed pace--something I wouldn’t have been able to dream of doing in September. Because the work was so interactive and multi-media, I was constantly learning and I never got bogged down with the assignments as I could complete it at my own pace (I spent about 20 hours a week on APUSH work). I’d always been a history buff but this class took my interest and understanding to a whole new level. I love writing and learned so quickly through all the written discussions because they immediately forced me to use the things we were learning in our reading and apply it, engraving it in my brain. The creative projects—like the Andrew Jackson project, Bio Essays, and Dinner Parties (my personal favorites!)—were so much fun! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This class was filled with interesting, nice, super fun people who cared about the subject as much as I did. I made friends and studied regularly with a study buddy; it was so great to have such a strong support network facing something as daunting as an AP exam. Mrs. Richman was so accessible and addressed every worry and question I had throughout the year instantly and with such kindness and generosity. She is a truly amazing teacher and made the subject come to life. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                THANK YOU Mrs. Richman and the amazing APUSH community for such a great year! I learned so much and felt so prepared walking into the AP exam. I had a smile on my face walking in and out of the test room! I would recommend this class a thousand times over. :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Best APUSH Class of Them All!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Amy Mckeown-Green on 05/08/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mrs. Richman is an amazing teacher and I learned so much during this course! She has an amazing wealth of historical resources: websites, documentaries, and news articles etc... I've often wondered if she has one of the best archives of American history in her website. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yes!!! I felt very prepared for the AP exam. The multiple choice questions were a breeze and the short answer questions were pretty easy to write. The essay writing went well and I felt as though I had a lot of facts to choose from. In preparation, I chose to do a few more practice essays, but essay writing is a very personal skill, so others might be just great without the little extra work.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  P.S. I took the SAT Subject test for history the next day and I was well prepared for that too.     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I spent from anywhere between 7-15 hours a week, depending on whether I had a large assignment due one week or a lighter workload another. The time I spent definitely increased as the exam approached :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The cartoon analysis assignments were my favorite. I loved finding the historical cartoons and learning about their context. This skill was invaluable on the exam. I also found that the MCQ-TT (multiple choice question - think it through) assignment was really helpful. The answer key would be filled with a number of great resources on the topic.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I didn't spend as much time in study groups, but all of the group assignments were really fun! I got to meet lots of new people who were incredibly hardworking and driven. I'm not sure I've had a class so full of students that kept me on my toes. Everyone worked hard and created a high standard and great environment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mrs. Richman provides resources for all learning types, websites, documentaries, audio lectures, video series, and news articles are just a few of these. I think for a student to do well they have to take initiative. The old addage, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink..." definietly applies. Mrs. Richman leads one up to a deep well of information but the student has to drink from it. This "drinking" involves doing bonus assignments and really paying attention and learning from every assignment. I would definitely recommend this course to other students. There is no better APUSH course in the world!!!!!! - I'm serious!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Favorite AP class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Caitrin Murphy on 05/08/2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ok, so I know this might seem like an exaggeration, but it really is not. Since I was little, I have always been extremely interested in history and the events and characters that changed our society throughout the years and this interest led me to take both AP European History and AP World History. I had such a positive experience with those two classes that I decided to take AP U.S. History this year and it was truly an amazing experience. I had heard some horror students form friends in public and private school who said APUSH in general was impossible, boring, and ended in a frustrating exam however, I had the exact opposite experience with this class. I highly recommend this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? Yes, I did. Instead of freaking out before the exam (like I usually do…), I actually felt calm and was able to focus on studying, especially because of Mrs. Richman’s exam study tips. Throughout the year we experienced a wide variety of assignments from DBQs to cartoon analysis assignments. This wide range gave our class a look into the documents, topics, cartoons etc. that we needed to know for the exam. I was also kind of scared going into this class that I would be bored out of my mind because previously, I had associated U.S. history with boring government documents, and once again, I experienced the exact opposite and was very interested every assignment topic. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    How many hours per day or week did you put in? This number is dependent on a few factors and for me, I put in about 12-14 hours every week and 20-23 hours a week leading up to the exam. Firstly, there is a good portion of assigned reading and a large portion of extra reading links that are either sent out in Mrs. Richman’s weekly updates, or, found in PSD assignments or MCQ-TTs. I would highly recommend reading ALL of these link or at least checking them out because I noticed that certain documents popped up again in the exam and Mrs. Richman’s links really expanded my knowledge about the given time period. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Are there any particular assignments that you found especially valuable? I loved doing the bio essays this year. Contrary from what you might think by hearing “bio essay”, this is not merely an essay about a historical figure. Mrs. Richman encouraged us to go for a more creative option such as making a youtube video, or creating a website dedicated to the historical character we picked. This was a great opportunity to learn more about someone that interested us because we got to individually pick our character. I had never done a ‘creative format’ before so it was challenging but well worth the effort. It was also great to look at everyone else’s bio essays and see how everyone picked a different format and interpreted their vision for the “essay” differently. I also enjoyed the bonus assignments because they were a more informal way of learning such as the “interview with your mom” bonus which had us interview our moms to learn more about the role of women in society when they were growing up.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? I did and I thought that the WWW board really enhanced this opportunity. Fellow students would post interesting links, comments about a test, or general questions and it was a really great way to receive help or search through fun links that students had posted. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    What student would do well in this course? The student has to be very hard-working and determined to succeed in this course. At first, I was really scared when I saw the class schedule and the amount of reading and I had to do however, once we got the assignments, I started really enjoying my ‘homework’, something I had not really done before. You have to be an active participant in this class to get the most out of the material. This class really made me use my brain and have a clear thought process, as weird and cliche as it sounds. I learned how to raise questions and analyze documents in a way that I hope will benefit me for the rest of my life. Mrs. Richman’s positive attitude was a motivational aspect that students might not often receive from teachers. I felt like she really took the time to get to know each and every one of us and was able to give helpful comments that were personalized and specific. I am going into senior year next year and she has been a teacher throughout my high school years that has really stood out to me because of her focused, positive, and motivational attitude.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Take this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Grace on 07/10/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The course definitely prepared me for the APUSH exam, on which I received a 5. Every regular assignment served as preparation for a specific part of the exam, and the other assignments (such as the Bio Essays) greatly enhanced my knowledge of some facet of American history. I think I put about 5 hours a week into this course. As far as favorite assignments go, I personally really enjoyed the Dinner Parties (in which you pretend to be a figure from American History) and the December Film Review. This course made my interest in the history of the United States history skyrocket. I hadn't known how truly fascinating it is until I took this course. The course would not be complete without communications with other students. The time I spent with my study group and my study buddy was absolutely essential to learning the material, not to mention fun. Reading other students' comments on my assignments was also incredibly helpful. I recommend this course without hesitation. Please, take this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Definitely take this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Christina N. on 06/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I would definitely recommend anyone reading this to take Mrs. Richmans AP US History class. While the class can be a little overwhelming the first couple of weeks, once you get the feel of the schedule it becomes easier. Mrs. R had SO much information and was always sending out links for futher learning, which I really enjoyed. She is very flexible, understanding, and willing to work with students and accomdate your schedule. I felt prepared for the AP test because of this class. The essays were not that daunting because we had been writing them all year, and all of the informative links that we had throughout the year helped with the Short Answer Questions and Multiple Choice Questions. I would recommend this class to really any student. I would say that you have to be motivated and able to stay on top of the work, but other than that you will do great. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Brilliant Course with an Amazing Teacher

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Zoe on 06/09/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Richman was absolutely an incredible teacher to have this year, and I enjoyed her class. It exceeded my expectations and thoroughly prepared me for the AP exam, more than I could have hoped to do on my own. Although this was a challenging course that required me to put in at least ten hours a week, Mrs. Richamn's support along with the TAs' support guided me through all the troubles. The biography essay assignments allowed me to have fun with building websites and still learn immense amounts about famous characters in American history. The course definitely enhanced my interest on the subject, and led me to better understand the state of current foreign relations. During the study groups, I made friends and learned different perspectives about topics in US history. If you don't like history all that much (I didn't when I first joined the class), have no fear. You will soon change your mind and be analyzing history like nobody's business :) This is a great class for any type of student because there are so many resources that Mrs. Richman provides - for auditory, kinetic, visual learners. I would definitely recommend this course to other students. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Best, Most Fascinating American History Course Ever!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Morgan Magnuson on 06/01/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            YES!  Mrs. Richman prepares you above and beyond what you would need for the AP Exam.  I've taken four AP classes with PA Homeschoolers and this was infinitely my favorite, which is saying a lot as all the courses are amazing.  This enthusiasm, of course, must be taken with a grain of salt as American History is the passion of my life, but I learned many things in this class that I didn't have any idea of before and the students in my class that weren't history people before are so now!  I could go on and on about how interesting the readings were and how Mrs. Richman leaps to help you with anything you need help with or how fun the assignments were.  Mrs. Richman does an excellent job and if I don't get a 5 or an 800, I will be completely surprised.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I put about three hours a day into this course, but I did every bonus, every optional assignment.  Without, I would say the work would take 1 and a half to 2 hours a day.  However, I strongly urge you to attempt as many bonuses as you can as they are not only fascinating, but extremely helpful in making the material stick.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I honestly loved every assignment and found them all equally valuable.  However, three of my favorites were the bio essays, the lecture given by one of the Great Courses lecturers, Prof. Allitt, at the end of the year, and the dinner parties!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I can't honestly say it did, but that is only because I love it so much already!  There were certain sections of American History I didn't love quite as much, such as the Jacksonian era, but now I am equally passionate of all the eras.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes!  I met my best friend in this course.  We study buddied the entire year and had a blast while learning so much.  It was so much fun to talk to the other students about what we were learning and debate little tidbits of history.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I would empathically recommend this course to everyone.  It is a college level course with a great deal of required reading and writing, don't get me wrong, but if you push on through, it will be an amazing experience.  I would say that no love of history is required, though recommended, as you will love history by the time you finish.  Strong writing skills and reading stamina are absolutely necessary. Creativity and a good wit are also recommended. ;)  In all seriousness, if you are willing to work hard, have writing skills, and love a challenge, I'm sure you will do just fine.  Additionally, if you are considering this class for the school year 2015-2016, as one of the TAs, I will help you get there.  So please, take the plunge.  You won't regret it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              APUSH Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Caitlin Zucco on 05/25/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I definately felt prepared for the test!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I normally spent 6-10 hours per week on APUSH. Except the two weeks before the test I probably worked/reviewed about 2-3 hours a day.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              As far as preparing me for the test, the LEQ and the DBQ were amazing. My favorite writing assignment was the cartoon analysis, since you researched the topic and the cartoon was drawn during its era. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Since I was already quite interested in US History, I'm not sure the course made me more interested, but it did feed the interest!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Once a week I met with other students and two TAs over skype. The TAs did an amazing job preparing for the test. Some weeks we would practice writing LEQ outlines and other weeks we would use game style review (such as jepordy). We also went through a lot of multiple choice tests. This communication was definately valuable!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Many students would excel in this class. You just have to be able to focus and manage time well. I would definately recommend this class to others!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              On a side note, after the test there were a few survey questions. One question was aong the lines of "How often did you write to prepare for the LEQ and DBQ?" I marked the twice a month option (we wrote every week, but the QBD and LEQ pracice twice a month). While in the room I heard the other students (from the highschool) discussing whuch option to chose. Many decided on the 'once a year' option (although I'm pretty sure that over-credited them). I am so grateful Mrs. Richman had us write! I felt relaxed writing the LEQ and DBQ! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Extremely Thorough History Class

