
Writing the Sentence Workshop


Writing the Sentence Workshop for Summer 2024

Teacher: Odelia Chan

Email: teach@odeliachan.com

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"Call me Ishmael." "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."

Some sentences strike us psychologically, spark ideas and emotions in our hearts, or stay in our minds long after we've finished reading them.

What makes them special? 

Taking notes from How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One (Stanley Fish), The Elements of Style (William Strunk Jr.), literature, the world of advertising and copywriting, and artificial intelligence (ChatGPT and GPT-4), we'd explore how a sentence is formed, how it communicates an idea, and how you can create sentences worth reading. 

Each week of this 3-week workshop contains four daily in-depth lessons on the topics below, each with their own required response assignment that helps you read, understand, analyze, and engage with sentences past and present. Each Friday is dedicated to crafting a thorough, thoughtful project to reflect what's been learned during the week. (The best part of the course! We'd get to examine movies, novels, poems, and even GPT-3 produced content.)

Week 1:

  • Why sentences?
  • What a sentence IS (and what it is not)
  • The relationship between words
  • Which is more important—thought or form?

Week 2:

  • How to write a sentence (A brief overview of styles)
  • The subordinating style
  • The additive style
  • Satirical styles: The return of content

Week 3:

  • First sentences
  • When bots can write, what makes your words human?
  • To sell is human: The architecture of marketing through words
  • Last sentences


All lessons, assignments, and project details will be provided via email


$195 per student, per workshop. 

Who this class is for: 

Artists, writers, would-be authors and anyone who loves and/or works with words.


I'm Odelia - freelance copywriter, AP Literature and Composition teacher, and published novelist. I share my thoughts sporadically with the internet on my blog, where I explore the soul, mind, and environment of the creator. I also run a weekly newsletter on Substack, Percolations

How to register:

To register, submit payment for the correct workshop via the AP Homeschoolers website store. Once registered, you'd receive the workshop emails in your inbox starting the day of the workshop section chosen.

NOTE: If you have a busy summer but am still interested in the course, this workshop is also offered here: Writing The Sentence.

(If needed, you can access the refund policy for summer workshops here: http://www.aphomeschoolers.com/refunds.shtml)

These are the offered dates in 2024:

Workshop #1: Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 21 (Open)

Weekly Project Due: 
  • Sunday, June 9
  • Sunday, June 16
  • Sunday, June 23

Workshop #2: Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 26 (OPEN)

Weekly Project Due: 

  • Sunday, July 14
  • Sunday, July 21
  • Sunday, July 28

Workshop #3: Monday, August 5 - Friday, August 23 (OPEN)

Weekly Project Due: 

  • Sunday, August 13
  • Sunday, August 20
  • Sunday, August 27

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