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Natalie Sampsell on 05/25/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                First of all, I'd just like to say that this class was extremely well done - Mrs. Richman is a wonderful teacher, and she really instills a love of history into her students. I've never been too interested in history, preferring the maths and sciences, but the flexibility of this course allowed me to explore historical topics that I found interesting.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Yes. This whole course was designed to prepare students for the AP test. From MCQ-TTs (if you take this course, you'll find out what these are!), LEQs, and DBQs, to text reading in books specifically written for exam review, this course left me feeling prepared for every part of the test. To give an example of just how extensive this course was - I was talking to my cousin (who was taking an APUSH course at her public high school), and I found out that all she had to do for her homework was analyze one DBQ document. I was shocked, because as part of Mrs. Richman's class, I had been analyzing 10-12 DBQ documents and writing full-length essays every month since September! With this kind of preparation, I was not at all nervous going into the DBQ section. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6-7. It really varied week to week, depending on what kind of assignments we had, but I'd say that was my average. I didn't have time do a lot of bonus assignments or attend study groups, hovever, so I didn't spend as much time on the course as other did. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I really loved working on my Bio Essay project. We were encouraged (basically required) to use unique formats for our "essays," and so I wrote historic lyrics to make a parody of a pop song. It was fun and educational. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                And of course, having to write LEQs and DBQs every month, although not always fun, was extremely valuable. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Yes, I would say overall, it did. It's not like I will be pursuing a career in history, but studying the subject really increased my interest in both historic thinking and certain historic periods and people. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I'll have to say not especially to this one. While I certainly had the opportunity to communicate with other students, I didn't have a whole lot of time to do so. Also, I've always studied best independently, so a lot of it just came down to my learning style. I do know that many people in my class benefited greatly from communication with other students, however, so I was probably an exception to the norm.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I would absolutely recommend this course! Obviously, students need to be hardworking, but I don't think they need to have a strong interest in history to excel in this course.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Richman's APUSH class

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Molly Thomas on 05/22/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This class was awesome! I felt very prepared for the AP exam. There were a few time periods that we didn't cover as strongly that showed up in the multiple choice and one of the shory answers was about Native Americans, but those would have been hard to predict. Doing the essays every month made the test much less stressful than it could have been. I worked on APUSH between 8-12 hours a work. I tried to do about 2 hours every night and it worked out well. My favorite assignments were the bio essays because I learned about people that I coul duse as specific examples in my essays and really getting to know a historical figure helps with the overall picture of the time period. I enjoy learning history so much more now that I've taken this class. It was very enjoyable. The most effective communication with other students (especially since there weren't any in my state) was the study groups lead by the TA's. This was very helpful for going deeper in understanding each era. I will definitely recomend this course to all students who I know will work hard.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Great year!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by SRW on 05/22/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    This has been a very exciting class!  Throughout the year, Mrs. Richman has kept me busy with fun activities that I actually WANT to do because of the friendly approach she takes.  Even when I was busy with extra-curricular activities, I discovered that it was easier to do Mrs. Richman's homework than other classes because of how fun she made the class.  This enthusiasm really helped when it came to Exam-time.  I definitely felt over-prepared for the exam, which has boosted my confidence exponentially.  On average, I generally put at least 12-13 hours of work into APUSH, and when my school-year was busiest, the least amount of time I spent was around 10 hours.  This is saying a lot, considering the fact that I took 6 whole weeks out of the school year for speech and debate tournaments.  What I especially enjoyed about this class was that people were very willing to respond to my comments and my work, and I was able to talk with them and share my thoughts.  What was extremely helpful for me was that I was able to have 1 on 1 time with one of the TA's because we were able to meet up at the speech and debate tournaments.  I definitely recommend this class to anyone who is willing to go above and beyond.  I found that once I got into the class and understood the general flow, I REALLY wanted to go above and beyond.  Mrs. Richman does SO WELL with APUSH, you won't need much convincing.  My only regret is that I couldn't do more!  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Really fun!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Noelle Chow on 05/21/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I had a lot of fun in Mrs. Richman's class. She's always emailing out extra content, interesting APUSH-related news, and biographies. I definitely feel that she prepared us well for the exam, particularly for the essays. We had a lot of practice. I put at least a few hours a day into the class. The biography projects were my favorite. The required creative format made the project a challenge, but especially fun. I was intrigued by my classmates' bio projects and their various formats. I definitely learned a lot this year. Sometimes the assignments seemed a little overwhelming, but it's certainly doable. You work hard, but you learn a lot. I really benefitted in taking part of the extra review materials like Crash Course and Hip Hughes videos. This is a great class if you are willing to work hard and take advantage of the extra opportunities that Mrs. Richman always includes. I had so much fun!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        APUSH with Mrs. Richman: An Excellent, Excellent Course

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Andreas Knaupp on 05/20/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        First off, I would like to say that this was an incredible course, taught by an incredible teacher.  Mrs. Richman is entirely devoted to each of her students, and I was definitely grateful for her assistance throughout the year.  She is very accommodating of scheduling conflicts, and even allows students to alter assignment due dates to better fit their individual needs.  In her weekly updates, and in various activities, she lets students know about (literally) hundreds of extra resources, which augmented the required activities and helped me gain a much more thorough, tangible understanding of history than I would have gained otherwise.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Absolutely.  Mrs. Richman’s course covered each era of American history in depth, and really helped me to understand core concepts in-depth.  Being a former APUSH grader, she is well aware of what characteristics test readers look for on the written portion of the exam, and uses a rubric consisting of these characteristics to grade the monthly practice essays for both the Document-Based and Free-Response/LE Questions.  She assigned practice multiple choice questions each week, and helped students develop a reliable thinking process for working through such questions.  The weekly required reading of primary-source documents helped me learn how to analyze such documents, and how to compare the views of individuals with varied historical trends.  Perhaps most importantly, Mrs. Richman’s weekly updates were essential in helping me put together information to get a picture of different themes in each time period.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I personally put in at least 10 hours of work per week, and often more.  However, this will vary for most students, because, while the base requirements of the course are not very demanding, often consisting of maybe 5-6 total hours of video/audio lectures and reading per week (in addition to the assignments), Mrs. Richman provides students with a wealth of optional activities.  These activities are often extremely helpful, and helped me understand certain concepts much better; however, they do take a lot of extra time.  What I found myself doing was picking and choosing which I thought would benefit me the most in accordance with my learning style and areas of weakness.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        While I didn’t particularly enjoy them, the DBQ and FRQ practice essays, which are both completed once per month/unit, were probably the best form of preparation Mrs. Richman could have given me.  Completing the essays required me to piece together many individual bits of information to form a cohesive picture of the time period as a whole, which is an essential theme in APUSH.  In addition, Mrs. Richman’s grading system is, as I stated previously, directly based off of the College Board grading criteria, and her feedback really helped me see what I needed to change in order to score better on the exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yes, it did.  I’ve definitely gained a much greater appreciation for U.S. History through this course.  I think as I moved through the class, I became more and more interested in the topics I studied, and now find myself engaged by subjects which would have bored me prior to taking the course.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Peer relationships are largely determined individually by the students.  Some choose to join study groups run by the TA’s, and many choose to work together on certain projects/assignments.  However, very few assignments require direct interaction with other students, aside from brief, monthly reviews of other students’ essays.  I personally was not very heavily involved with other students throughout the year, electing to work pretty much individually.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What sort of student would do well in this course?  Would you recommend this course to other students?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I would definitely recommend this course to any and all students considering it.  Seriously; if you want to take an APUSH class, take this one.  Do not be deterred by the large class size, as Mrs. Richman devotes her full attention to each and every student.  She was helpful in all emails I sent her, and I did not feel as though her assistance was hampered or abbreviated due to either requests from other students or to the extensive amount of grading she does.  Rather, take the class size to be an indication of the course’s quality and resulting popularity.  Be prepared to devote yourself to the coursework, and whatever you do, do not fall behind.  I made this mistake a couple times during the year, and had to work 20/25 hours a week on APUSH work to catch up.  Do as many activities as you are comfortable with, and make sure you can handle that amount of work consistently throughout the year.  As long as you do that, and apply yourself to all of your assignments, you’ll have a great experience, and will definitely score well on the APUSH exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          My APUSH Experience

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Rebecca Reynolds on 05/19/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This year was full of new experiences, changes and excitement, and it's safe to say that APUSH played a part in this. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Starting off, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from this course. I was nervous; history had never been my best subject. But my fears were baseless; thanks to Mrs. Richman's organized and engaging approach to the subject I was able to keep track of my work, make connections throughout history and actually enjoy learning about the past. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This is not an easy course, but it is very rewarding. I put in probably about 10 hours every week, give or take, and sometimes it was hard to get everything in on time, but I believe it payed off. I haven't gotten my scores back yet, but there was nothing on the exam that stumped me and I felt very prepared. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This was not a boring class. So many times, history seems dry and dusty and irrelevant, but not from Mrs. Richman's approach. Her assignments, especially History In The News, focus on making key connections between the past and more modern events. This assignment not only makes history more memorable and personal, but also balances the student's perspective of the world today and allows for one to learn from the past. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Richman herself is an amazing teacher. She pushed me to do my best, but never overwhelmed me. She was very understanding about my schedule and was always ready with advice and answers to any questions any of us had. She always gave us time and resources for review which I found incredibly valuable, especially in the time just before the exam. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I would definitely recommend this course to any student with an interest in history. I, for one, have come out of it with an increased appreciation for my ancestors, my heritage, and my country. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Class Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Wilder Cufley on 05/13/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yeah, I did feel prepared going into the AP exam. I think I put in about 10 hours a week. I thought writing an essay each week and getting such thoughtful feedback was really helpful. I have to say, no it didn't enhance my interest in US history. Honestly, I'm glad to be done with the subject (though the course was really awesome, just history is not my cup of tea :P)! I think anybody with a good worth ethic and desire to learn should do well in this course!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I looooooooooved this class!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Amaya Fehringer on 05/12/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              So there is so much i want to say about how amazing this class is. First of all, Mrs. Richmond is an amazing teacher and (even though it sounds cliched) truly cares about her students. She's always super supportive and positive, and always ready to help anyone who is struggling. My day would be made when I would see her enthusiastic comments on my assignments. In the beginning of this course, I was struggling with an assignment, and she found the positives while at the same time helping me learn and improve. By the end of the year, those assignments were a piece of cake!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This class not only made me feel that I was over-prepared for the exam, but also fostered a deep love for history. Every week we would do a different assignment based off of what we would be doing on the test. Having to write the two types of essays that would be found on the exam every single month were especially valuable. While taking the exam itself, I found myself completely comfortable and familar with all the different sections, because I had so much practice doing them in class. Mrs. Richmond also is amazing at providing fascinating articles and short videos that can be used for extra credit. There are so many fun ways to earn extra credit in this class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The most valuable part of this class for me was the amazing interactions that I had with my fellow students. We all had to read and comment on each others essays, and I gained so many new insights from this. The WWWboard was so beneficial as well. Many people posted helpful links, some posted encouragement, and often there would be lively discussions on many events pertaining to historical or current-day affairs or events. I also joined a Study Group, and this was absolutely amazing. The TA's were so helpful as well, leading study groups and posting so many amazing tips and encouraging words on the WWWboard. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              If one is looking for an easy, no effort American History class, this class is definitely not for you. But if you are willing to apply yourself, and put in the time, I would recommend this whole-heartedly. I spent on the average 8-11 hours on this class (but I did the majority of the extra assignments). There were some weeks where my schedule forced me to do the bare minimum, so then I spent about 5-7 hours (this is definitely not recommended though). I would guess an average student would spend about 7-10 hours per week. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I cannot stress enough how amazing this class was (and how sad I am that its over)! I would highly, highly recommend it!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -Amaya Fehringer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                So completely amazing in all ways possible

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Catherine Marlin on 05/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This class should be a requirement for all students everywhere!!! There is so much to this class that I loved. The biggest thing, though, was while we were always preparing for the exam, we were also learning history - not just for the exam, but for ourselves. The assignments teach you the past, and then you apply what you learned on the test. It's not just strictly spending a year learning exactly what's going to be on the test and that's it. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The assignments are great - you learn history from every one, and sometimes you don't even realize it! The bio essays, (my favorite part!) allow you to take a creative approach to history, the cartoon analysis, history in the news and the DBQ Follow-ups give you the opportunity to explore on your own and present what you find. The LEQ and DBQs help enormously both in learning how to write well, and how to use information that you know in an essay. The MCQ TT and SAQ assignments really make you think and test how much you know.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                But wait! There's more! Special assignments, like dinner parties, bonus links, and games help you learn even more while solidifying what you already know. There's literally something that appeals to every person. If you're not a reading person, there are lectures and videos! If you're not a audio/visual learner, there are textbooks and many recommended websites! Mrs. Richman gives encouraging, helpful feedback to every assignment, and her weekly updates often have extra links that are helpful to the time period being taught. You also interact with fellow students and TAs that offer excellent feedback on your assignments. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                As you might expect, this course is a lot of work, and it might seem overwhelming in the beginning. Soon, though, you settle in a monthly routine and as long as you allocate the time, it's pretty easy to stay caught up. Speaking of which, the time I put into the course every week varied. It was generally 8-10 hours on average, with more for special projects like Bio essays, or less if it was a really light week. It also depends on whether you do extra reading or listening to lectures during the week. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                To any type of student willing to learn and work hard, I'd recommend taking this course. There is so much to it that not much else matters since there's something for everyone! Loved, loved, loved, this course. =D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It's a blast :)!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Olivia Novobilski on 05/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dear potential APUSHers,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you're looking for a course that will be fun, interesting, and very helpful in prepping you for the AP exam in May, you've come to the right place:) This course, taught by the fabulous Mrs. Richman, is perfect for students who love to learn and aren't afraid of a little hard work:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Richman way over prepares you for the exam in this course, assigning weekly multiple choice questions and twice a month essays that require you to use your historical writing and analysis skills. In general, it took me about 10-12 hours a week to keep up with the course, and a few hours added to that for the special projects. The special projects were a fantastic way to learn about some of the important historical figures and the time they lived in, and in December I had the opportunity to work on a project about one of the United State's most controversial presidnts, Andrew Jackson, with some of my fellow students.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I thought the most important assignments of the course were the monthly LEQ (long essay question) and DBQ (document based question). Although not the most fun assignments of the course, knowing how to write these essays well and quickly will be crucial for the exam. Some of my favorite assignments were the cartoon analysis and the dinner parties (a fun way to learn a little something about key historic figures, whether they are from the revolutionary or Civil War or even the Progressive Era. They're all a blast!)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A great thing about this course was that I got to choose how I wanted to learn, whether it was listening to a lecture, reading a book, or watching videos. In addition, I got to share this experience with my fellow students, meeting weekly to study or discuss historic events. In short, I recomend this course!!!!!





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Best. Class. Ever. (Seriously.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Corinne Ebner on 05/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Okay, first thing I'm gonna say before I answer the questions: Mrs. Richman is awesome. I have never had such an engaging, wonderful teacher who is this passionate about her subject! And now I'm pretty passionate about her subject, too. ;) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Walking into that exam room, I was way more than prepared. The class is extremely thorough, the assignments are really insightful, and the reading isn't too hard, but it gives you all the information you need to feel confident about the exam. And even though I sometimes dreaded finding them each week, primary source documents (PSDs) were immensely helpful. Overall, the class workload wasn't exactly easy, but every ounce was fantastic!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I would say generally around 9-12 hours a week (but often more like 13-14 on big assignment weeks). Of course, that counted my study group and other stuff that some people didn't do, like reading a lot in the supplementary text Making America (well, at least during the first semester...). Of course, I was certainly not one of the students who did almost as much extra work as required stuff, but I still budgeted at least 10 hours per week for this course.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Where to begin? Well, first off, the bio essays are pretty cool. Not gonna say they were my top favorite (mostly because of all the extra time I was spending on them...and procrastinating didn't help either...), but they're definitely up there! And the dinner parties were absolutely amazing! All of them were great, but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the Revolutionary War period one best. Name-calling, pie-throwing, bee cows...what could be better? Plus, they were really helpful about understanding how different people felt about different events! On a regular basis, the DBQ followups were definitely my favorite. You get to explore a certain aspect of history that you may never have thought about researching, but you gather a whole bunch of cool information that sometimes goes well above the minimum word count.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Absolutely! I was always excited to get to my APUSH assignments, and now I always want to know the historical significance of…well, pretty much anything. I think I can consider myself a history geek now…

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes yes yes! Study group was a fantastic way to look over material, go through essay prompts, and get required quizzes in. My study group quickly became my best friends in the class, and my amazing study buddy really helped me prepare for the exam and study things in general.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I would recommend this course to anyone who can handle the aforementioned workload well, whether they like history or not! (Trust me, you will like history after this class!) Anyone coming into the class should also want to participate in discussions on the WWW Board, and be ready and willing to learn! Because you will! :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      APUSH: Amazing Preparation for Understanding Significant History :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Sarah Miller on 05/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      APUSH has been my favorite class this year, and it has made me fall in love with history. I'm a more educated citizen and voter because of this class.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam? Yes! Yes! Yes! In fact, in many ways, I felt a bit *overprepared*! Mrs. Richman does a fantastic job of providing us with excellent resources and great motivation to study for the test! Not only does Mrs. Richman share with us ways to study and the information we need for the test, she also does a fantastic job of helping us prepare for the actual taking of the test (everything from what to wear, to making sure to bring an extra pen!)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course? I fluctuated greatly on this one, actually. On average, I probably spent about 10 hours each week. But, some weeks I would only spend 2-3 hours, and other weeks I would work on APUSH for 20 hours (usually those weeks would be back to back though :)). Mrs. Richman's schedule is set up nicely so that if you need to take a week off because of an illness or something, it's easy to move assignments. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? We write a ton of essays in this class, which prove extremely helpful when the test comes around. Not only was this helpful in that it helped me synthesize the information I was learning, it also drastically improved my writing skills. By the end of the year, it was very easy for me to write the essays on the test. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Did the course enhance your interest in the subject? Definitely. I now will go out of my way to take a look at those historical marker signs, just because I'm interested in it. Prior to taking this course, I never really enjoyed visiting history museums, because I always got bored. But now, with the knowledge I have of US History, I couldn't imagine something better than spending a whole day in a museum! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? Yes! We're required to respond to 6 other students' essays each week after a essay assignment. This is really helpful for two reasons. First, we are able to see what worked and didn't work for other students. Second, students often give extremely helpful advice in the comments on the essays. This has helped me to learn and develop better skills. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? I would recommend this class to anyone who is willing to work hard. Whether you like politics, science, math, or history, this class is for you! When you take this class, you'll start to see connections between history and other things you have studied. It enhances your overall understanding. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Loved It!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Jim Stewart on 05/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This was easily the best online class I have ever taken! I felt veyr confident going into the exam and the coursework that we had done all year definitely paid off when it came time to sit and take the exam. I usually put about 7 to 8 hours a week of work into the course, and i would definitely recomend this class to another student if I knew they wpuld be willing to put inot the class the effort it requires. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Awesome class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Paige C on 05/11/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yes, it definitely did.  This year was the first year of a new exam format, but Mrs. Richman did a lot of work to make sure we were prepared for these changes.  This course will definitely prepare you for the exam as long as you stay on top of the assignments, keep your self-discipline, and, like any respectable APUSHer, watch John Green's Crash Course US History videos.  :)                            

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I typically spent 7-8 hours on this course.  You could easily spend far more time than that on bonus work and study groups and all the little "extra" stuff on the class website.  I had a somewhat limited schedule and so I tended to focus on only the required assignments, but one of the great things about Mrs. Richman's class is that you con adjust it to fit your learning style and needs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I really enjoyed the Bio Essay projects.  Each semester, you selected a notable figure from American history and wrote a biography of him/her.  But the "essay" had to be in a creative format.  In fact, Mrs. Richman says specifically not to make it like a Wikipedia article.  I did a website the first semester, and then a series of fake "interviews" the second.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Less fun, but very valuable assignments were the MCQ-TT's (Multiple Choice Question -- Think it Through) assignments.  Each week, Mrs. Richman would post a practice MCQ from a past exam, and we'd try to answer it correctly using deductive reasoning.  It was extremely valuable in learning how to approach a difficult MCQ that you might not know the answer to right off the bat.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I already loved US History, but I learned so many fascinating things from this class that I think, yes, my interest even grew stronger.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I personally didn't communicate very much with the other students in the class, except to comment on essays.  Student communication is another part of the class that you can tailor to your own personal learning style.  If you learn better in a group, then there are numerous weekly study groups to join, and ways to communicate with fellow students across the class website.  I chose not to participate in a study group, simply because I didn't have enough time in the day with other classes, but I always knew that the option was available.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          To do well in this course you need self-discipline.  I think it could be very easy to "drift" through this class, only completing the bare minimum of work.  The class itself isn't extremely difficult -- Mrs. Richman is a very kind, understanding grader (you'll love getting her comments on your work!), and there aren't any tests in this class -- but you have to hold yourself to a high standard throughout the year in order to do well on the exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Overall, I had an outstanding experience with this class!  I learned loads about US History, and hopefully my AP exam score in July reflects that learning!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fantastic Class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Laura Hempton on 05/08/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I aboslutely loved being in Mrs. Richman's class! The homework assignments were on a rotation so they never got boring. While they do require hard work, it is the kind of involvement that pays off during the AP exam. For example, there are two bio essay projects during the year. They require you do formulate a creative and in-depth outlook on a single historical figure. I really enjoyed excercising that aspect of my creativity while simultaneously studying. My advice for anyone taking this class would be to be very on top of the course work and to set up a study schedule. It is hard to catch up if you fall behind. Also, there are a LOT of resources to help you with your studying. It helps if you decide early on which ones you will use. Otherwise you might end up feeling swamped or like you haven't studied hard enough. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The dinner parties are also very engaging and fun. For them, you masquerade as a historical figure and participate in discussions as if you were them in real life. Often this provoked very interesting discussions and a deeper understanding of historical events. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Overall, this was a fabulous class. I think you will be hard pressed to find a teacher as engaging, thorough, and supportive as Mrs. Richman. I now have a love of history and a knowledge that will serve me for the rest of my life.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Perhaps the most rewarding history class you will take...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Alex Gallagher on 05/08/2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hello! If you are reading this reivew you are likely a student or parent interested in this course! I know I definitely looked at the online reviews when I was deciding to take APUSH! I began online schooling in my sophmore year so that my academic schedule had more flexibility to accomodate my intensive ballet training. I wanted to take APUSH but my online school did not provide it because they did not feel qualfiied to teach to the new format of the APUSH exam, which changed in 2015. Determined to take the class, my parents and I found PA Homeschoolers, and upon reading the reviews for Mrs. Richman's class, I quickly decided to apply. Looking back on the year, it was definitely a great decision. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Almost from the beginning of the year, I could tell that all of the positive reviews I had read were absolutely true! Mrs. Richman is a fabulous teacher who truly cares about all of her students. What makes it even better is how attentive and enthusiastic she is about the material and about learning.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I entered the course with an interest in American history but also with the idea that some eras were just plain boring. As a self-confessed neglector of the Civil War, and of most of the history between the American Revolution and the 20th century, I found that I was able to truly enjoy even the parts of history I did not think I would like.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The resources available to this course were incredible, and they really helped me dig deep to discover all of the rich details residing in history. Understanding the complexities of history and learning to put events and people in context really helped to paint a "Big Picture" of American history. In my application essay for this course I actually wrote that I was hoping to gain this "Big Picture" from my learning, and I absolutely did! The learning done in this course is the kind that will stay with you and contribute to your understanding of the world. This class is about more than learning material for a test.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              For those of you wondering more about the specifics of the class, I will share my experience with different aspects of it!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I will start by saying there is an ABUNDANCE of resources to facilitate and customize learning: There is wonderful variety of reading material, plenty of videos to watch, and even an incredible 84 episode lecture series!! I personally found the lectures to be so enriching, but don't worry, if lectures aren't your thing you have other options for learning! (Although I would recommend you at least give them a chance!!!) That is one of the amazing things about this course! Each individual student has a lot of say in his or her learning process! Mrs. Richman has developed an amazingly comprehensive course filled with OPTIONS so each student can learn in a way that best suits them!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              That being said there are some requirements for the course in the way of weekly assignments and larger projects due over the course of the year. The assignments done on a weekly basis help in preparing for the AP Exam in May. There is strong practice in essay writing expected on the test, as well as practice in the multiple choice and short answer aspects of the exam. As for the projects, Mrs. Richman provides a fun and creative way to enhance learning on more speicific topics. These projects do require a signifcant amout of effort, but they are all enjoyable and you are given ample time to complete them, and since the weekly assignments are not too labor intensve, I never felt swamped by this class. For me the projects were the most fulfilling aspect of this course because I was able to create websites and videos that I now have to look back on as memories of the class and all of my hard work. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              One final thing I will say about this course is how wonderful the community is. Mrs. Richman, the teaching assistants (who are APUSH students from the previous year) and the other students all create an encouraging environment where learning is truly fun! It was incredible to be able to interact with the TAs and students on a weekly basis through optional study groups (which again, I would recommend) because it made the class more enjoyable! I definitely would not have enjoyed APUSH as much if I did the class on my own. This was the first course I took on PA Homeschoolers, and as a senoir I wish I found the program earlier because I would have loved to take more courses here! APUSH with Mrs. Richman is by far the best course I have taken in my three years of online schooling!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Whether you have never taken a course on PA Homeschoolers before or you are familiar to the program and are interested in APUSH, I highly recommend this course! Not only will you be more than prepared for the AP Exam in May but you will also develop skills and knowledge that will take you way beyond high school! :)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wonderful class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Elizabeth Kim on 06/24/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I'm not much of a writer...or a reader for that matter...and when I foud out that I would be taking this class last year, I was very much not happy. However, not long into the school year and now at the close of it, I can't say anything but that both Mrs. Richman and her APUSH class are amazing.  What should have been a very difficult class (based on the workload ;) turned out to be fun and very nearly easy. Mrs. Richman is a wonderfully understanding, gracious, and encouraging teacher--perfect for anyone taking their first AP course...and anyone taking their 10th :) The class point system was very fun and made it easier to motivate myself in regards to the great amounts of reading required in a history class.  All in all, APUSH with Mrs. Richman definitely prepared me for the test and was a very enjoyable experience. I highly recommend it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Definitely My Favorite Class of the Year

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Ryan S. on 06/17/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes, this class did a great job of preparing me for the exam. Mrs. Richman is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher and every assignment she gave helped prepare me for the exam.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I spent 8 to 10 hours a week on the class on average. I spent more than that when I had a big assignment due, like the Andrew Jackson Web Quest in December. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The FRQ and DBQ essays were invaluable in getting ready for the exam. But my favorite assignments were the MCQ Think It Through questions. And I thought that the Andrew Jackson Web Quest team project was a great college-prep experience.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I was already very interested in American History and this course deepened my knowledge of the subject.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  My communications with my classmates were always interesting, and often were useful, and sometimes were very fun (like at the dinner parties).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Any student that enjoys history and is willing and able to put in around 10 hours a week will do well. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Take this class. Why? Because it's awesome, that's why.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by RJ Vega on 06/14/2014


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes. Mrs. R is so great with providing many great ways to learn including Videos, essays written by historians, and Primary Source Documents. By the end of this class, I felt very confident that I had a strong understanding of U.S. History.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    You definitely have to have the motivation to work hard, but the rewards are awesome! Yeah, I know that sounded corny, but it’s true.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Personally, this was my first AP class and I  wanted to do very well so I put  a LOT of time into this class…especially when there was a creative project, but overall, I think the amount of time that I spent, varied on the difficulty of the week’s assignment. Just be prepared to work hard.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    As I mentioned in the last question, I really enjoyed the creative projects. Every week you have a regular assignment such as an FRQ, DBQ, or writing an essay about a news article that relates to American History. While these are the most prominent assignments, throughout the year you will also receive other projects that will allow you to infuse whatever talent or interest you have into your work. Mrs. R is very flexible with the creative format. Within the span of the year, my formats ranged from Flash animations to rap songs, so if you enjoy putting a creative twist on your work, you’ll have a blast!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For me, yes. I really developed an interest for this country’s past. I felt this also came from the extra learning that I did, such as watching U.S.history related films… From the Roots Miniseries, HBO’s John Adams, and even Forrest Gump.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    To get back to the question, I spoke to some friends who were also taking the class, who thought US History was generally a dull topic. They found that this class brought it to life. ..which leads me into the next question…
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you make the effort to interact with your classmates, then this class is extremely social. There are many ways to get to know your classmates, from the weekly TA-led study groups to one-on-one study buddy meetings on Skype. Overall, I made a lot of awesome friends in this class.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yes, if you’re willing to work hard and be dedicated, then I would definitely recommend this class. You will not regret it. Mrs. R is an amazing teacher.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    So what are you waiting for? Sign up. Do it. Now. I’m watching you.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The best AP starter course!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Arden Earnest on 06/10/2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes. The amount of in-depth communication between the students and the teacher, extensive amount of reading and essay-writing and interaction between students in study groups as well as study sessions with other peers contributed to the extreme preparation for the exam. Preparation includes students being giving primary source documents, essays and chapters in historic texts to read, optional study sessions with former APUSH students and also consistent writing assignments that gradually improve with constructive criticism from the teacher. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sometimes, the amount of time I inserted into APUSH weekly depended on the difficulty of the week's assignments and sometimes a busy schedule. My usual hourly contribution included 10 - 16 hours a week. The course is intensive, but the learning experience and opportunity (and a supportive, caring teacher) makes it all worth it. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I'd have to say the FRQ (Free Response Question) because I could do as much unlimited research and (somewhat limited) writing as I wanted. I entered the course, absolutely positive that my essays were going to be advanced, but the course has improved my writing by so much. Though the FRQ was my favorite, I enjoyed all the essay-writing assignments. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes. I had always loved history because, as my mom says, "Life is stranger than fiction." During dinner table discussions we would debate Civil War strategies and pick our favorite commanding officers and generals. My father and I began interacting more and more about our love for history when this course inspired me to expand my knowledge beyond the internet. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Study group was what I looked forward to the most every week because of my wonderful TA, Jonathan Moy and his teaching (as well as learning) ability. I also enjoyed creating more of an intimate bond with my classmates throughout the weekly sessions. Students also connected with peers outside of the class and studied either weekly, occasionally or before the exam. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Do not be fooled by thinking this course is an easy, run-of-the-mill, college level class. It's much more than that. It involves having one skill stronger than any other: A psychological state that you can overcome the course, no matter how terrified of the workload or intensity. This is not to frighten you, for the class is also very fun and you end up making many friends. The course is a great AP starter. It gives you the foundation for many other AP courses. This was definitely the right choice for me as I was a freshman and I wanted to engage in advanced classes. This APUSH course surely gave me the reassurance I needed that I was able to conquer a college level course and succeed. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Favorite class of the year!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Emily Anderson on 06/10/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        To all of you considering taking APUSH with Mrs. Richman: GO FOR IT! This class is super fun, engaging, and an awesome AP test prep to boot! Some questions you may be asking right now...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Absolutely! This is the third AP exam I've taken, but only the first online class. The other two were mostly self study. And I must say, although I scored well on them, APUSH is the only one I've felt completely ready for!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        About ten hours per week, give or take. More of there was a special project I was trying to perfect ;)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Well, for starters, all the writing assignments throughout the course! I would only be exaggerating a little if I said this class taught me how to write! And of course, the two multi media biography essays. Prior to this, I had never explored website designing, but Mrs. Richman gave me a very good reason to, and it turned out to be an incredibly valuable (and fun!) experience! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YES! As my mom says, any subject can be interesting with the right teacher, and Mrs. Richman fits the bill like no other. She obviously has a great love and enthusiam for U.S. history that is quite infectious!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did you find the communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Absolutely! My team actually held weekly meetings through G+. We'd take quizzes together, discuss essay topics, and of course, get to know one another :D I think talking about the material as we went really helped cement certain concepts.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What sort of student would do well in this course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I don't think you have to have a great love of history before going into this class, nor do you have to be a confident writer (I sure wasn't when the course began!) But, you do need to be motivated. This course took up more time than any other class I had this year, but it was totally worth it! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I hope this helped, and maybe I'll even see some of you in APUSH 2014-2015! Mrs. Richman gave me the honor of being a TA, which was pretty much a dream come true. I didn't want to leave at the end of the school year! Good luck to you future APUSHers! 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A Most Enjoyable Experience

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Joshua Hahn on 06/05/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Richman's class thoroughly prepared me for the AP US History exam. But not only did she teach me the material, she went above and beyond the course's requirements. Mrs. Richman presented in-depth study assignments and creative material in a format that was very enjoyable. This helped me to volutarily dive deep into a subject that I had orginially shown very little interest in. I enjoyed Mrs. Richman's class point system--turning learning into almost a competition among the classmates. After taking this class, I thoroughly recommend Mrs. Richman's AP US History class to any student wanting to learn the history of our nation!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I loved APUSH!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Angela Guan on 06/03/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            When I first heard about this class from a friend, I was already excited to sign up for it! APUSH had been my 1st big AP course, and it was my first time taking any online course. From the beginning to the end, I enjoyed AP US history mainly because Mrs. Richman made it so fun! Throughout the school year, Mrs. Richman's years of experience, loads of encouragement, and hours of dedication helped me to love learning and enhance my interest in history. I especially liked the structured assignments for each month and how from the very first month, we had already begun preparations for the AP Exam 9 months away! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes. This course definitely prepared me for the AP Exam because all year and even every week, we had been preparing for the exam. We did not wait for the last couple of weeks to study, and Mrs. Richman offered great encouragement and experience. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In this course, I felt like the hours each student puts into the course depends on themselves. Those who put in long hours and great initiatives reaped amazing results. I would say that 8 to 10 hours is an appropriate estimate.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I feel like each assignment was very valuable because we were able to practice FRQ and DBQ essays, primary sources, political cartoons, and multiple choice questions. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes! Not only did this course enhance my interest in the subject, it also helped me realize that learning is fun! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes! I really enjoyed communications with other students as well as my own teammates. Mrs. Richman divided our class into many teams, and each week, our team had a group video chat to discuss multiple choice problems. Study buddy times were great too, and it was valuable for us peers to work with each other. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Any student with the initiative and passion for learning would do well in this course. I would say to have a positive attitude and try to enjoy this course. And yes! I would definitely recommend this course to other students! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you, Mrs. Richman for an amazing year! After I took the AP Exam, I felt like I tried my best with my preparations and performance. That was when I realized how much I loved APUSH! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Shannon Wade on 05/31/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To be honest, APUSH was a difficult class that felt like a breeze. From the start, the pacing of the homework, the assignment LOG to track my work, and Mrs. Richman’s weekly emails helped me stay on top of things. Personally, I love reward systems. :) So, the point system in APUSH (where reading American literature or history books, watching history movies, or doing bonus activities) really motivated me to read more and learn more about American history. The more I read and the more bonus assignments I did, the more points I got to propel my team forward to the top of the team standings. I took roughly two hours a day on average to complete the work, but in reality, the homework load didn’t feel overbearing. I learned the material easily and retained it (as evidenced by my scores on the practice exams we took) and did, indeed, feel like this course prepared me well for the AP exam.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I particularly liked the flexibility we had for some of our projects – for instance, being allowed to submit a historical parody of “What Does the Fox Say?” for the Webquest and creating a website and whiteboard animation for my two Bio Essays. In addition, the fact that we were required to peruse political cartoons each month was enjoyable. (Once, the very cartoon I analyzed for the cartoon analysis appeared on my practice APUSH exam o.o). Overall, APUSH was a fun, educational class with a stupendous teacher, and I would recommend it for anyone who is willing to put in the effort, work hard, and study, as well as those who enjoy branching out to discover more on their own and throwing pies at fellow classmates.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This class turned me into a history lover!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Angela Rogers on 05/30/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Okay, before I answer the questions I just have to say I LOVE THIS CLASS.  I used to love history when I was younger because it was like a story, but as I got older and it started being more about memorizing dates, I got bored.  I honestly wasn't looking forward to this class because I had heard so many horror stories of my friends who weren't prepared for the test.  However, I completely rediscovered my love of history because of my classmates and Mrs. Richman's enthusiasm.  I would 100% recommend this class.  Now onto questions!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                --Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                So generally speaking, I'm a worrier.  I stress out over exams big time.  While I was seriously terrified going into the exam, I did have a measure of confidence that there was really no way I could completely fail.  The test itself (much to my shock and excitement) was actually kind of easy.  This class will completely kick your butt, but by the end of it you WILL be ready for the exam if you do your part (although you may annoy some people.  I'm pretty sure my parents are fed up with my "fun facts from US history" that I throw into conversations)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                --How many hours did you put in?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I'm just going to come out and say it: a lot.  I was taking some pretty tough classes along with this one (another AP class and some college courses) and I spent a very large portion of my time on this.  On the low end I spent maybe 10 hours a week and I spent A LOT more time as the test got closer.  I will say that you probably could spend less time if you weren't as picky about getting extra reading done and videos watched.  Also, there is a lot of reading so if you are a slow reader, it may take you a little longer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                --Are there any favorite assignments?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This is going to sound really dorky, but I loved doing the FRQs and DBQs which were practice essys done to prepare for the exam.  You will be doing a lot of these, so I hope you like them too.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                --Did the course enhance you interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Absolutely, just as I said above.  While I don't think I will be majoring in history in college, I will no longer be afraid to take another history course.  I have even continued my research on some of my favorite topics even though the course has ended. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                --Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I have to admit, I tend to do better in classes if I have other smart students to compete against.  I was initially afraid that since this is online I wouldn't have that competition.  Boy, was I wrong!! Every week you read and comment on other students' papers and you have a group assignment on Andrew Jackson in December.  I found the other students to be totally engaging and helpful to talk to.  There was a small group of other students taking the class with Mrs. Richman in my area that got together to study or watch documentaries throughout the year and I really enjoyed this time as well.  There are always great ways to stay connected in this class!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                --What sort of student would do well in this course?  Would you recommend it?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This class is not for everyone.  If you are not willing to work hard, learn from your mistakes, and engage with Mrs. Richman and other students than it will be a very tough year.  I think the hardest part was the long term aspect of the class.  You had to remember what you studied in August and in April!!  If you do everything that is assigned (and maybe some bonus assignments) you will do fine.  I had tons of fun, met lots of cool people, and learned some information that I will take with me for the rest of my life.  I totally recomend it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  An Absolutely Amazing AP Class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Mikayla B. on 05/29/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hello potential APUSHers!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        First of all, this AP course was fantastic! Going into the school year with this course on my plate did not seem too thrilling at first. I was a little doubtful because I already had a busy schedule and no motivation to add to it. However, this class actually proved to be quite interesting and even fun! Mrs. Richman proved to be an excellent teacher as well. The guidence that she provided us with throughout the year is absolutely unmatchable! Additionally, she gave us tons of encouragment throughout the year and made history really fun. She has a great personality that made me smile a lot throughout the year. If you take this class, prepare to see lots of encouraging smily faces in her updates:)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Here are my answers to potential questions you may have...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yes! I felt very prepared for the exam! Mrs. Richman gave us amazing guidence throughout the year in many ways. She helped each of understand the causes and effects of certain events in addition to information about a certain event or time period. We were given wonderful, interesting resources throughout the year to gain further knowledge as well. Additionally, Mrs. Richman gave us encouraging corrections on somehing that we may have misunderstood or missed. Overall, the assignments that we did the entire school year forced us to learn more U.S. history (not in a bad way). Also, we practiced Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Free Response Questions (FRQs), and Document Based Question (DBQs) from the very beginning of the class. It was very beneficial to practice these because each of those appear on the AP exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The amount of time that I spent on APUSH each week varied on what was assigned. Generally it was anywhere from six to ten hours a week. I know that sounds like a lot. However, the assignments are generally not long and boring so time does not really pass by that slowly.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I found the FRQs and DBQs to be the most beneficial for me. First of all, these assignments were beneficial because we would go back and do ones that were on AP tests several years ago. From the beginning we were practicing for the AP exam by writing these essays. These essays were really valable for me personally because I got to write about what I had learned. Also, reading fellow classmates' essays helped me to pick on information that I might have missed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I would say that APUSH did enhance my interest in U.S. history. I was interested in history before this class. However, as I learned more and more about specifics, causes and effects I became even more interested in it. Each week I was eager in expanding my knowledge in U.S. history and I do not plan to stop.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Absolutely! First of all, I made a lot of new friends this year from all around the world. It was definetely not hard to do since everyone in my class was pretty amazing:) Also, I had a bunch of friends from my homeschool group that were also taking APUSH. We had a study group nearly every week for about an hour. At first we quizzed each other and played games to enhance ur knowledge. As the exam came closer, we would meet more often for about four hours to study together. It was really helpful to get together with other friends to study and review. I also had an amazing study buddy. We partnered up to do our weekly MCQs and other quizzes. It was very nice to have a friend/study buddy by my side throughout the year because we would teach each other so much and have many laughs while doing it. Communication among the entire class whether casual or history related were so valuable to me. In fact, I would say that the fact that we got to communicate with ease with one another would probably be one of my favorite aspects of the class.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I would say that as long as you are willing to work hard and have the motivation to do well, you would be the perfect student for this course. Yes, it is a lot of work but I would not think twice before recommending this course to other students. It has helped me tremendously, therefore, I have no doubt that you would also benefit.




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thinking of taking APUSH?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by KM on 05/27/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hi, future APUSHER's! :) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Here are a few things I have to say about Mrs. Richman's APUSH class:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1.  She is a great teacher!  I think that one thing that really makes a teacher good is their love for the subject they are teaching.  Mrs. Richman LOVES history.  She has a passion for it and helps her students get excited about it in every way possible!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2. There is a ton of work.  This really has prepared me for college classes, though. :) Just know before coming in that you better be dedicated to this class.  She is really understanding about letting you make up missed work due to vacation, sickness, etc.  Just be sure to keep up with everything because it is very fast paced and if you fall behind, it's hard to get totally caught up.  I generally put roughly 15 hours into the course per week.  There is also a lot of writing.  I feel like my essay skills have also improved throughout the course of this class.  Mrs. Richman also gives good advice on how to improve your essays.  She is really encouraging and always includes what she likes about your writing.  That was really nice to have :) 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3.  I felt like the course did prepare me for the AP exam!  I was honestly pretty worried about not having anything to write about for my essays, because they can ask you about ANY event that occured in the course of American History.. that's a long time!  I had something to say about every essay topic that was given :) I really felt prepared!  


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4.  You will do well in this course if you go into it with the mindset that there will be a lot of work, but you CAN do it!  You need to have confidence!  Confidence and a good work ethic are two key things you need for this class :) You will learn a ton, and will also create new friendships.  People learn differently and this class offers a ton of ways to learn.  There are all kinds of activities that you will be able to take part in.  Whether you prefer writing, group activities, plays, movies, reading, music, etc, this class will utilize all of your interests to help you retain history.  Know how you learn and make this class fun in your own way! :) 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Good luck! :) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A little bit of encouragement for potential future students :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Emma S. on 05/24/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      First of all, let me just tell you--I was fully expecting AP U.S. History to be my least favorite class of my sophomore year.  I had never taken an AP course before, but I knew that they require a lot of work and preparation for the exams.  I wouldn't say that I went into the class with a full-on pessimistic outlook, but I wasn't prepared to be optimistic, either.  The first time I talked to Mrs. Richman (our WONDERFUL teacher), I got a feeling that APUSH wasn't going to be quite as bad as I had originally assumed.  And I was right!  Just getting to "meet" and interact with my fellow APUSH'ers online was enough to convince me that I had been wrong to judge the class in advance.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Aside from getting to know my classmates from all over the country (which you'll also have the opportunity to do if you take the class!), I feel like I learned so much more about American history than I ever had before.  Call me a nerd, but I've always had a special aptitude for history (of any kind, really).  Getting to go so in depth with our great country's heritage was a phenomenal experience, and even if you don't particularly enjoy history, I can promise that you'll be fascinated!  As an avid writer (who writes short stories for fun), I especially enjoyed the two Biography Essays that we got write in a creative format.  I had tons of fun learning about John C. Calhoun and Henry Ford, as well as getting to make websites and create different ways to tell their life stories. (I also know some people who made videos to talk about their Biography subjects!)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      As a general guess, I'd say that I spent about 6-7 hours a week on APUSH. That may seem like a lot, but really, that's just about an hour a day!  During the second semester as we prepared for the exam, I spent a whole lot more time than that on my APUSH studying (for good reason).  I can say with absolute confidence that this class truly prepared me for the AP exam!  All of the essays that we wrote and the videos & lectures that we watched really paid off in full, so don't think for a minute that all of that work will be in vain! ;)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I would absolutely recommend this class to anyone who is interested in learning more about our country's history, as well as anyone who is just "curious" (curiosity is good!!).  However, do be prepared to do A LOT of writing (for me, as a writer, it wasn't a big deal)!  If nothing else, it will help you enhance your essay-writing skills as well as learn a ton about whatever time period you're studying.  You may not think that writing the essays will help you remember anything, but it really does!! I can recall looking at Multiple Choice Questions on the exam and thinking, "AHA! I remember that topic because I included it in one of my DBQ essays!"  Also, above all else, be prepared to learn so much more about American history than you ever thought possible!!  It will be time-consuming (as any AP class is), but it will be 100% worth it if you're willing to put good effort into it. :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      An extra little perk for me was being able to involve my family in my studying. My parents both enjoyed watching history documentaries and movies with me, which we did A LOT.  It was fun to see which of my parents would actually have better recall on historical events (mostly my dad ;)).  I have to credit him for sharing his love of history and museums on trips to Washington, Virginia, Philadelphia and across the South as I have grown up.  APUSH also made it fun on any road trips we took, as we looked for opportunities to pull in history via field trips and quick side stops.  Living in North Carolina and having relatives in South Carolina made that fairly easy!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      So, this has been a reaaaaally long evaluation (as I kind of expected....writer problems. *sigh*).  I hope that through reading my rambling, you've been encouraged to sign up for APUSH as soon as you leave this page!!  I don't care if you're as doubtful as I was (which was pretty doubtful)--just give it a shot for me, okay?  I wouldn't tell you any of this stuff if it wasn't true or if I hadn't experienced it for myself. :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wishing you all the best in your APUSH experience,


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What's so great about APUSH...?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Anya Hong on 05/22/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I know there are a lot of reviews to read, so I’ll keep it short(ish).


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        First of all, what kind of student should take this class? A motivated, dedicated student. If you’re looking for an easy history credit, just keep walking. I spent about two hours a day on the assignments throughout the year, and as the exam date approached, I often put in three or four hours. This course requires a good amount of time, but it is well worth it! It requires some independence and a relatively strong work ethic as well; you are responsible for turning in assignments on time! Mrs. Richman will not email you if you have missed an assignment; it is up to you to stay on top of your workload. With that said, Mrs. Richman is always more than happy to grant an extension when one is needed, provided you have a valid explanation!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    This course definitely prepared me for the AP exam! Mrs. Richman’s entire grading system is based on the system used on the AP exam itself, so it’s a great tool for measuring yourself. We wrote many, many timed essays, which prepared me well for the exam. I felt very prepared for the multiple choice section, as well. Motivated students will find in this course everything they need to do well on the exam, provided they have the discipline to do the assignments.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Of course, Mrs. Richman didn’t simply “teach for the test,” either. She always included extra bonus links that we could read if we were interested in a topic, and she always encouraged us to learn more than just what we needed to know for the test. Coming into the course I knew next to nothing about US history (I was pretty sure the Revolutionary War was different from the Civil War – I’m not kidding, stop laughing), and now I feel like I have a firm grasp on our country’s history.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In short, here’s what I want you to remember from this review: with dedication and hard work, you can easily walk away with a 5 on the exam, and if you take full advantage of everything this course has to offer, you can easily walk away with a deep appreciation for history, too. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Richman - APUSH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Shelby on 05/22/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This class is absolutely amazing! Besides learning a lot of history, I felt very well prepared for the APUSH exam. One of my favorite things about this class is the particular emphasis placed on FRQs (exam essays). Mrs. Richman assigns an essay almost every week, so by the time the exam came around in May, I had written a lot of them and felt very comfortable discussing a topic in 35-45 minutes in writing. I think anyone willing to put in time and effort (I usually spent 6-7 hours a week) and take initiative on individual research would do well in this class.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Bryce Cuthriell on 05/21/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This was my first AP class, and although it is by far not easy, it is one of the best classes I have ever taken. I felt very well prepared for the exam. Mrs. Richman really helped me step by step with the matters I needed help on, and is always more than prepared to give very helpful and useful answers to virtually any reasonable questions. The class does require much initiative and hard work (when the AP exam drew close I probably spent between 3 and 5 hours on it per day, but those times are just me and I tend to have to study more than some people), but I highly recommend it to really anyone with any interest in the topic of US History.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Absolutely amazing APUSH course...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Madison D. on 05/21/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Did you feel the couse prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yes, tremendously.  Throughout the year, we completed one College Board FRQ essay and one DBQ essay per month, which are the type of essays that appear on the exam.  We also answered one multiple choice question every week.  Mrs. Richman encouraged us to think through these questions, carefully eliminating wrong answer chioces, and getting accustomed to the type of questions that are on the APUSH exam.  We also spent lots of time reading about U.S. history through online texts, study books, primary sources, etc., as well as watching videos, and studying with study buddies.  These assignments greatly prepared me for the exam, by allowing me to grow more and more confidant with the type of questions, and gain more experience developing a top scoring essay.  Walking into the exam room I felt very prepared and confidant.  There were very few multiple choice questions that I had never heard anything about, and I had an abundance of information to add into my essay responses.  If you put in the effort, you will be very prepared for the exam.  In addition, you will have a huge knowledge of U.S. history, which will allow you to understand our country even more.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I spent about 8-12 hours per week on this course, which is 1-2 hours per day.  This was a lot of time, but it was all worth it.  I was able to fit my APUSH into my busy life, and soon began to find that my time spent on APUSH was the most enjoyable school time of my week.  Towards the end of the course I focused more on studying and reviewing for the exam, so I spend more time each week, sometimes as much as 20 hours.  Don't let the huge time commitment scare you away.  APUSH will become part of your life and you will get used to spending lots of time on it.  And you might even really enjoy that time, as I did.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Are there any particularily favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The assignments in this course are all extremely interesting and enjoyable.  My favorite assignment was the Novemner History Interview.  We interviewed anyone who had any sort of connection to history.  This could be a veteran, or just someone who has lived through the last century and experienced the changes that have taken place in America.  This assignment was very valuable to me.  It gave me a more first hand viewpoint on history, and allowed me to experince history in a new and fascinating way.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yes, definitely.  Before taking APUSH, I was midly interested in history.  It wasn't my favorite, but I also didn't strongly dislike it.  This course made me LOVE U.S. history!  I understand and know so much more about hsitory than I did before.  Everything about this class (the asignments, peers, Mrs. Richman's constant encouragement and enthusiasm, etc.) makes history really come alive and become very fascinating in a way unlike any other history class I have ever taken.  I would go as far to say that it is almost impossible to take this APUSH course without discovering a greater love for history.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yes!  This course really encourages communication and interaction between all the students.  I participated in a weekly study group with several students, and set up study times over Skype frequently.  It was really enjoyable and encouraging to be able to interact with my peers.  They would help me understand concepts that were confusing to me, and just made learning even more fun.  I found that many of the students in my class came from similar backgrounds as me, and enjoy similar activities.  This made it easy to get to know them more and grow friendships.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              What sort of student would do well in this course?  Would you recomment this course to other students (if they are wiling to work hard)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I would definitely recommend this course to other students.  I really enjoyed APUSH.  It was one of the best classes I have ever taken.  Any student who is willing to work hard and put in the effort will be successful in this course.  It is very helpful to be organized, motivated, and have strong study skills.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A sidenote on the teacher: Mrs. Richman is an AMAZING teacher.  She will push you to work hard and do your best, and is always available for any sort of assistance.  She is the most encouraging and enthusiastic teacher I have ever had.  She is very involved in the course and wants to connect with each and every one of her students, as they grow as a student and as a person.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                APUSH is a wonderful class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Olivia C. on 05/21/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dear future (hopefully!) APUSHer,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I’m going to try and give you a picture of the AP U.S. History class (otherwise known as APUSH)  and answer some questions you might have. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Yes, definitely!  Every other week we were required to write an FRQ and a DBQ.  Or, in other words, exam-style essays.  (Don’t worry, if you take the class you’ll soon get used to all the acronyms!)  We also did a weekly multiple-choice question that was taken from a past exam to practice thinking through the different answer choices.  Aside from those, we read and read – essays, newspaper articles, primary source documents, blog posts – pretty much anything related to history! 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I tried to put at least 6-8 hours a week into the course, although sometimes it was more, sometimes less.  I’ll warn you right now that it’s very hard to stay on track with time when you come across some fascinating history-related website!  Just be sure you don’t spend your history-studying time on Facebook.  That is not the way to earn a 5 on the exam!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                My favorite assignment was the November History Interview.  I had the privilege of interviewing a WWII veteran who fought in Germany.  With my mom in tow, I arrived at his house one evening wishing sincerely that my crazy history teacher didn’t make us interview random strangers who were probably deaf and crotchety.  I don’t know how long I was at his house, but I do know this: I lived his experiences right along with him.  Sitting here at my computer, I can still visualize the images his words put into my head that night. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done and I’m so thankful to my “crazy” history teacher for making it a requirement in class!  While not particularly valuable for exam preparation, the History Interview was valuable because it taught me to take chances.  If I had taken the easy way out and interviewed my grandparents instead of this “random stranger”, his story would not be written down and I would still be kicking myself for not calling him and requesting an interview. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Not really, but that’s only because I’ve always loved history. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Very!  At the beginning of the year I vowed to be more involved with my fellow APUSHers than I had been with my AP Lit classmates the year before.  I still wasn’t as involved as I would have liked but having a study group was helpful (and fun!).  Spending 2 hours on the midyear review because of lasagna cake and Panoramio and political party quizzes and debating why Brits hate Americans and hating Brits back until realizing that Tolkien and Lewis were Brits and discussing WWII and doing quizzes and review and helping each other in general is going to be a big part of my APUSH memories! 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I wanted to say something clever here about lowly hobbits being chosen for great journeys but my cleverness isn’t feeling clever today.  To do well in APUSH, you must work hard.  APUSH is amazing.  I loved this class. But some days I honestly felt like throwing in the towel and giving up.  I would definitely recommend this class to history-lovers and even some history-dislikers.  For the history-dislikers, I know you don’t like history but this class may change your mind.  If you’re willing to work hard and don’t hate history with a passion, go ahead and give it a stab.  You may be surprised! 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One last note: Mrs. Richman is the BESTEST teacher and she is very enthusiastic about history.  You will want color ink in your printer for the weekly updates (and do print them out – and underline the important stuff) because her writing looks something like this:  “And WONDERFUL APUSHer  [your name here] has found some *amazing* review videos!!!!  Woooooo!!!  10 *bonus points* for looking over them!!  Kids, don’t forget to review *daily* for the AP exam…even 10 minutes a day helps!  Thanks to *lovely* TA soandso for posting those WONDERFUL inspiration messages!!  Keep up the good work!”  Also in her updates are links to everything from a list of grisly punishments for lawbreakers in Jamestown to information about Hanukah.  I would highly recommend following the links and taking the corresponding bonus points.   You must also understand something about Mrs. Richman’s grading system.  You can get a 5/5 on an assignment one week that looks like this:  Wooooo!  FANTASTIC 5!!!!/5.   The next week, your 5/5 might look like this: Fine 5/5.  Be forewarned that those two grades are not equal!  


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sorry for the long class review!  Hopefully you gained a bit of a feel for the class through all my ramblings.  APUSH is great and I hope you’ll be writing up your APUSH class review next spring.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Amazing class and teacher

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Jackson Min on 05/21/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This is a fantastic class, taught by a wonderful, encouraging, but demanding teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and I would certainly recommend it to other students. I worked around 12 hours a week, which is a significant amount of time, but it was worth it. The class definitely helped prepare me for the AP exam, although I did do some extra prep work on the side. APUSH helped me gain a much broader knowledge and appreciation for history. I particularly liked the “History In The News” and DBQ Follow-up essays. These helped me get a much better understanding of confusing events. In addition to these fun activities, we wrote real College Board essays twice a month and did a multiple choice question every week. These, along with my readings, really helped me when testing came around. I was actually sad when the class ended.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Richman is awesome. She is really caring and helpful. She is willing to help students that are struggling and makes learning history fun.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I have come out of this class feeling more knowledgable than ever before.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you love history, are willing to work hard, and want a good score on the AP exam, I strongly recommend that you take this course.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Slippery Slope

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Delphia Borden on 05/19/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    This year has been a very hard one for me, my first official year of highschool. Two APs (This and American Gov) really bogged me down on top of three nights of dance, two guitar lessons per week, voice lessons, bridge club, volunteering, and performing. I've learned to lighten the load to avoid this slippery slope... I feel confident about my performance on the AP exam, but very ill about my behavior in class. Always late on work and rarely turning in logs didn't exactly hinder my learning, but it added to my stress. This course was extremely valuable to learning and appreciating American history, before this I was a brainwashed teen who though America was only fast food and bad government... I've been able to learn how wrong I was during this course. I'm now able to appreciate the privilages I have and understand what it truly means to be American. I now have a number of events I can allude to in writing and remember to prevent me from repeating mistakes. I think everyone should take APUSH as an intensive way to study and understand the world behind and ahead of them. Ignorance may be bliss but nothing can compare to the feeling of truly knowing the country you were born in and loving it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Absolutely fabulous class!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Posted by Kasia Ashwill on 05/19/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hi possible future APUSHers!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      As I signed up for this class, I was rather nervous to see how it would work out. How much work would I have to do? Would I be able to find a study buddy? How much would my classmates and I interact? Would I even be able to do the AP exam!!?? Well...here are answers to those questions (and a few more;-)). 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The week before the exam, I pretty much just watched history videos. I felt very calm and it was reassuring to review through everything and have my memory be triggered by even little phrases. When testing day came, I was actually super excited to take the test. (You can blame my amazing study buddy for that! Well.. and maybe the fact that I got to take peanut m&ms with;-)) As soon as the test started, I felt like I was in my element. There were only a few questions that I felt 'iffy' on, and I felt like a knew the material super well. So, yes, absolutely! This course prepared me for the AP exam amazingly! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      But I did have to put in many, many hours of work. This isn't just a class you can take and hope to do the bare minimum. If you really want to get your worth out of it, you will have to work HARD. So, in general, I did about a minimum of 12 hours a week. (That's 2+ hours every day). 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      My favorite assignments (and the ones that I felt really helped me prepare for the exam), were the DBQs (Document Based Questions), FRQs (Free Response Questions), and MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions). The reasont that I say that these were my favorite, is because they are the exact assignments that are on the exam. So basically Mrs. Richman was splitting up exams throughout the year and having us do them unknowingly. When it came time to do the actual exam, I was a practiced veteran. ;-) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This course has caused me to look at everything differently. Ever since I was little, my mom has always been the one to think of things historically (whenever we'd visit a new town, she'd look for museums, and somehow manage to find something of historical significance). But after I took this course, I began to see things that correlate to history everywhere. After all, we are living in a new past.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      One of the absolute best parts of this class is how alive this class is. Whenever I had questions, I could always post them on the "wwwboard" or email the TAs or chat my study partner. There were 'dinner parties', group projects, study groups and soo much more. I know that part of the reason I felt prepared was because of my fellow classmates - they pushed me to work harder, and fully understand all the concepts I came across. I absolutely love how interactive this class is! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you are at all thinking of taking this class, I HIGHLY recommend it. Mrs. Richman is THE best history teacher you will ever meet, and the entire course is just fantastic! However, you have to be willing to work hard, put in hours, and push yourself even when you think it's not possible. That said, you will experience something out of the ordinary if you take this class - it is just ... amazing. Whoever said that history classes don't teach life lessons, debating skills, and knowing how to retort back to someone about to smash a pie in your face, don't know what they're missing out on! This class is just amazing. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A Challenging But Fun and Valuable APUSH Class

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Posted by Nathan Emery on 05/18/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Since it would be easiest, most direct, and probably most helpful to answer the questions directly, I'll do that in my review.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yes. The weekly readings and lectures, combined with reading, lectures, and videos for extra credit, taught me the facts and information necessary to do well. In addition, the weekly essays (especially the FRQs and DBQs–1 each per month) made it almost routine to come up with complex theses for the essays on the actual exam. Writing the essays in class also gave me a broad range of topics from which to choose, making it easier to come up with examples and support in my essays. The weekly Multiple Choice assignments had us think through questions in-depth, posting our thoughts on each answer choice. This exercise was also immensely helpful in exam prep. When I came across questions on the exam that I didn't know much about, I didn't have to guess out of five choices and move on. I was able to think through each of the answers and find something unreasonable with many–whether the answer choice happened earlier, later, or just was incorrect in the time period. Thus I was able to answer questions even when I didn't know the facts necessary.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I spent between 8 and 12 hours on a normal week, usually somewhere in the middle. Due to the nature of the course, however, there were always options for bonuses and extra credit. One week, I spent 12 hours because I completed the core assignments and watched a three-hour-long Jimmy Carter documentary. Sometimes I spent some time reading books outside of class, like biographies, for fun. However, these also count for credit and towards my 8-12 hours. Generally when I had a big assignment coming up, like one of the Bio Essay projects or the APUSH exam itself, I spent a higher number of hours, whereas on more normal weeks I spent lower.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This questions depends on the definition (or context) of the word "valuable," if it means valuable in terms of exam preparation or if it means valuable in terms of learning and thinking. I will answer both.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        One of the most valuable exam preparation resources, as I said above, where the essays. Towards the end of the year, I reviewed my old essays and saw that my ability to make connections and think about history really grew over the year. Thus essays were valuable in helping with exam prep and in growing as a writer and thinker.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        However, some of my favorite projects that didn't benefit me for the exam quite as directly were the Bio Essays and Dinner Parties. The Bio Essays are creative-format projects that each student writes (or films or records or sings) twice a year. They center around the lives of people who aren't the most famous historical figures. For my first, I acted as both and interviewer and an interviewee in a video. For my second, I created a news website, written from the perspectives of three different authors with different viewpoints–some articles were praising and some were inflamed. Though they were a lot of work, they required research, writing, and drawing connections, all of which benefited me. In addition, they were quite enjoyable.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Dinner Parties are online "parties" where APUSHers take on the roles of historical characters and debate issues of their time. As history often has opposing forces, many characters were on opposite sides. This often devolved into less-than-civil "accidental" spills or drops of food, convienently onto each other's laps. Each party was quite enjoyable but also valuable in helping me to see history from the side of someone who I don't necessarily agree with and why that person made the choices they did.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yes. I had never specifically enjoyed American History. If I had to choose a history, it would be World History, but even that was not one of my favorite subjects. The class made history learning fun, however, through the variety of assignments and extra-credit opportunities. In addition, it helped me to see connections and think critically about history, which made it more than just fact memorization. This combined to make it an enjoyable and engaging class, enhancing my appreciation for the subject.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yes. Students commented each week on each other's essays, offering suggestions and pointing out historical "goofs," facts that were wrong. These were helpful in improving my essays as the year went along. The Dinner Parties, mentioned above, were also enjoyable. Finally, there were many opportunities for study groups online. Working with other students to answer multiple choice questions helped me to learn answers and facts that I didn't know as well as to learn of different perspectives. They were quite valuable.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The type of student that would do well in the class is one who is just what it says in the question: willing to work hard. APUSH does involve a good bit of work, primarily because there is just so much to learn about our history. In addition, the student must have good time management and organization. There are deadlines for most assignments and there are quite a few assignments to keep track of each week. However, the class was never overwhelmingly difficult, and Mrs. Richman helped the students along tremendously. Here weekly Update messages laid out much of what the students had to do each week. At first they listed every assignment and bonus option, and later on, as students grew familiar with the normal assignments, they listed just extra credit, review, and upcoming essays. In addition, the APUSH calendar and syllabus lay out many of the assignments, so keeping an eye on those (especially the calendar) can help in staying organized. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I would highly recommend this course to students who are willing to work hard. As long as they can discipline themselves to complete the assignments and get them in on time, the student will find this class enjoyable and, much more importantly, valuable in learning about American History and in growing as a writer and thinker.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AP U. S. History with Mrs. Richman

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Posted by Megan Pollon on 05/16/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yes!  I had at least heard of or learned about almost everything I came across on the exam.  Mrs. Richman will prepare you very well.  If you put the time into the class that it needs and you study well during the review month, then you will be ready.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          About 7-12 hours per week.  Every week is different, some will take more work and others will take less.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yes!  History was definetely my favorite subject this year.  Mrs. Richman makes history interesting and she gives you so many ways to learn it.  I definetely enjoy history more now.  Even if you don't like history coming into the class, you will most likely come out enjoying it to some extent.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -What sort of student would do well in this course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          One who is willing to work hard.  If you take time to figure out how the class works and all the assignments, then you will do well.  This class is very fun and interesting, but you must work hard to do well in it.  I would definetely recommend this course to any student willing to put the time and effort into it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Amazing class!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Posted by Ollyvia Lim on 05/16/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This course definately helped to prepare me for the AP exam.  Mrs. Richman does an excellent job at keeping us engaged and motivated to work hard.  I spent about 6-10 hours a week into APUSH work and quite a bit more when it got closer to the exam :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I am SO grateful that you taught us how to write FRQs and DBQs!  I know some kids in my exam room were very nervous about the essays because they were not taught or did not practice them often.  Thank you!!  The bio essays were definately one of my favorite assignments - one of my bio essay subjects actually came up on the exam so that assignment was very helpful!  This course ignited a new love and outlook on history - I learned so much!  Engaging with the students was very beneficial, especially through critiquing eachother's essays.  This class is great to get a feel for AP classes.  I would (and already have!) recomend this class to other students!  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you so much for an amazing year, Mrs. Richman!!  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A Journey Toward Success

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Posted by Cole Riel on 05/16/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      To say that I have learned a lot this year in Mrs. Richman's class would be an understatement of the greatest magnitude.  To be perfectly honest, I was really nervous about taking this course at the beginning of the year.  Being unprepared, the idea of writing an essay every week, among other work, seemed to me to be an impossible task.  I have always been a terribly slow writer, so I probably spent more time on the same amount of work than the average person, such as spending up to 20 hours a week on some of the first assignments.  However, Mrs. Richman has been one of the most understanding teachers that I have ever known.  Throughout the year, Mrs. Richman worked diligently with me and the rest of the class, responding to each one of my emails quicky with help and care.  When the time to take the actual AP exam came, I was prepared.  I knew what to say.  I knew how to say it well.  I could say everything I wanted to say in a timely manner.  All because of the wonderful Mrs. Richman.  I can say with complete confidence that this has been one of my favorite classes that I have ever taken.  And before the class I wasn't even a fan of US history...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                My FANTASTIC Experience With APUSH :-)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Posted by Faith Brooks on 05/15/2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I do feel like this course prepared me for the exam, ESPECIALLY the FRQ and DBQ practices made me feel more confident on test day that I could write an essay in the time alloted.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I would say around 12 hours per week would be my average.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I LOVED the Interview. That would be my favorite assignment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes, this course definitely enhanced my interest in the subject.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yes, I did.  Having quite a few of the other APUSHers in the Lake Norman area (where I live) was INCREDIBLY helpful.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A student that would do well in this course needs to be hardworking, organized, and encouraging. Yes, I would most definitely recommend this course to other students.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Richman's wonderful class

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Posted by Jamie Wheeler on 05/15/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On a test recently, I needed an example for an argumentative essay about how to teach creativity. I was arguing that students learn to be creative by the example of teachers who teach creatively. I found that I had a perfect example of creative and effective teaching in Mrs. Richman's APUSH class. This is why.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Although Mrs. Richman teaches online, this actually enables her to give much more personal attention to each student than she would in a classroom setting. Each essay and written assignment, of which there is at least one every week, receives an evaluation from Mrs. Richman, often a lengthy and interesting one. On any topic that is brought up, Mrs. R. has some interesting and relevant historical information, and she encourages her students also to find such connections. The wide variety of assignments in the class, ranging from listening to audio lectures to writing a creative-format Biography Essay, provides something for every type of learner. Like to read? Check. Like to watch videos? Check. Like to discuss things with classmates? Check. Like to write analytical essays? Check. Like to play games? Check. Like to sing? Check -- I'm not kidding. With all the extra credit and the creative projects, there really is an opportunity for anyone to take this class and make it their own, yet the history never gets watered down.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I put about seven to eight hours a week into this class, not including the extra history books I read outside of class simply because they were interesting. I often spent more time than I actually had to, simply because the class was so enjoyable. I really enjoyed discussions with my fellow students, both on the WWWBoard and, in historical character, at the Dinner Party, where everyone role-plays the point of view of some historical personage.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If I had one favorite assignment, it would probably have to be the Bio Essays. The combination of a creative project, a multimedia presentation, and an fascinating story to tell makes it something that contains all the best features of APUSH, as it were, boiled down into one assignment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I feel this course prepared me very thoroughly for the AP exam, and it certainly did enhance my interest in the subject. I liked American history before; now I love it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Any student who's willing to work hard would do well in this course and enjoy it. Having strong study skills helps, but Mrs. Richman helps people learn them, with her weekly updates and her organization. Reading her very long weekly updates can sometimes feel at first like drinking out of a fire hose, but every word of them is helpful and important. A tip that will help you is to make a list every week of all your assignments for that week, from the Assignment Log, the calendar, and the weekly update. If you do that, it becomes comparatively easy to keep up with all the assignments -- then you get to focus on the fun part, which is doing them.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Richman brings each era to life with a wide variety of fascinating assignments (no busywork or drudgery here!) and a personal attention to each student that helps them learn how to explore history further for themselves. I couldn't have wished for a better history teacher, and I'm only sorry I can't take the class every year!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AP US History: Challenge with a lot of fun along the way

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted by Benjamin Moy on 05/15/2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you feel the course prepared you for the AP exam?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I definitely felt ready, and I say that without a doubt. During the test, the Multiple-Choice Question section (MCQs) were very easy to follow and answer; this was aided by the weekly questions Mrs. Richman posted, the 3 sets of MCQs we were required to complete each week, and the study group that I was involved in. Concerning the essay portion of the test, I was not as proficient in the essays, but I felt that I had a controllable grasp on the DBQ and two FRQs. Again, this was aided by the weekly essays that were required by Mrs. Richman. Thus, though the preparation may be challenging during the school year, the end result is definitely worth the effort and time. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    How many hours of work per day or per week did you generally put into the course?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Usually, I started my day off with AP US History, and I spent approximately 1-1.5 hours each day at the beginning of the school year. That equates to about 7-7.5 hours per week. As April and May approached, I started to add more review time, boosting that number to about 2-3 hours per week, about 10-15 hours a week.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Are there any particularly favorite assignments that you found especially valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I found reading the APUSH prep book by Larry Krieger to be very helpful in addition to the weekly MCQs. These two resources really helped to cement certain ideas and events in my mind, enabling me to adequately prepare for the APUSH exam.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did the course enhance your interest in the subject?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    This course really helped to expand and enhance my interest in American History. I entered with a fair but not extremely deep knowledge of U.S. History (i.e. wars, Presidents, MAYBE some major events), but I exited knowing dramatically more than when I entered; my brain is filled full of things like the Halfway Covenant, the New Deal, Railroad Strikes of 1877, Black codes, the founding of NASA, the Nullification Crisis, Horace Mann, Jane Addams, Alice Paul, Frederick Douglass, Thaddeus Stevens, Whigs, Manifest Destiny, the Beat Generation...simply put: I learned a lot and I enjoyed it immensely.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Did you find your communications with other students to be interesting or valuable?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I was involved in a weekly study group, and that really helped me get to know some of my classmates as we studied together. In addition, the WWW Board was a great place for me to acquainted with the conversations between Mrs. Richman, the TAs, and other students.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    What sort of student would do well in this course? Would you recommend this course to other students (if they are willing to work hard!)?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Haha, this is a relatively hard question to answer, but I would DEFINITELY recommend this course. Its rigor and intensity is not overwhelming at all; it just presents a challenge that can be easily conquered when aided by cooperation, hard work, determination, and effort. As a result, if a student is willing to cooperate with others, learn material, MEMORIZE FACTS, work hard, stay determined, and have fun, I think APUSH's for them.